The movement of columns of the Russian Armed Forces and the protection of the bridge in the Kiev region during a special operation in Ukraine via Wikimedia Commons.

A former special ops veteran and Fox News contributor Brett Velicovich tried to warn would be American Rambos from going to volunteer to fight the Russian army in Ukraine on Wednesday, warning that such a stunt could be a potential death sentence to those without meaningful combat experience.

As Fox News reports:

While Velicovich continues to plead for help in aiding Ukraine, he warned Americans and other foreigners who are interested in joining Ukrainian forces that the war is “not a game.”

“At least half of the Americans I meet coming in to fight, I end up seeing leaving only a couple of days later because they don’t truly understand what they’re getting into and how bad it is on the front lines,” he said. “They got in way over their head.”

Velicovich warned Ukrainian forces don’t have enough weapons for their own people, and while foreign fighters mean well, they are taking body armor from the Ukrainians who need it the most.

Numerous other media outlets have documented the fate of untrained Western volunteers who have made their way to Ukraine to volunteer only to discover that they have walked into a devastating conflict which they are little prepared for.


  1. My chief question is where are Ukraine’s neighbors? Immediate candidates include Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. I understand but wonder about the wisdom of Turkey, traditionally Russia’s opponent.

    Seems somewhere in history, they developed a strained partnership. I believe Russia soon will fixate on the western side of the Bosporus. Romania and Bulgaria are a cinch to not interfere on this tiny land grab.

    Turkey’s tough but no competition for the Bear. This overreach won’t stop without stripping Russia of all its ability to make war, particularly nuclear war.

  2. OOPS! I forgot American Action News censors all of my comments. I’ve asked to be removed from their mailing list but they keep coming as if they think I’ll change my mind.

  3. Please stay in your own country, we all want to help. Prayers and equipment is what they need, Amen

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