Sgt Tatum Vayavananda via Wikimedia Commons

Audie Murphy

At 5’5″ and 110 pounds, few could have imagined how Audie Murphy responded to a fierce German counterattack in France. On January 14, 1945, Murphy single-handedly held off swarming Germans with a machine gun mounted on a burning American vehicle. When the shooting stopped, 50 German soldiers lay dead or wounded before him. Murphy refused medical assistance until reinforcements arrived. He received the Medal of Honor.


  1. Israel may as well get their armed forces ready! Biden is going to have a giveaway/firesale of the US when he gets in. Almost tempted to pray for him to die! But instead praying for him to somehow survive 4 years so the Ho doesn’t take over!!!!!!!! If the Ho does we may all be living in grass huts! Biden better make sure his secret service detail keeps him alive (not let Obammer or the Ho get him “erased”!)

    Or maybe we’ll have civil war number two?

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