Kim Seng via Flickr

A new poll has now found that a stunning number of Americans from both sides of the political spectrum now favor the United States breaking up into different regions and ceasing to be one nation.

The poll found that 29 percent of voters now support breaking up the country, almost one third of all Americans.

As Study Finds reports:

While stunning talk of secession from states like Texas and other Republican leaning areas may sound like a radical idea, the survey finds many Democrat voters actually support breaking up the U.S. as well.

“Until recently, we would have regarded it as too marginal to include in a survey. But state legislators in Mississippi and Texas and state GOP leaders in Texas and Wyoming have openly advocated secession in recent months, prompting us to design two survey items to gauge perceptions of this idea,” the researchers say.

The survey finds the political divide in America has gotten so bad 29 percent of voters would entertain the idea of spitting the country into smaller regions. One in three Republican respondents support their state seceding from the union.

Overall, just 21 percent of Democratic voters also support secession however, the idea is even more popular on the left in areas where Democrats hold power. The pollsters caution that these results come from the gut reaction of voters in the survey. Since voters did not have the ability to look carefully into the consequences of breaking the U.S. into five hypothetical regions, they urge the public to take their findings with a grain of salt.

Are you among the almost one third of Americans who support breaking up the United States, or will you do anything to keep it together? Let us know what you think in the comments below.



  1. I’d vote to live in a true conservative republic that honors the Constitution of this great nation. Let the libretards have their tax and spend government and illegal aliens and see how long they last. They will become a third-world nation within one generation!

        1. Obviously you are making an irrational and harebrained statement and not well informed for there are many “Yankees” that are conservatives! I am one of many!!

      1. When my fiancé, now wife, sold her house in N.J, she had to pay a get out of NJ tax. Seriously. I grew up there too, and loved it, but sadly it continues to slip into the Atlantic.

      2. Me too. And I can;t get out of it right now. I been hearing about this for years but I never ever ever thought it would be a possibility! Oh please please God no!!! Please, this is till my country..this is my home.

        1. Not anymore, sorry. I feel the same way. How can this be happing? It’s my home too. I love this country! I love all that it used to stand for. People should be able to change themselves into whatever kind of freak and drug addict they want to be. BUT I’M NOT PAYING FOR IT! And I don’t want to be robbed, beaten up, and locked down while the entire rest of the country goes to s**t. And why are we helping all the other countries EXCEPT this one? Is there ANYBODY else that feels this way too?

    1. Want us to be one country Under God With Liberty and Justice for All and if the ignorant ones want to split let them go with no return ever


        1. LOL Guys who identify as women ? what I already see is them Purging the US Military based on political reliablility , the NAZIS did this , the Communist Russians did this even CCP did this , the resault was lots of UN Questionable loyalty in following orders , but total lack of inovatation , out side the box thinking and they lost many battels and millions of those follow every order men !

          If you look close,,,, real close at those US National Guard troops the left is Hiding behind in DC. Note their LOADOUT ? the gear they are using MOLLE alows for multible options for carring gear , I see the vest with NO Magazine pouches ( no way to carry magazines of ammunition ) I see M-4 rifles without Magazines ( no ability to load ammunition or to carry it except to try to drop one bullet at a time in the chamber )

          What this tells me ( my opinion based on the lack of munitions , ability to carry ammunitions or munitions , and their Loadout ) is the democrats are afraid of the very people they are hiding behind ! keep them OUT SIDE the wire , keep them suffering in the cold , unarmed ( a rifle without ammo isn’t worth a club ) make them LOOK scary to the untrained un informed !

          What I see it total Abject fear !and what will happen is like all dictatorships in history they will push those Troops out , PURGE and replace them with politically relieable sheep !

    2. We must not divide the US. We must fix this mess. Our enemies in the world would love to see us divided. Can you imagine the war that would occur here on our soil if this were to happen? Our hope is in the young conservatives. From my overall view of what is happening in the US. The numbers of young conservatives is growing. This will take time. The democrates will do their damage. But I believe the country will servive this leftist influence. Remain positive and remember the steel that passes through the fire has a higher quality.

      1. Perhaps we can allocate some virgin land to the lefty, demo, communist, NWO,BLM,etc. crew, so they are not tainted by the terrible history of our founding principles and practices, and not have to deal with any cultural appropriation issues – how about on the Moon?

      2. Finally someone who is talking sense. Our enemies would love to see us split up because then all they would have to do was walk in a take over. The young conservative are gaining strength. Biden in the White House is exposing the Globalists Agenda at warp speed. Exposing all the GOP sellout Communist’s. If Trump had not won all this would have never come out. The Communist’s will be sorry they rigged the election.

        1. I think that’s the plan is to get us fighting and the China, U.N. come in to restore order and we are defeated because both sides are too weak / disorganized to fight back.
          Hello, Chinese Farm Colony. It’s going to be ugly, but sometimes you have to empty the cesspool to start over. GOD BLES and PRAY for America and Israel.

      3. Any vision that is dependent on “young anything” is nothing more than a pipe dream. These young people are a lazy, dumb lot; their brains reside in their I-phone.

