Photo by Gage Skidmore

Hunter’s N-Word

“n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.” – Hunter Biden

Center for Strategic & International Studies / CC BY (


  1. When are democrat voters going to open their eyes and see that the democrat party has not changed since the days it ran the plantations. They treat black Americans just like they treated their ancestors telling them that they aren’t smart enough to survive without their democrat masters????????????

    1. Liberals treat white people with contempt these days, and that is not considered ‘racist’ One Jewish woman described whites as being a cancer of history. Naturally, any reference to her tribe’s sorted background will elicit a full accounting of their debunked Holocaust. Racism has no defining color. People around the world display this human trait in many forms. To focus on any particular pedigree as harboring a more virulent distaste toward others is just plain stupid.

  2. This Biden has to be the dumbest asshole I’ve ever had to be around. Ignorant. Racist and stupid all in one

  3. The headline asked if the Bidens were the most Racist family in America and the answer is NO. That title belongs to the Obozos. That ARROGANT EGOTISTICAL MORONIC CLOWN Obozo all by Hisself did more Damage to Race relations in 8 years than the Democraps have since the Civil War ended.

  4. The left doesn’t care if they voted for a racist or not, because they don’t really care about racism, as evidenced by their actions to keep it alive. What level of racism is it that leads an entire political party to support the teacher’s unions over the inner city kids right to a good education? The Dems are the worst kind of racists and they trick everyone into thinking they are not through the complicity of the media in this country. Does the black community think the Dems are doing anything good for them or just stoking racism to gain more power? Obama ran for President and won twice, but in 2007 he gave a speech where he said we were 90% of the way there on racial issues and it was his generations duty to take it the last 10%. Well he had 2 terms as President and today he claims there is systemic racism everywhere and Biden says that white supremacy is our biggest threat today then can someone tell me how bad a job Obama did as President to drive us backwards this far?

  5. Like I’ve been saying, EVERY DAY IT’S SOMETHING NEW WITH biden/harris regime. More DESTRUCTIVE THAN EVER!!! This MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO ANY FURTHER. The bidens are RACIST, and they make it worse by saying they’re not, but they are up there with people like, sharpton, obama, waters,aoc, tlaib, omar, pelosi, schumer, ALL RACIST, ALL AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE. THESE PEOPLE HAVE COMMITTED SEVERAL CRIMES, ALL ON CAMERA, AND NOTHING FROM DOJ, FBI, IT ALL GETS SWEPT AWAY, AND THE VERY WORST OF THE CRIMES IS TREASON, AND THAT’S A DEATH PENALTY!!!

  6. the most racist ? NO but a close Third, first being berry Odingle, Second being hilIARy clinton, then we have the pelosi/schumer coalition, Then the squad Et-Al

  7. Biden is the most corrupt and EVIL man to be president of usa. He has brought shock and emmbrassment to this nation. What is so disturbing how far the Bidens and the Harris wil do to destroy our nation.

  8. Yep, he is pretty racist alright, but he also loves those little girls with the barrettes that cross their legs and look like 19 year old’s especially if he can get away with sniffing them.

  9. History shows that the Democrat Party and most of modern Democrats are hard-over racists. Biden is just the latest example. The Clintons were (are) racist; and the Obamas are the most racist of all the White House occupants. They get away with it because of a racist, lying news media. The modern MSM is the very worst thing that has happened to the US since WW II.

  10. Demonrats are the racists just listen to the filth that comes out of their mouth. They have destroyed our country with their insanity.

  11. Keep digging your holes, Bidens! Sooner or later the walls will collapse and we’ll hope to be rid of you.

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