Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

After months of halting speeches and flubbed lines, Americans are now evenly split on the question of whether 78-year-old Joe Biden can meet the mental and physical demands of the presidency.

That’s according to a poll released by Rasmussen Reports, which finds 50 percent of Americans are “not confident” when asked if “Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being president of the United States.”

Forty-eight percent say they are “confident,” with just 34 percent saying they are “very confident.”

The poll was conducted prior to Biden holding his first press conference, which didn’t happen until two months after taking office.

Rasmussen found 52 percent of Americans were concerned with Biden’s reluctance to speak with and take questions from reporters.

The poll found that 52 percent “includ(ed) 37% who are Very Concerned. Twenty-four percent (24%) say they’re Not Very Concerned and 22% are Not At All Concerned.”

That Rasmussen poll comes on the heels of another in which Americans are almost evenly split on whether Biden will finish a first term, be re-elected, or lose re-election,

Only 37 percent of those polled “think it is more likely that Biden will be reelected in the next presidential election.” Only 15 percent of Republicans believe Biden will be re-elected, along with 62 percent of Democrats and 29 percent of “others.”

Thirty percent of all Americans believe Biden will resign before finishing his first term, and just 23 percent believe Biden will lose in 2024 to a Republican.

Michael Brigham has written for American Action News since the summer of 2019. His areas of expertise include foreign affairs, government, and politics, but regardless of the subject matter, he has a nose and an insatiable appetite for news. In his free time, he enjoys reading nonfiction, watching a mix of comedies and true crime documentaries, and spending time away from the swamp hiking in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.


  1. I am still in shock he won this time around! Too bad so many judges wouldn’t allow signature checks, or election officials allowed vote counting after the poll workers went home. It’s crazy that they got away with it!

    1. Retard joe won by voter fraud and the help of idiots calling themselves judges Therefore I’m calling on all patriots to refuse to comply with any laws or executive orders that he signs. The same for his token ho when she takes over while joe blow is sitting in a rest home

      1. Racism disqualifies your opinion here. We’re talking about election integrity. Joe is blah but not retarded. And since you already know please tell me how many of those idiot judges were appointed by Trump. You’re inferring my man was an idiot! Don’t mind spreading civil disobedience but I’ll likely see you in jail

        1. In jail? Listen up Gardner fixer. The old fool is a damned retard. And racism? He said early on that he would only pick a woman of color. So you tell me what the hell a token is. And it’s common knowledge that Kamala screwed everything swinging to climb the ladder. So ho applies if she’s black or white. So go ahead and suck up to the commiecrats. And the judges were either threatened or bribed.

      2. Some sources, behind the curtain declare Mr. Biden is gone and an actor(s) are playing him. We won’t find such news on regular t.v. President Trump’s declaration that one of his goals has been to Drain the Swamp. These actions can be found on alternative websites free of government control. One just needs,if they choose, to seek them out. Quite remarkable what is occurring.

  2. scary thinking of the “half” that do not think he is clearly not only impaired but basically “dead” and convalescent

  3. The election was STOLEN!!!! FRAUD!
    people need to wake before we lose our country to socialism. It’s happening people.

    1. I’m still waiting for proof. Perhaps the 60 lying judges and lying Attorney General and all the other liars fooled everyone. I’m waiting for the 230,000 taxpayer paid election workers in your city village and county to admit to the bribes they took to get Biden elected. I’m also waiting for anyone to expose or identify the couple of million volunteers who must’ve dumped millions of republican votes in the blue States to get Biden elected. He did win the popular vote by millions.

  4. Good Morning if we let him stay as president and his administration the people of America will be speaking chinese before you know what happened because he’s in there pocket along with all of the dems and big tech companies so he’s got to go

  5. I’m surprised that actually 50% think he is up to the job. That figure seems way too high to me. But apparently the poll was taken before his !@#$show of a press conference.