      4. I’m ready. I think dividing our country into two separate entities is very interesting. The Left can have the total control over their citizens they have always wanted and would no longer be able to blame Republicans for their bad decisions and vice versa. Perhaps, we would finally have to learn to work together diplomatically to achieve what both countries want and need. It would be a tough slog, but however it works out, we would be free Americans again.

        1. Don’t bet on it! When it’s at it’s biggest mess, China will try and take over. They have been sold this country by the Clintons, Obiden, Pileosi and many others and they want control of what they paid for. Problem is they didn’t ask or pay me anything for my property. China told Biden that America has a gun problem and he needs to do something about it. That tells me they are coming and they know if America is armed they are going to be burying a lot of their troops. Ok by me. Long Live the Republic!.

    3. YOU are correct. The separated Republic would flourish on the conservative side of the line and the liberal side would turn third world and communist within twenty years. I myself would like for my children and grandchildren to flourish, and not have to eat their pets and live in the streets in twenty years.

    1. If red states make their own country the libturds will be scratching at our borders trying to get in after discovering that the dream of a socialist country is beginning to fall apart

        1. And they are ravaged into an “Escape from New York” scenario. Disease, Antifa, BLM and a full-blown Orwellian dystopia. More power to them. We’ll give them no quarter.

        2. Since they have fenced off the capital I think we should block all entrances and exits. Nothing in or out, and I mean Absolutely nothing. The Kilkenny solution should solve that problem.

          1. I completely agree. Those cockroaches are either in or out, and it would stay that way if ALL exits were blocked. Love that idea.

      1. Exactly and liberal states would have no revenue because their citizens dont want to work and want everything for free.

      2. So true! They want high taxes to support everyone so that they don’t have to work. If no one wants to work, just where is this big tax money supposed to come from? Would they force some to work in order to support the ones who don’t want to? How would the fat-cat politicians survive without our hard earned tax dollars to support them?

  2. How about kicking the commies asses and keeping the union together? Kicking the commies OUT of the country if they continue to levy war? Add to that the muslims.

    1. Everybody gripes about the mexicans coming here. But guess what, they will at least get a job and not depend solely on the dumocrates welfare.

  3. I’m all for it, especially if there could be some kind of equitable land swap to people wanting into move to the new country that fits their values. Liberals move to the new liberal country with Conservatives that wish to leave a liberal area coming to the new conservative country.

    However, I do believe the liberal country would be bankrupt in less than 2 decades, probably less than one.

    1. Let’s just call it an Anti-Communist Revolution. Look at the red versus blue county map. We far outnumber them. If we split along those lines they will be left with a very empty bag to hold.


  4. I would take up arms against the current DEMOCRAP STRONGHOLDS and restore the CONSERVATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC…

    1. Leftist flag should be black target on white background. Their flag should be printed on every black hoodie they wear.

  5. I would like to try saving the country but we are very close to a civil war and I would support it if we the conservative citizens can’t get the country back on track. We will know fairly soon I think.

  6. The left-wing Democrat progressive liberals are trying to break the Republic and make this a Socialist country. They should have their citizenship renounced; given a one-way ticket to Venezuela where they can live out their dream life.

    1. Dan, my good man…it will be FAR worse than mere SOCIALISM! I’m a 73 yr old combat veteran…and I’d rather DIE than be a SLAVE!

  7. Everything Democrats do is more outrageous that the last thing they did so I believe the Democrat Party is pushing for some sort of civil war so they can declare martial law, lock us all down and unconstitutionally confiscate all of our legally owned weapons. Oh, yes, they know you have them when you went through an FBI background check that the FBI didn’t destroy applications as they were supposed to do and then you purchased firearms and ammunition with a credit card.
    But let’s use common sense instead and take advantage of the remedy written in to the Constitution which we all love. Contact your state representatives, senators and governors and push for them to sign on to the Convention of States. That is the only Constitutional non violent way to gain control of our government, our country, from the political establishment pushing us towards communism.

    1. Tim, you have so far, the most rational option to holding this country together. It’s true the left are anti-American ignorant blind socialists, but as Patriotic Americans, we must somehow find a way to keep this country together as one great America. Although that concept is becoming less and less viable. Be prepared for another civil war, lets pray to our God, who’s inspiration guided our founders, to create the greatest country in the history that this world has ever been Blessed to have had the opportunity to have experienced! The left are clueless ignorant uneducated morons and fools, who have no knowledge of history, yet they want to rule over all! They are all immoral anti-God, anti-logic, anti-American, deciples of Satan! How do we fight Satan? We need to pray to God, for the answer to that question! I only hope (and pray) we prevail! May l humbly suggest we all do the same! God…..PLEASE…….Bless America!

  8. I think if we are to get rid of the corruption in DC all conservative states need to secede from the fed gov. This would mean those states that secede pay no more federal tax. If enough states were to do this there would be no money for the DC clowns to pay themselves. Thus they would end up with no power.

  9. I am from the South and will stand with what Our States decide but if it’s Succession from the United States then Yess I’ll Support Our State for I rather see Succession then Socialism

    1. