John McColgan – Edited by Fir0002 via Wikimedia Commons

A fire ignited at a gender reveal party in the California wilderness has sparked a conflagration consuming thousands of acres.


It’s almost as if California is living up to the stereotype that most of its residents are idiots.

Amanda Head has her thoughts. What do you think?

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  1. I think that given the number of wing dings that run California and live their they should pay the fines and suffer the consequences which would be a novelty in California since only the innocent get penalized by the criminal and irresponsible people who live in that State.

  2. I do Believe in Gender. We are Born either female Or male. Unless one is transgender, then they take on their new gender. But, encouragng a boy to believe it’s a girl and encouraging a girl believe it’s a boy is totally ridiculous and should not be encouraged by the parents. Permitting a very young child to play dress up is ok but once again, should not be encouraged when older. This is usually normal and in time the act of cross dressing falls by the wayside.

    1. Yes, female or male…That’s sex… Biology. “Gender” is a purely academic construct with no basis in reality or science.

      1. its folks like you that make life a drag you know that?gender is a descriptive word for male or female, you want to walk around with your construct nonsense maybe some other fool will construct a wall around you

        1. Now go watch globalist media, cliton opinion and feelings network and learn which 1 of the 1,000 different genders they order you to “imagine” tomorrow, you don’t want to dress like the wrong gender and look like an Fing idiot .

    2. We need to turn that border wall north and run it up the eastern side of California all the way to the Canadian border then turn it west until it reaches the Pacific Ocean.

      1. Please DON’T include Washington State to align with CA. and all the idiots. Typ. attitude is a gender reveal party in the middle of dry, wooded terrain. Idiots is being kind!!

        1. The wall needs to be around Los Angeles, along the coastal cities, and most of the state of Oregon to the Washington border. Then around Seattle, which used to be a beautiful town until Antifa/BLM destroyed it.

      2. How about a little help getting rid of the filthy rich actually running OUR state. The so called big evil have been calling the shots and PLANTING who will run, I mean ruin this state! ITS $$$$$$, illegals and those who just WANT POWER! Born and raised here and too old to move out as so many have and are doing! If not taxed to death first! And do NOT fall for the scam CA is running on solar panels. Hitting the seniors big time. Say no more electric bills and a bunch of other lies! Sign here. Months later there is a lien on your house. Many have lost everything. I lost all my retirement to pay it off. Plus the Electric companies will tell you they give nothing free. Bill has no $$$$ due, BUT every few months you get a BILL higher than you would have paid monthly and not had the UGLY monsters on your roof!

    3. male and female have different body parts. So that is the Biology and the reality & science, what the mind thinks is has nothing to do with biology.

      1. What globalist media, cliton opinion and feelings network orders libby snow flakes to “imagine” 1,000 different genders has nothing to do with biology and reality and science .

  3. Yes they should pay with prison time. Yes they should pay a large fine. Finally they should be forced to pay restitution to anyone who lost anything in the conflagration they created. It would be much easier and cheaper for them to pass around a bunch of cigars with “It’s a boy”, “It’s a girl” printed on the wrapper. In California they should also make cigars that say “It’s a It.” if they can’t tell the difference.

      1. Some of the fault is CA law not allowing all the dead under brush and trees to be cleaned OUT! TREE huggers protested. SO tax us all to death. Here is an idea, BUY SOME WATER DROPPING PLANES! We used to borrow them from Canada, guess their PO d with us. Newscum has no brains, but lots of $$$ backing him. Get the states that have the same problem together and but 2 or 3 water dropping planes and share when needed! Save our fire fighters and be a help in dense terrain. Helos cannot carry as much water. HMMMM no $$$$ but have plenty for illegals, and to hell with homeless, seniors and fires that need help!

  4. I still say that the country would benefit if the Big One would hit and move the west coast about 60 miles to the east.

      1. No, Mr/Mrs Rivahmitch has it right. If the big quake happens and the ocean shore moves about 60 miles to the east, we would be rid of most of the liberal nit wits out there.

    1. You people talking about a big quake ending California have no idea what you are talking about! The plates grinding against each other are creating North/South opposing stresses. A big quake is not going to cause California to fall into the ocean. You also have no clue about Californians-there are still lots of Conservatives fighting liberal doctrine-

  5. So it’s not global warming or climate change but actual Libturdism that caused this, is what yer saying! But we already knew liberalism is a serious mental disorder…?

