U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Paul D. Honnick

“If I Ran the Zoo”


  1. Can we stop all the censorship? You don’t like something, be an adult and don’t use it or support it! Such childish crap!

      1. That’s the liberal game. They use it, WOKE, & accusations of sexual harassment to gain power, control minds, & oust those out of public office who will give them too much competition. The liberals are an extreme threat to American free speech, freedom of choice (especially in elections), free thought & basic liberties. They are truly a fascist intolerant very dangerous group. We are being overtaken by tyrants!

          1. No, Catherine, that is not going to go away. It’s too big even for DemonBrats to ignore all the deaths at the command of Dictator Cuomo…Let’s not forget the other 4 Govs who followed Dictator Cuomo’s lead, they need to be held accountable too Rest assured all this will come out, light always conquers dark

        1. The ‘Game’ is played by both parties, while the American people watch their leaders being embroiled in more Scandals, Corruption, Blackmail (Epstein), Globalism, Wars and Demagoguery. We can and we must return our government structure to the form outlined by the Constitution. Only by our authority should leaders function within their various positions, and not allowed to orchestrate the expansion of their powers beyond those parameters. That authority includes our removing these leaders by force.

      2. Gene, the liberals won’t quit unless they are broken in court with judgements and legal fees. As the old saying goes, SUE THE BASTARDS! There IS a First Amendment; if Congress won’t do its job, haul the bastards into court.

        1. globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet barry soetoro appointed all the correct criminals to the correct positions to protect their criminals .

      3. Only globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet democrat criminal party and globalist puppet rino criminal party and globalist media and globalist puppet, libby snow flake sheep are racists .

    1. The libs are trying to destroy or culture and our country is there anything that doesn’t offend them?

    2. There are people who like starting trouble just to see how people react. I had a wife that loved to tell lies about people just (in her own words) to watch them squirm trying to get out of trouble . These people are no different . You are right , it’s just childish behavior .

  2. The Beatles were prophetic in their fine film The Yellow Submarine. The Fabulous Four had to fight the Blue Meanies, who took great authoritarian delight in forbidding others to do things that they enjoyed. This situation is no different: tinhorn bullies who want to snuff out our cultural icons because we treasure them. Note what color the killjoys were: BLUE.

  3. So exactly who is it that has been given the power to ban Children’s books books? and to keep than from being distributed and published.
    WE can now full well expect that childrens books will only be allowed to be published if they affirm leftist philosophy. Like Hallmark who have decided that they must have LGBT in every new family movie – who decides and who gave them the power?

    1. Unfortunately, we the people, gave them the power. Amazon for instance refuses to carry certain things but we continue to buy from them and make them even more powerful. I, for one, have stopped buying from Amazon. I just buy directly from the source. Sometimes it’s more expensive but my freedom is worth it. This is just one example. I agree about Hallmark movies as well so I don’t watch anymore. The only way things will change is if we put our money where our mouths are. Many many friends doing the same.

  4. Hmmmmm I remember when they used to call the conservatives “book burners”! This is no comparison. They want us all to fight and be distracted while they get away with their dirty deeds in Washington. There is no limit to their lust for control. And money I might add!

  5. Why can’t we recall all the Democrats in Congress. The wicked witch of the west, and Bush has already hit SS two or three times. And none of its been paid back. Take the SS funds out of her hands. She thinks it her private piggy bank, it belongs to the American people, not Democrats in Congress to use at will. The last time she hit it was for the first impeachment. Why don’t Pelosi put in a bill to pay back SS. No because she giving
    California 40 billion dollars in this stimulus bill, that needs to be block. When 9% goes to covid. The the other 91% Go to Pelosi agenda. I WONDER HOW MUCH A KICK BACK SHES GETTING. She is a low life, triple bagger Communist that needs to be arrested for treason.

  6. I just gave a whole collection of Dr Suess books to my 2 year old niece for Christmas. Does that mean I’m, racist now?!

  7. Who is giving the Libs authority to ban anything?Since when have they ever made a good decision? What makes them think others are going to get in line and follow them?

  8. They pick on things that don’t need picking on when there are more important things that need attentionl These books were written to help children learn to read (among other things). Leave them along and let them be publihed. Glad that we have some of these books..

  9. SO . . . it’s Fahrenheit 451 all over again?
    How about Soylent Green for anyone advocating Fahrenheit 451?
    Virtnam 3x

  10. Is there anyone or group that can stop this madness? Who gives the DEMS authority to do this? I guess we will have to wait for Republicans to take control of the Senate to undue all this nonsense or a Republican back into the White House to change by executive order!

