Joe Biden at Camp David amid Afghanistan takeover by Taliban. Via White House

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH)

Congressman Jordan sent out a short, poignant tweet targeting Joe Biden amid the Taliban taking over most of Afghanistan. He wrote, “America’s in crisis. Afghanistan’s in chaos. Why’s Joe Biden on vacation?” Biden was on vacation at Camp David at the time of the crisis.


  1. If what has happened in AFGHANISTAN is BIDEN at his BEST I for one sure as HELL DO NOT WANT TO SEE BIDEN AT HIS WORST ! ANY ONE ELSE ?

    1. my neighbor’s aunt makes 62 every hour on the internet.. she has been without work for eight months but the previous month her revenue was 19022 only working on the laptop 5 hours a day.. check this …… 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐏𝐀𝐘𝟏.𝐜𝐨𝐦

    2. What has happened in Afghanistan is Trump at his best.
      Trump negotiated the deal last year before the election. He had already withdrawn 13,000 troops. The agreement he made required all US troops to be out of Afghanistan in may of this year. The withdrawal is later than what Trump wanted.

      1. But Trump had a plan for evacuation and conditions to be met or we would take action. Get real: Sleepy Joe has been in charge for 8 months. The blunder is Biden’s alone.

  2. A previous observation I posted about liberals is that they exploit conservative representatives as hawkish war promoters while they sit back helpless, feigning their resignation to bellicose resolutions, then blame those same conservatives when the coffins start arriving home, and military budgets balloon. They did the same thing with Bush. Indeed, Roosevelt ‘resisted’ the calls for America to engage our troops in Europe, until the well-timed Pearl Harbor attack would compel that demagogue to petition congress for a war declaration. Americans must insist that our troops guard our shores and our borders. Other nations have to fend for themselves if they take the course of conflict over diplomacy.

    1. The Dems will be blaming President Trump forever. They refuse to admit they’re wrong.
      Trump did not pull out the majority of troops overnight & claim it wasn’t going to be an issue with the Taliban on national television.
      Sleepy Joe could have safely evacuated all the Americans & Ambassador’s & their families, before televising his plan worldwide.
      He might as well, emailed & called the Taliban directly. In essence, that’s what he did!
      How does a President underestimate these vicious terrorists, who hate us & want to kill us.


    1. It is NOT Crooked Joe Briben, Michael, it is his WHOLE PARTY!!! Hell’s Bells, HE isn’t capable of making a decision on when to pee!
      The Democrat Party MUST be DESTROYED. It is simply the most COMPLETELY, TOTALLY UN-American piece of shit organization EVER!

      1. Biden’s entire administration is the most godless, heathen, bungling, corrupt administration in United States history. Impeach now.

      2. What you said is true of the REPUBLICAN party.
        The republican party must be destroyed.
        Unfortunatly, there are many with in the republican party that are hurting so many Ameircans that that destruction of the republican party is almost assured.

        1. Please explain how pulling troops out without concern for thousands of Americans left behind is Trump’s doing. Biden belongs in a nursing home, not the Oval Office.

      1. I totally agree . If we had anyone with guts enough to uphold the constitution of the USA, he would be out of there ASAP!! So would all the rest of the Democrats who went after Trump illegally and kept hounding him the whole time he was In Office and trying to impeach on false accusations! Also they rigged the election and no one has guts to arrest them and jail them!! The crime is clear up the latter and it is money pay offs !

    2. Everything you said about Biden is actually a description of Trump. Trump was and always will be the worst president we have ever had, and hopefully ever will have.

      1. And Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize twice! And the lowest unemployment numbers for all minority demographics in history! And the most prolife president. And supporter of our First and second amendment rights. And Warp speed on a vaccine! And energy Independence! And the USA became the largest oil producer in the world! And the launching of international women’s business initiative…and the list goes on and on.

  4. China will see this as US isolationism and believe that now is the time to take Taiwan, while threatening nuclear war, as they have done in the past.
    Biden will ask for the UN to condemn Chinese aggression and offer to send John Kerry to China to negotiate US surrender in Asia.

    1. Charles you are correct. As a matter of fact just hours ago the CCP just used this debacle to threaten Taiwan and everybody else in the region that thinks the USA is a reliable ally. This blunder has put our allies and ourselves in grave danger. The repercussions of this stupidity may be staggering.

    2. Send Kerry to Kabul with a rifle and to rescue all the Americans left there. That might get rid of him…for good.


  5. I guess even his sonBo is disappointed at bumbling Biden. Joe knocked Obama as the worst president ever. He single handed lost Afghanistan. He has always been on the wrong side of history. His voted against helping our Vietnamese allies out of Vietnam caused our Vietnamese allies to be tortured and killed. His vote was the deciding vote to throw the boat people leaving Vietnam under the buss. Bumbling Biden could ruin a soup sandwich

    1. This is what you get when a Goat is left to tend the cabbage path . Communists everywhere are laughing and celebrating .

  6. And as doddering old Fool Cho Bai Din Toddles off the stage he was heard to mutter something about it being Trumps fault….. ROTFLMAO

  7. And so now Beijing Biden is now Bagram Biden…in hiding, out to lunch as usual, just like the Afghan head honcho Ghani, while a nation we tried to save descends into the snake pit. God help the Afghans.