  6. Biden is the worst USA President EVER-!!! We’ll be lucky if we have a country by the end of his term.

  7. Only the Good Lord knows why this idiot (and I’m being kind) is in the White House! Nobody seems to admit to voting for him. And, the alternative, a/k/a Kamala, doesn’t seem to be much of a viable choice. Guess we’re doomed! Oh yeah, thanks so much for besmirching probably the most capable President we’ve had in years, that being, of course, Donald J. Trump. At least he loves this country and wants only the best for us….not hellbent on destroying us!

  8. i agree 100 % was a Fraud on 2020 Election snd 2021 Senators election . Fraud.Fraud. If we stop talking about little by little will end up like Venezuela, Cuba Great snd Rich Countries, look at them now. Socialist, making a line on the street to get a dozen of eggs, that they get every month . Same with shoes a pair every year. So let’s start talking about this problem and demand they show us the contrary, thanks

  9. I can’t believe that that many people thinks he’s competent!?? The guy is a bumbling, fumbling, brain dead moron. He’s rolled out like a corpse or manikin and made to mouth words he doesn’t even understand.
    Did they take the poll at the DNC?
    He’s a clear and present danger to all Americans.

  10. My two cents for what it’s worth.The only reason why the USA hasn’t been invaded is the number of guns Americans have and they know how to use them.
    I hate to say this but America is on the ropes and I think if it goes on much longer there will be a civil war and it will be nasty think about all the veterans and their combat experience etc I could go on and on. The first high ranking political asshole that gets the bullet and it will begin American people will only be pushed so far.

  11. He’s mentally incapable of being president. That’s why his handlers won’t let him around people that have a clue. Barry & Soros are calling the shots. It’s sad and sick that people think he’s doing a good job. Must be watching CNN. 🙄

  12. I , along with millions of others know Trump was blatantly robbed and the Senate was stolen as well, and in just a few months Biden has shut good jobs down in the oil fields and pipelines, and caused a lot of unescisary problems at the border I guess is dementia really kicked in when he made the decision to open our borders, terrorist come in that way tool BIDEN AND HARRIS should be impeached immediately an Pelosi and Schumer should goes to prison in they’re roll in all the illegal coverups and treason

  13. If he won through fraud when the senate and the executive were in GOP hands he’ll certainly try and succeed in doing it again while having the congress, the Senate and the executive. I doubt the country will ever fully recover from this epical disaster.

  14. Who in God’s name conducts these polls? And where to they possibly find 34% of their polltakers who say they are extremely confidant bumbling Joe can manage anything more strenuous than sitting in a nursing home, drooling. That’s 34% of their polltakers who are either blithering idiots or flat out blind! And only 50% have no confidence?? To quote biden himself, “come on man” are they joking?
    The man is hopeless. Worse than hopeless. He’s destroyed jobs & industries. If we give him very much longer, he’ll have to give away the entire country, or we will find ourselves in the middle of another pointless war – or worse. The buttons this guys pushing could put us into world war three!

  15. What is wrong with America??? Are you all so wrapped up with getting through today and put up with the same crap tomorrow??? Our Country is being infested with Illegal ALIENS that want us surrender and give them everything we have and then they will blow us up. It is not just a matter of Mexicans walking into the U.S. Why can’t you lazy jerks see what is happening??? You sit on your ass and try to save a dollar. What a joke!!! Let me tell all of you, if you think Biden and his gang of assholes are making America a better place to live. open your eyes The dollar is worth about as much a single piece of toilet paper for wiping your fat asses. We now let anyone that wants to walk across the border including all of our enemies , Drug lords, terrorist rapists, murders, and scum bags from around the world. I MUST ASK YOU!!! DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN A SOCALIST COUNTRY??? Everything that Trump was fixing is now in the garbage. Borders have been breached, gas is $4 a gal. We are dependent to buy energy from our enemies’ and we are the laughing stock of the entire world. You dumb SOB’s, that are thinking that the Bidden administration is good and will take care of you. He is so incompetent that it is already called the Biden/Harris Administration. Jus another new norm that is forced upon Americans. HOW CAN 50% OF AMERICA MAKE A STAEMENT THAT HE IS DOING GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. It has to be the 50% of our soon to be new Citizens., that we will become their servants. While they enjoy what we built over 240 years. They don’t care about you or me. It is another sit on their asses and do nothing. just give me, give me, and give me like they are babies and eat, cry, shit, and make us (Americans) clean their messes at our expense. AGAIN, I MUST ASK. DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN A SOCALIST COUNTRY??? If your answer is yes!!! then move your dumb asses out. Then take 240 years to build your own stagnant world of anti-civilization of scum. I am telling you we must stop this insanity, now

