Joe Biden by RWDSU National via Wikimedia Commons.

Conservative Giorgia Meloni and her conservative coalition recently won the Italian elections, sending shockwaves across globalist Europe and false claims the country had gone “fascist.”

One of the strongest attacks came from Joe Biden, who is claiming her election is a threat to “democracy” despite the elections being held democratically.

The Daily Wire‘s Tim Meads writes:

Wednesday night, the president recouped his mental energy after calling out for a dead congresswoman to compare Meloni to autocratic dictators.

“Well, folks, you know — and I mean this sincerely; you’re going to think this is a little out of whack what I’m going to talk about — but, you know, democracy is at stake,” Biden told the crowd Democratic Governors Association Reception.

The president went on to say that there are examples of anti-democratic forces around the world while adding, “You just saw what’s happened in Italy in that election.”

“And the reason I bother to say that is we can’t be sanguine about what’s happening here either,” the president maintained. “I don’t want to exaggerate it, but I don’t want to understate it.”


  1. After politicizing the FBI and DOJ, Biden is the biggest threat to democracy. If you read W’m Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, you’ll see Biden and the “progressives” utilizing many of the same techniques Hitler used.

  2. Hoping the people in the US also wake up and see what’s happening in our country. Time for change here as well. Nice job Italy!

  3. Dumbass biden. Whats he going to say when Italy starts to prosper like the United States did under TRUMP.
    The asswipes in dc are destroying this country. But that’s what biden said he would do while he was campaigning. And you dumbass democrats voted for this piece of shit anyway…

  4. President Biden is absolutely right ! Fascism is spreading all over Europe , America and elsewhere and the election of this yes, fascist. woman to lead. Italy is extremely disturbing .
    America dodged a bullet when. America’s top fascist Donald Trump was voted out of office in 2020 ! Joe Biden is now America’s chief. fighter against fascism and he. must not be allowed to fail !

  5. Yeah, Biden’s handlers know all about threats to Democracy, as they themselves are the greatest threat to it.

  6. Joe Biden and Klann cannot stand the thought 0f people wanting a normal life and a good life for their children. Joe Biden thinks Boys should be turned into females and packing another man’s fudge maker is normal, and perverts like Joe Biden should be able to sniff little girls’ hair and parents have no say so

  7. It is getting old when democrats call other leaders a threat to democracy when Italians voted her in.Tired of dictator Biden calling half our country terrorists for disagreeing with his vision for America. He is a fool.

  8. It’s not democracy I’m so concerned about, I am far more concerned about preserving our constitutional republic.

  9. His speech just shows you that he is in rapid cognitive decline. Who calls out for a dead woman?
    Not once, but several times. What else does the cabinet need? It will only take an Impeachment Trial in the Senate after the Republicans win both the House and Senate. As far as the election in Italy, a democratically elected woman which he is calling a threat to democracy. We all know that politics goes in cycles ( Just like climate change !! ) and it’s not a threat to democracy, it’s healthy. Do we run like hell when the left leaning parties com into power, NO, we fight them until the next election!!
    Samuel Vinson Jr. (B.A. History/Teacher)

  10. “…but, you know, democracy is at stake” Yes Joe, it would be terrible if Giorgia Meloni were to use Italy’s government agencies to suppress her political opponents.

  11. well there they go again, commie democrat pedophile racist woke cult party calling anyone who does not drink their kool aid a fascist
    if you are not a commie democrat pedophile you are a fascist according to the commie pedophiles
    I don’t know why they keep the name democrat when they are not.

  12. The greatest threat to our Republic (not Democracy) and to freedom all over the entire world. Is NOT the LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF ITALY, It is not CLIMATE CHANGE. IT is not a bunch of AMERICAN CITIZENS that paid their own way out of their own pockets to go to Washington DC on January 6th and peacefully protest the STEALING of the 2020 election. Something that the entire nation actually witnessed if they were willing to look and has been partially documented
    in the movie 2000 mules.

    The greatest threat is a cabal of anti-GOD, anti FREEDOM and anti-HUMANITY alliances between
    Globalist Oligarchs, the CCP, Radical Islamic Nations, fully dedicated to the destruction of Western Civilization. A Civilization that has dragged almost the entire world out of physical, economic and intellectual SLAVERY by shedding its BLOOD, by dying in WARS and donating its resources both private and public to assist people all over the world to be able to live wealthier and freer lives. It was able to do this because their governments operated not under the thumb
    of despotic dictatorships but under the principle that the people should be allowed to live free and make their own choices and decisions for their lives under the law.

    It is the pursuit of individual freedom and happiness that pulls people out of the mire of poverty. It offers hope to the impoverished and inspiration to the individual minds of men and women, in as much they are willing to acknowledge the source of life and freedom from their Creator. Government has a responsibility to defend the FREEDOMS of its citizens not confiscated them. In a true Republic there is an order of authority, GOD is First, The Individual is Second and his family. Third is his Country that acknowledges its duties to the first two authorities to not circumvent and replace them with power hungry government.

    The Biden administration is the antithesis of FREEDOM. It is overwhelmingly CORRUPT. It is peddling soft platitudes and assurances through a complaisant media to an ignorant citizenry,
    while INTENTIONAL and aggressively promoting invasion and the economic destruction of our NATION!!! Unless WE the PEOPLE wake up and do everything in our power to VOTE and replace this government we will witness the complete take over by Marxist despots of the once freest and greatest nation on earth, and the entire world will sink into a Godless darkness like it has never seen before.

  13. The truth is the whole world knows Biden’s an idiotic troll who needs to be gone so Meloni will ignore his stupidity as will the world.

  14. Joe Bidens election is a threat to democracy and to the world and he is not criticizing himself…just projecting on others…typical facsist

  15. This is the type of leader we need for the US. Listen to her speeches and it is impowering to know that someone gets it. Where were headed and how she will correct the problems and get us back to a saane world.

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