    1. He isn’t hiding , he’s in the basement at Camp David listening to the cheers of his thousands of Leggo supporters .

  8. The buck stops with me,,, or Hunter, as far as Afghan is concerned that’s all Trump’s fault, no questions, because we have no answers, surprise, surprise surprise, as you can tell by the photo taken at Camp David “we decided to take this action”, where are the others?

  9. Joe, to the American people, I’ve returned, The buck stops with me,,, or Hunter, as far as Afghan is concerned that’s all Trump’s fault, no questions, because we have no answers, surprise, surprise surprise, as you can tell by the photo taken at Camp David “we decided to take this action”, where are the others?

    1. His Leggo cabinet members couldn’t make it . They were busy building a big Leggo airplane to help evacuate people

  10. Seeing the picture of dementia jo wondering where am I, who am I, is someone going to wipe my butt, I want ice cream, how do I work this remote, is it nap tome yet!
    The handlers in the communist democrat cult party are not taking care of their puppet!

    1. No their not!!! And har ris is in hiding, actually she’s probably being groomed to take bid ens place. Sooooo scary!!!

  11. The worst terrorist are the modern globalist demonic democrat party who are working tirelessly alongside of the demonic united nations to enslave us in one world communism. That is those of us that do not die from the death poke.

  12. If Trump had done anything even close to the amount of unconstitutional things Biden does daily or failed to carry out his duties per his oath of office Pelosi would have had an impeachment hearing the next day, that is the illustration of the system in play with our media today.

    If you are not sure who to vote for in the next election the safest bet is find out who 95% of the media support at places like NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC & CNN and vote for the opposite candidate if you care about this country. Following the advice of what poses as news today from these “news people” is suicide for you, your family and this country. Instead of WTF it should be WTFU, the Wake The F%^& Up!

    1. Thank you P W , the most sensible post I have read in ages . I have come to the realization that to get the truth in most political oriented stories it will be the exact opposite of what they tell us .

  13. Joe won the elections from the basement, and, he gonna ‘oversee’ the withdrawal while on vacation…the demo(n)©rats must be so proud of him❓😆🍿

  14. If this is the best this old idiot can do I fear the worst😣😥.biden is the worst leader this country had and he on full display. may GOD have mercy on this nation!!

  15. What a total failure, of epic proportions, by hidenbiden,the lying,corrupt,sexualpervert,senile,frail,old,sockpuppet,fool,installed by the deep state, and minions, and their incompetence, in Afghanistan. This nincompoop, and generals,all need to be removed for total incopmpetnce.

  16. Don’t pick on ‘ol demented, brainless ,clueless , perverted Joe ….. he’s trying his BEST to be the WORST president in the hx of the United States of America people!!!!!!!!!! Give him a break….. NO NO NO NOT ON HIS HEAD !!!!

  17. Give him a few weeks. He’s trying to memorize, “”We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…”

  18. Biden is an utter disaster as our president but if the 25th Amendment removes him we get Harris who can then pick her VP. Talk about a terrible choice!!

  19. Biden just provided more evidence that he has not been on the right side of
    any foreign policy issue in his 50 years as a politician. He could have easily
    waited until winter when the Taliban would be in hybernation as they always
    are, but decided to go ahead against the advice of his military and thus cut and
    ran when the enemy was at its peak. His decissions to end our energy
    independence, end the building of the wall and the agreement s Trump had
    with Mexico were equally dangerous and ill advised. He is leading us into
    hyper inflation and a surge of self-imported COVIT19 cases. Are we going
    to last to the midterm elections? I can only hope so. The waiting for the next
    Presidential election will seem interminable.

  20. We never should have been in Afghanistan in the first place – just like we had no place being in Vietnam. Of course it is a disaster but even more so – is the waste of blood and money that is irretrivable. If Biden screwed up – it is not a scratch on the wound that Bush Junior opened up in the first place.
    Our empire is dead and gone – we need to cut our military and retreat back into America – leave other countries alone —-especially that bloody Israel

  21. Time for joe to resign way in over his head, it’s getting worse, Biden Blames Trump, Basement Joe, to all the American people, I’ve returned, The buck stops with me,,, or Hunter, as far as Afghan is concerned that’s all Trump’s fault, no questions, because we have no answers, surprise, surprise surprise, as you can tell by the photo taken at Camp David “we decided to take this action”, where are the others?

  22. I just had a send off breakfast for my grandson headed to college. My focus to him was stay in college because it may be his only chance for a good life under a liberal government which may very well lead us into war. My advise was you never want to be in the military during a liberal government because you most likely will die for nothing while in service to your country, hello Afghanistan!!

  23. Bidung ,Heels Up, Pelousy, Shitmer, and that Fat CRT Milley all should be standing in front of a wall. No blindfold, no cigarette, eyes taped open, no priest, no last statements, and gut shot.

  24. Ok, less than six months in office and we have a border crisis, inflation, men in women’s sports, a continued fake pandemic, and now a global crisis? Whoever is in Joe’s ear is giving some pretty poor advice… Obama? The election was stolen and unfortunately not enough republicans stood up for Trump so this is what we get.

  25. He is truly pathetic. I CRINGE when I see what world leaders are saying about America. Biden’s got NOBODY backing him up except crazy Pelosi, Schumer & that whacko Fauci.When the Taliban starts getting revenge IN the USA, these creeps will be in a Washington bunker.”We” will be fending for ourselves just like those in Afghanistan trying to escape the Taliban .

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