Biden Says Election Count Will Last Days In HORRIBLE Partisan Speech

White House / Public Domain

Joe Biden addressed the nation in prime time on Wednesday night, only to spout the same divisive and partisan message ahead of the Midterms. The president warned that Republicans are a threat to democracy and incite political violence across the country. He also focused on January 6th, an event from two years ago that has little to no effect on American lives today. But one of Biden’s most concerning comments came when he said that, “In some cases, we won’t know the winner of the election for a few days, until after a few days after the election.” “That’s how this is supposed to work,” he added.

Biden blamed the delayed count on “more and more votes cast by early voting and through mail.” He stated that in many states they can not start counting the early, mail-in votes until the day of the election. In states like Nevada, mail-in ballots are sent to people who don’t even request them.

This country is called the United States, not the ‘Divided’ States, yet Biden continues to make half of the country out to be evil insurrectionists. He claims to warn against political violence but it’s speeches like these which radicalize people and pit Americans against each other. The president of the United States should lead with integrity but Biden opted for the cheap route by inciting divisiveness and demonizing his political opponents.



  1. It will end with you illegal president crying and screaming and we the people will be dancing and laughing and happy you are out of are government

  2. If a vote is not in and counted on election day, it should NOT BE COUNTED. This is simply nothing more than a liberal D scheme to CREATE the necessary votes to win once they know the the number required. WHY do Americans allow this more than obvious cheating when it does nothing more than eliminate the honest rule following votes. America has become so stupid during D rule, I am not sure America can ever be ‘the beacon on a hill’ that we once were. We either are or very close to nothing more than a two bit banana republic under D rule.

  3. What Befuddled Biden is actually saying is the Demon-crats are going to try to repeat the 2020 vote fraud activities.

  4. If they can drew out the voting they, the dems will find away to cheat their way to victory, like they did in 2020. They also like early voting for the same reason.

  5. Pedo Joe knows that it is Democraps who are the REAL THREAT to Democracy. It was they with the Help of the FAKE Republicans and RINOS that CHEATED Pedo Joe into office. Democraps LIE about the FRAUD that put Pedo Joe in Office but there are many many Democraps going to Prison for that very reason they committed VOTER FRAUD. Democraps have no chance to win without CHEATING and they know it. But the People are making sure that they CAN’T CHEAT so Pedo Joe is using THREATS and LIES to try and win because they can’t win any other way.

  6. Well, some states sent out thousands of either duplicate ballots or ballots to people not allowed to vote, so yeah, I guess that screws up the time it takes to count if they’re trying to find and remove them?

    The states that counted ballots after MIDNIGHT broke FEDERAL LAW!
    SCOTUS ruled on this back in 1997. It was a unanimous decision!

  8. Seems Biden & Co. are the biggest cancer on our country now. Just take a look at this guy!!
    What is he trying to set us up on? The Great Pretender!!! So many gaffs and inaccurate
    statements!!! The Red wave is the only solution for now!!! Make it happen….

  9. The dems will need time to fill in fake ballots, they will find them in closets, under tables, in back rooms, will have to wake up the dead. You name it they cheat. Every one needs to keep their eyes open.

  10. That’s because they need to see how many fake ballots need to be delivered after the election to overturn the true winners

  11. Joe Biden committed voter intimidation and election tampering during an address the nation in prime time on Wednesday night ahead of the Midterms. The pRresident warned that Republicans are a threat to democracy and incite political violence across the country.

  12. It takes time to print and distribute 30-40 million fake ballots, to steal the White House like Dems did in 2020!

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