    1. Wow. You’re really angry. Which was it that they took away from you? Your toilet cleaning job at the hotel? Your dishwashing job? Your roofing job? It wasn’t that you really liked picking tomatoes in the sun? I don’t want them either but I’m certainly not going to do any of their jobs. I can’t comprehend what it would cost me if those aliens weren’t doing all these jobs.

  16. DIRTY JOE DIDN’T WIN THE ELECTION! The SWAMP CREATURE DEMOCRATS STOLE the election we know it and they know it! Now they don’t want VOTER ID.
    What’s so sad is they think if you PROVE WHO YOU ARE IT’S RACIST!
    Everyone knows that you can’t do a DAM THING without a ID!
    The SWAMP CREATURE DEMOCRATS think people of color are to STUPID to know how to get a ID!
    You have to remember that the DEMOCRATS are the party of RACISM!
    The DEMOCRATS are the party that didn’t want FREEDOM FOR THE SLAVES!
    Yes the years have changed but not their THINKING! THEY STILL WANT TO ENSLAVE PEOPLE OF COLOR!
    So sad because people of color let them!

  17. It is a fantasy to think half-wit Biden got more votes than Obama or Clinton unless several millions were fraudulent, one way or another. Even most democrats know this. They just don’t care. He is not only a half-wit but a corrupt one, a puppet of China, Obama and the far-left. He might be able to run a lemonade stand but not a candy store which is a little too involved for this partially demented crook.

  18. Really That Many! They must be mentally and physically impaired too!

    Remove all communist controlled democrats from office! period.

  19. I think joe obiden’s mind is getting sharper, the more evil he puts out.
    I used to think he did not know what he was doing. I believe he does.

  20. Your needed now use your position to stop corruption.
     Stop tax increases, stop tax spending, stops the Biden economic disaster plans, crazy partisan tax and spend democrat, liberal, socialist idealism plans will hurt our countries effort to reduce debt. We have an old man, with old ideas, that thinks he can change our country’s principals, based on his corruption, paid for by the Chinese communist government. Support a criminal investigation into the Biden family corruption. Close tp 300,000 thousand, have already signed this petition. Hunter Biden still has strong ties to communist Chinese companies which represents a conflict of interest for our Country, sign the Judicial Watch Petition today and help save our Country. 

  21. The 50% of Americans who thinks Granpa Badfinger is fit to be President are not mentally fit themselves.

  22. The half of Americans that believe Biden is “physically and mentally up to the job” apparently suffer from the same mental and physical handicaps as Biden.

  23. They should make this poll once a month while Biden’s asinine policies are taking affect so we can see his popularity slide in real time. These dumb dems should have it figured out by then, but maybe not!

  24. Both sides of the issue, mug on one side and wump on the other is what they used to say “mugwump” for a person who played both sides of the fence to gain recognition or votes and Joe has said everything for and against everything so where does he stand? It’s certain that an old man in his dotage doesn’t know so it looks like that may be the case for the guy since he spouts every lie he is told by the party. His Unity for the country is a lie, no problem at the border is a lie , no pandering for recognition by foreign governments by paying for it ( LeChine and Ukraine ) to members of his family is a lie, and the “we didn’t stuff the ballot box with absentee votes unsupported by identification” is also a lie , Who knows how many of the eighty million votes hastily garnered by the ruse of absentee balloting and override of States Rights voting rules by only the donkey party leads us to the kadonkydonk conclusion that we won’t see any consistent party platform of improvement while he is up there, only “Banana republic bombast and posturing”. Now it is obvious that the first amendment right of free speech is under severe attack along with the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. I guess that erosion is a law of nature but as one Dylan ( Thomas ) said ” rage, rage against the dying of the light ” and the other Dylan ( Robt. Zimmerman ) described society as “Desolation row” and the Great “Subterranean homesick Blues”!

