Photo illustration of the Bible being banned.
Photo illustration of the Bible being banned.

In a disturbing act of intolerance, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, an organization advocating nontheistic values, is challenging the very core of American values and tradition. It has presented an outrageous ultimatum to the Leon County School District in Tennessee, urging them to ban the Bible or halt all book bans.

Notably, this incendiary demand follows the laudable efforts of a conservative group, Moms for Liberty, which succeeded in having five books – all considered inappropriate for high school students – removed from Leon County high schools. Christopher Line, an attorney for the Freedom from Religion Foundation, however, chose to label these concerned moms as extremists in his letter to the school board, stating, “We are disturbed that the district is removing books from libraries based on content taken out of context, at the request of extremist groups like Moms for Liberty.”

Adding fuel to the fire, Line further demanded that the Bible, a cornerstone of our moral fabric, be subject to the same scrutiny for “sexually explicit content.” This is a clear attempt to dismantle our conservative values and attack our First Amendment rights under the guise of fairness.

In response, Priscilla West, the steadfast chair of Leon County’s Moms for Liberty chapter, defended the sanctity of the Bible. She said, “Those who would prematurely sexualize children in schools also do not want children exposed to the Bible. But even if they managed to remove the Bible from school libraries, the Bible would still be widely available to all who choose to enrich themselves with its wisdom.”

The Leon County School District is yet to comment on the issue. But we stand with Moms for Liberty and all conservatives in their fight to preserve our fundamental values against this shocking display of hostility towards our nation’s faith-based heritage.


  1. I wonder how many people would be willing to ban atheists if they had access to information about how detrimental they are to society.

  2. I support Moms For Liberty, and I believe that we should fight to keep the Bible in our school libraries. However, we should not let our fight go too far, (It hasn’t yet.) Remember that we do not worship the Bible. We worship the God of the Bible.

  3. This site is a joke.
    The bible is filled with stories that children should not be reading! And if Priscilla is right, saying that “even if they managed to remove the Bible from school libraries, the Bible would still be widely available to all who choose to enrich themselves with its wisdom,” then what’s the harm in banning it from public schools?

  4. Enjoy burning in fire and brimstone Mr Line. Jesus is the living word and the word will destroy pure evil trash like you in hellfire and brimstone for eternity.

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