  6. I’m a conservative hard ass. It’s a stupid mistake but I refrain from slamming the couple. Maybe insurance will cover them losses but jail time….. NO. Fines… Yes…

    1. Right but after the lib politicians pay for destroying all the businesses and livelihoods of the people they have ruined with their taxes and idiotic rules/laws.

  7. What hell ever happened to having your baby and then tell everyone what it is. This state is going down the drain as there are way too many people here that have S**t for brains. Common sense in California is considered racist

      1. CA is run by 4 or 5 filthy rich families. They decide who and train who they want as the gov. Has to follow all their wants! To HELL with us! Help us get the rats ALL out. And don’t forget the illegals, far to many here!

  8. Wonder if anyone would miss California if it slid off into the Ocean from an earthquake loaded with idiots, and illegals, and oh yeah got include the Mayors? Just wondering

    1. How about including the Governor in that, He has Sh*t for Brains too make him swim for Japan see if he makes it .. I wouldnt mind if the invited Nancy Piglosi along too .

  9. They sure do know how to “F” things up out there don’t they ? Of course if they would practice proper forest management they wouldn’t have so many forest fires. I wonder if the fire warden issued them a fire permit, Most likely they never asked for one or it’s not required in that sh*thole state.

    1. Whack-a-doodle environmentalists have convinced them all that leaving everything in a natural state is best. Yet, they have out of control fires every year and water shortages constantly. Can build dams or water storage, can’t manage the forests or wild lands to grow stronger, healthier plants but can raise great fire fodder.

      1. Won’t even fix the dams that are leaking! Why not get OK from govt. to build water plants out in the ocean. Pipe it in, and what we do not need sell to surrounding states. We send ships with these plants on board when water is needed else where. JOBS JOBS and money for our state, plus water. Sorry plenty of water in the delta , BUT there is a tiny fishy in there and save them like some idiots would rather see farmers and crops and animals die. GEE, why not put mesh over the pipes that lets water through and stops the fish. NOT EDIBLE! Believe we sell some of our Nat/gas to other states! (hydration plants, salt taken out and purifide)?

  10. CA loves there tree huggers and dont do anything to keep forest from having lots of dead firewood and keeping them clean. Nature has been doing this for century and if CA does not to it Nature will for them. Hell CA has the worst power grid on the US and why all the rules Wind & Solar will not provide electric full time need other things and that dc power needs to be converted to AC that take more power, I dont really believe solar and wind save anything, producing the parts to make this power pollutes also. Why do other states not have to limit power to homes and business? I do believe it is all the crap CA does to save the world but most pollutes come from China that does nothing for nature. And all the crap about saving the world and weather will but NY, FL etc underwater a few years ago, but they just keep changing the dates to like well next year and on and on. All is a bunch of crap to get money out of the people

    1. All that smoke is polluting the air in Arizona as it drifts over by the wind.
      every year California has forest fires; it is a wonder they have any forest left. Maybe that is the point as the Climate Change people seem to think Forest along with cattle dung causes more Carbon in the air which in turn apparently hurts the Climate. My brain hurts.

  11. First of all, the idiots don’t have millions to pay in fines because well, they’re idiots. They probably don’t have thousands either, so what do we do with idiots who now have a newborn but just burned down everything from horizon to horizon? And let’s not forget the firefighters who have been injured because of this. Answer: dipshit Dad is now a fireman and dumass Mom serves food and drink to the beleaguered firefighters. If there is a 2nd issue ( say what???) then it’s the crossbar hotel.

  12. Amanda….
    Yes, there should be a fine, and Yes the people responsible should be held responsible!
    BUT….I also think that the idiots running that state, along with the rest of the Sodomites, should pay as well!!
    They believe is being separatists….so let them be separate and share the pain with their people and leave the rest of us out of it!!
    Only ones I truly feel for are the purely innocent wildlife that are being killed or run out of their natural domain!!!