  25. This is the reason for conservative states tightening up their election protocols. Joe Biden wouldn’t have come within a country mile of winning the presidency if the fraud were not allowed. The American people were hoodwinked and we’re NOT going to allow it to happen again! The Left can dream all they want about passing that HR-1 to give them a permanent hold on government, but if it passes, all hell will break loose and they will regret it mightily.

  26. Only Half of Americans say Biden ‘Physically and Mentally up to the Job’

    The half saying 3rd world schmoe is up to the job are “woke,” meaning they are walking around in a coma.

  27. Biden needs to be impeached for failing to adhere to his oath as President of the US which states he will protect our country and the welfare of our US citizens. He is in violation by:
    1. failing to protect our country by allowing illegals, many who are criminals bringing drugs and crime and evil doers into our country without proper vetting
    2. failing to STOP the spread of the coronavirus and other diseases to US citizens by allowing people illegally into our country with the coronavirus and other diseases and not testing them or separating them from US citizens, but letting them go into US towns to spread further disease!
    3. The money needed to support these children and people into the US for food, clothing, shelter, medical attention, schooling and hopefully jobs to support themselves, though unlikely, will put an enormous unwarranted strain on the US citizens’ money which will no doubt be raised by creating higher taxes passed onto all of us- not just the rich. There is a domino effect that will reach everyone for taxes on the rich and corporations will be ultimately passed down to others.
    4. All this, not to mention the inhuman conditions Biden has created with his deceptive and ill- advised policies. Time to impeach a US President that does not meet his responsibility to protect the nation and the welfare of it’s people!

  28. Physically and mentally? Are you kidding – Biden has already proven himself to be a disaster for America – do not kid your self that he is even running this show – he is far too incable – tha tis, unless it is your leftist wish to destroy the USA – which will include you too no matter what your income or net worth are.

  29. Pedo Joe is UNFIT as is the Ho. Had Democraps not HATED President Trump and America so much they would not have CHEATED Pedo Joe and the Ho into office. The REAL person they wanted in office was the Ho but America did not want that COMMIE WANNABE FOOL in power. Now Democraps will replace Pedo Joe with the Ho after a few more of his FAMOUS FEET in MOUTH gaffes. Then America will be doomed. So everyone better Pray that Pedo Joe stays in office till after the MidTerm election and that Republicans like President Trump take back Congress.

  30. This poll is really wrong. If you do your polling in DC, Chicago, and NewYork metro areas this is the result you will get. More like 70% unfavorable.

  31. Fifty percent of whom, 90% of USA citizens know joKe is a squatter in the WH and was placed illegitimately by the Ca oligarchs everyone in the WH contributed to the election fraud, and everyone else that benefited from it like Alex Padilla the SOS of CA gave 35 million from taxpayers money to his campaign and in exchange took the vacant Senate seat of the ho easy way to get appointed into a higher position instead of paying for the election fraud.

  32. The half that said Biden is physically equipped to do the job as president must be mentally deranged themselves. Or they are flat out lying or in denial. Biden is definitely mentally inadequate and most probably physically incapable of the true rigors of doing all the work necessary to complete the office of President of the US.

  33. Hopefully, he’ll be dead by 2024! But, then we’ll have either harris or nancy. I’ll bet nancy!

  34. We already know how the half of the country with brains voted and answered this poll. I would be interested in how many of those who voted no confidence also voted for Comrade Biden. To them I say: tough tittie. You reap what you sow.

  35. The t.v. news is highly restricted to tell Americans what’s truly happening. Regarding the vaccines, Frontline Drs. Declared the the vaccines were still in the experimental stage. Other source Drs. have posted that the vaccines have been made to depopulate the world. We’ll find out sooner or later.

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