Gay Pride flag in Athens, Greece, via Unsplash creative commons license:

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)

“Virtually all of us have family members or friends who are gay, and I think that’s changed the dialogue,” said Collins, who will vote for the bill.

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons


  1. Gays have been allowed to be married foe years now!!
    and news flash: not all gays are Democrats!! My neice is gay, happily married to her partner, and know who they voted for? TRUMP!!!
    One of my best friends is gay. Know who he and hos boyfriend voted for? TRUMP!!!

  2. The “undecideds” should not even be on this list, although we already know which way Mitt will go. This list is mostly click bait for the advertisers. The ones who will support the bill are no surprise and, as usual, are merely pandering to a small minority to get their votes. Morality be damned.

  3. MORE Democrat virus is here, what a geat unAmerican idea, forget our immigration laws forget the tax payer, because brain dead biden wants it to happen, open borders have brought in crime, drugs and diseases, monkey pox, polio is back in the Unites States now, impeachment and jail for oath breakers virus spreaders will follow. ID CARDS FOR THE VIRUS INVADERS?

  4. Let’s go Brandon!

    McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy Eyepatch McCain! Mud Romney, Liz Cheney, Lisa Murkowski, John Cornyn, Mike Pence, Dr. Oz, Adam Kinzinger and the rest of the RINO swamp rats need to be voted out or kept out of office!

  5. Same sex marriage is not a “radical left wing cause “. There is not one shred of evidence that it is in any way harmful to children or to society in general . And if you don’t like same sex marriage, don’t marry someone of the same sex . Who is forcing you to do this ?

  6. And people wonder why the US is going down the tubes. God will not honor those who do not honor Him. Our fate will be the same as Sodom and Gomorrah. These democrats probably have never touched a Bible. Sad for them; sad for all of us.

  7. DON’T CARE what flavor of the week you are! and Who or what you have sex with. Sick of hearing about it and all the public money, BS spent trying to make me accept it. It’s a commie plot to screw up this country, when you wake up with whatever your having sex with and the commies are in control. They are going to sending you to the gulag or terminate you. All the rainbow flag waving won’t do a thing for you. Wake up people this is just a BS distraction to destroy America. China has Biden / son and many others in their pay roll pocket, and they are planning on taking American down for a farm colony. So, while you’re worrying about what or who to put up your ass the country is falling apart around you.

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