  13. Wow! Reading these comments make me wonder who the real idiots are.
    My brother lives not far from the El Dorado fire (named after the park, El Dorado Ranch Park). This is tragic to say the least. Yes, the parents of the child whose sex they were revealing (the parents are not necessarily libs so “it” doesn’t work) were total boneheads for not making sure the fire (or at least been on their cells notifying the authorities of what they just did and requested the fire department to respond quickly) was out before they went on their merry way. Yes, I believe they should be financially responsible for every dime the state has to spend to not only fight the fire, but for everyone that loses their outbuildings, houses, etc. Crazy way to bring a child into the world …. At least 3 million in debt.
    Prison? No. Why should we pay to house the arsonists? Community service? Absolutely, in the San Bernardino National Forest RAKING (AZ has their forests raked and cleaned annually. Amazing they do not have annual fires like CA) all the dead debris out of the forest. Yep, it will take them a minimum of 30 years to accomplish the feat, but then, if NewScum would put all prisoners to working the cleanup in all CA forests, he could actually slowdown the forest fires and give inmates something to do besides complain about their misguided lives.
    Sinking CA into the ocean isn’t an answer and “scientifically” it will take about 100K more years for the San Andreas to shake that heavily for the tectonic plate to shift to the west.
    Building a wall around the west coast states won’t work either. You well be trapping millions of conservatives in the hell hole who are fighting to turn the states RED. We conservatives do not have you people backing us? No wonder its such an uphill battle.
    No, I really do not care if you do not like me voicing my opinion.

    1. As a 70+…native born Californian, now in WA State,
      I agree with you…….100%.
      Thank you, for writing my view…so succinctly. *S*

  14. They’re not idiots; they’re liberal elitists who are going to do what they want to do. They think what they want supersedes consideration of others and of societal norms.

  15. The Folks that Amanda is referring to should be punished to fullest extent of the law. How stupid are these folks that they would ignite fireworks during the driest time of the year in the middle of a historic drought!!
    The damage and loss of property is phenomenal, these idiots should also do community service on the fire lines with heroic fire fighters..

  16. What the heck does that mean, “They believe in gender reveal?” A baby is a boy or a girl? The death of wildlife, habitat and plants alone…horrific!

  17. I feel that they should be held responsible but unless they are independently wealthy they will never be able to do it. As far a child gender my wife and I did it the old fashion way. Checking. Your a man if you stand to pee and women sit. We never made it past a two gender decision.

  18. Bottom line is California is full of liberal insanity. The reveal party was one small example. The fact that ignored what happened in Florida when they mandated a stop to controlled burns that eliminated the tinder build up and mandated the same and now wonder why their fires get out of control. AND this is just one of their moronic ecological decisions.

  19. I think they are incredibly stupid to use sparklers to show the gender of their baby in a drought. I haven’t heard this from anyone but you, I don’t know you from Adam.

  20. One is supposed to clear debris & deadwood from backyards near hillsides alone for fire safety & NOT use fireworks amid tinder dry hills.
    Family should pay.
    Clear debris from backyard if near hillsides
    100-800 yards?? See local FD rules.
    ALL So No CA homes

  21. What a party bill u owe Kalifornication, but being that idiots that run the state, they probably make taxpayers pay the price, of their homes being burnt to the ground.INSANITY in all dummycrap run states.Pathetic idiots.

  22. Gender reveal, just look down , it’s pretty simple, testicles male , vagina female. Even you with masters and phd’s should be able to understand this. Even we ignorant conservatives understand this. Two genders period

  23. How in the world do you start a fire with a sparkler? Why would you not make sure they are out? I feel sorry for the child/children of this couple,because these people are going to owe a lot of money if they have to pay restitution on all those homes and property.The offsprings will be the ones to suffer for the parents stupidity.

  24. No. It was not done maliciously or intentionally. Stupidly I will agree. Is Antifa and the democratic party going to be held responsible for the millions of dollars of property they have destroyed All of this was done maliciously, intentionally and probably with planning. Antifa and Democrats, who will from here on be known as The Untouchables, surely should be held more responsible than an innocent couple with questionable judgement.

  25. Folks, If their is some thing hanging down between the Legs it is a Boy and if not then it is a girl, Always was, always is and always will be, Those new age dingbats from the left that try to change everything can go to
    hell. The great Majority like things the way they always been.

  26. We know there are really stupid people out there. Lots and lots, tons and tons. But this incident is one for the Guinness Book of Records for the Most Stupid People Ever Alive on Planet Earth.

  27. Just another or two Democrat victory elections in the People’s Republic of California and all the differences with the hell of Mexico will disappear.

  28. No mention here of the MILLIONS of gallons of fresh water from the mountains’ snow pack that gets dumped Into the sea in order to ‘protect the habitat’ of a 1/2 inch fish. Instead, Gavin and his henchmen tell the people they must conserve water. While they are busy taking water away from farming, they play around with the Dept of Forestry and are directly responsible for wildfires (water needed for that, too).

  29. Not all of God’s judgement will wait till His judgement bar. Personally, I am waiting for the BIG one to shake them. And I KNOW that they will not repent and turn to God, even then. They will turn to the government. I suspect that by that time, the government will be broke.

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