  11. All you liberals are the ones who are racists let’s stop them they’re ruining our Country America was great in tell the lying left and the racist liberals got in to office Dr sussues books been around for a decade why our they now racist coz liberal think so well the only thang racist is those damn liberals and the left whos making our country a harder place to live back in the days no one was against any one be a light it’s not about what color you’re it’s about the left and then damn liberals and the democrats that’s what it’s all about they’re make life so much harder in life just be a light it don’t matter what color or race you’re just get along like human beings

  12. Since when have liberals NOT instituted fascist policies? Obamacare was a fascist policy. Allowing illegal aliens to cross our borders and obtain taxpayer support is a fascist policy. Minimum Wage Laws, NAFTA, Hate Crime Laws, Affirmative Action, Debt Extensions…the list is endless. These people don’t know when to quit. We–the people–wind up having to put the kibosh on their fascist zeal.

  13. They forgot that their savior, barak insane obammie, praised these books while he was president. He stated everyone should read them. But then again they don’t know any history and want to erase all history.

  14. Large internet companies need to be broken up and a “fairness doctrine” slapped on all US internet traffic AND US internet traffic regulated like telephones; i.e. no one can be cut off or censored regardless what service they are using. Lawsuits need to be launched in the meantime every time censoring occurs…break the censoring companies with legal fees.

  15. Cancelling these books makes me angry. But this article is worthless if it doesn’t show the reader the illustrations in question.

  16. The libs are the minority. Who died and left them boss? The Republicans need to stop being cowards and fight this BS

  17. No end of critical predjudice and discrimination from the Northeast Democrats and Californis Tax Stranglers but here in the Midwest it is “zip-a de do dah my oh my what a wonderful day” and I won’t let the GRINCHES steal these warm sunny days from me. Like Sheryl says, “I’m gonna soak up the Sun while it is still FREE”!

  18. Our kids can read or be read to about Susy having two moms or dads but Dr. Seuss is bad. Give me a break. Everything these days is racist.

  19. Nothing these embeciles do surprises me these days. They are very dangerously stupid but still good for a laugh.

  20. Would someone please check back on the writings of James Baldwin
    his anti-White ,anti-Semitic rants are legendary
    What about some of the gross nasty things Michelle has written about White Folks, how about her support for racist Rev Jeramiah Wright , or her close relationship with anti-White, anti- Semite Jesse Jackson

  21. sad that this has to happen in a country like this as strong as it is supposed to be. if this keeps going on we see the ruin of a country that has been good for many years we cannot let this happen

  22. You have to be a special kind of magnificently STUPID to believe Dr. Seuss books are racists. Must be all part of 3rd world schmoe biden’s unity plan. Here’s your sign: STUPID!

  23. Well I read things like Nadler making comments that they have no use for religion or Pledge of Allegiance in Congress. So what does that tell you? He’s old-school Democrat and a huge swamp creature. And when he says things like that he’s talking most of the Democrats.

  24. People have the right to read what they desire, should not be banned, liberals interpret things to cause trouble and being dictators. They work for us, not rule us.

  25. What’s next the Bible? So why haven’t “The WOKE ELITISTS” censored Amazon? Taking exact words from the English dictionary: One of a race of female warriors. Any large, strong, or athletic woman or girl. Isn’t this male gender discrimination? How about Apple, discrimination against an orange? How about Facebook, discrimination against the rest of the body? How about Twitter, discrimination against Twit, meaning to taunt! Let’s go through the entire English language and WOKE it…good guad, have they nothing better to do? Apparently, NOT!

  26. Isn’t this censorship!??? My daughter loved Dr. Seuss. Neither of us ever recognized anything racist in these books.. But then, we weren’t looking for it either like these left wing radicals are. They are looking under rocks to find anything to destroy this country. May they rot in hell!

  27. Who are these dipsticks doing all this. Must be something to do because they are on welfare with only getting tatoos or body pierces.

  28. Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?! Dr. Seuss books are amazing!!!!! They are one of the few series that children relate to. ANYONE who cant handle some of the imagery should wake up from the fog of Wokeness and understand that Seuss was just trying to provide understanfing to 3 year-olds of what a China man is and an interesting description of what they eat. We are swiftly plummeting towards socialism/communism. Is book burning next? What has happened to “Never Again?”

  29. Have an open season (no bag limit) on liberal politicians! Otherwise our children are screwed!

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