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Trump’s Taxes

Trump-appointed Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh betrayed President Trump by siding with liberal justices to force the President to release his taxes, opening the door for the erosion of privacy for Americans regarding their taxes and who can demand to see them.

Gage Skidmore via Flickr


  1. I think President Trump was led down a bad road by Rino Republicans who was reccomending these judges for Supreme Court.. Personally I didn’t like Gorsuch or Kavanaugh. They were recommended by Bush and one other liberal republican. He needed to find the most conservative he could find and settled for half ass liberals . Coney Barret is a conservative fraud. Should have known coming from Norte Dame. Libtard U. She lied about her false conservatism

    1. Some are saying she is the “dead” daughter of Biden that was supposed to have died in that crash with her Mother> Biden organized the accident to go higher in the Freemasons.

  2. Dems don’t need to pack the Supreme Court, they already have enough liberals in Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to get their fundamental transformation of our nation into their communist utopia.

    1. Well put. Wonder WHAT it’s like to KNOW you’re going to be one of the “Elitist“ of the Elite Rulers in the Communist Utopia…. for LIFE. 🤔 ?

  3. This Trump?

  4. if you betrayed some one watch out it is coming back to you, bad karma can not be erase , you are stuck with it , As far as George BushJr & his using the White House to get rich, his father George Bush Sr. was a user too when he was the head of Central intelligence under president Gerald fod he & Lolo Soeterro Barack Obama /alais Barry Soeterro our x-Illegitimate president who had his American birth certificate doctored up when he entered the USA a Foreign National born in Kenya who’s step father Lolo Soeterro Ceo of Standard oil company married to the now alias Barack Obama did hits on the oil companies so their families can get rich , Barack Obama never wanted the American people to know his step father Lolo soeterro was white & his mother was white as well , he did not like white people & never mentioned his parents at all neither when he ran for office nor during his Illegitimate presidency, but used his color to get the black vote. Lolo hid his money made from the hits on the oil companies in Indonesia & left 1/3 of his fortune to his step son Barack Obama alias Barry Soeterro so that the USA government would not find out about the money , Mr. Obama has operated ghost governments since he left office 7 Illegal wire tapped Americans even after he left office wants a 3rd term today using fellow Democrats such as Lori Lightfoot whom has a brother in the republican party , to build his entertainment center down town Chicago, he does not want to build a library , a library is a place for books, he want a never ending place where he could make money, so he can get rich off of the American people as has has been & did during his Illegitimate presidency just like Ms. Oprah Winfrey did who gave him the money to run for office due to problems in their marriage, then betrayed the American people , I will say Ms. Winfrey has tons of bad karma & Mt. B.H. Obama /alias Bary Soeterro , as well tons of bad karma , who has damaged millions of Americans through out the USA, They were not running this country they were flooding their bank accounts with money not doing anything for the better of the American people it was for the better of their personal bank accounts amen it will all come out soon & very soon, I do not give any one power or authority to speak on my behalf.

    1. Most of your facts about Hussein Obama are false…. He did use his White mother when running for his fake , illegal presidency as a tool to lure in whites and blacks, saying he was mixed . He is married to Michael a transgender ( planned) they adopted the two girls from surrogates . Never had a single President … wouldn’t fly . Barrack was groomed and placed into position by Louis Farrakhan and other radical Muslim preachers. Had to get that MUSLIM foot in the door. They even over looked the fact Obama is GAY . Used to frequent gay bath houses ! We have had some real doozies in the White House, Trump, jFK and a couple more are the only True Patriots !

  5. Trump has never been able to surround himself with loyal people because he’s only loyal to his own intelligence. Let’s not be too critical. Justices have fooled Democrats and Republicans alike over the decades. No one can read minds. And the nation isn’t betrayed only a policy or a belief and there are many of those. When reelected he’ll figure out a way to fire them.


  7. Alito and clarence are the only to SC judges worth a shit. All other are treasonous unamericans!

    1. Has Anyone EVER heard of a Sicker thing than a LIFETIME APPOINTMENT for Anyone that holds Such power?! It’s Unconscionably Preposterous!
      Our forefathers stepped on their dicks with THAT one.

  8. Conservatives? Wolves in sheep’s clothing they are. They have inflicted damage upon this Republic from which it may never recover. These Quislings, along with Mike Pence…well, I regards them as opportunist turncoats. They have betrayed We (Us) the People. A pox upon them all.

  9. All Supreme Court Judges that don’t adhere to the Constitution and Bill of Rights should be disbarred! They don’t have the right to make law from the bench! They are there as the Referees to determine that laws being written do not violate our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
    Communist democrat cult members do not abide by our Constitution and Bill of Rights and want to dictate by mandates!

  10. Pres.Trump stand’s alone, he has made err’s yet not with malice nor crimanal intent-His
    record is of Victory,for America was lifted out of the swamp’s of ignorance and brought
    to the light of day-We,were made rich by his Art of the Deal’s for USA-Judge’s who turn color’s are now known-Steping back looking at the Politic’s from afar-Motive’s&Payoff’s are a great motivation for cheater’s to earn a buck-As The Trump Caravan move’s forward in an earned
    election victory-The dog’s will bark-Yet,the wheel’s of natural selection,progress,move forward.

  11. These Judges are all part of teh corrupt system. Behind the scenes, John Roberts was a total Rino and a lot of the decisions were swayed by him, but still these are people used to bribes, threats, blackmail, coercion etc. Often they threaten the families

  12. Where is their integrity. They lack integrity.Does anyone have courage and faithfulness to a man who respected them. This world is loosing so much. This is what they do to Jesus Christ betray the one who suffered and died to give them eternal life. No one cares anymore. Honesty and integrity went out the window.God help us all

  13. I guess doing the right thing for the country and abiding to the Constitution does not matter as much as being partisan.

  14. There is a big error in your story. The Courts, especially the Supreme Court, are to be non-political, non-partisan, non-biased. The justices are to be autonomous. They are to uphold the laws and the Constitution. Not deciding on whether or not something leans Left or Right. Real Americans can’t have it both ways. Either we stand for Righteousness, for the Constitution and for Separation of Powers or we don’t.

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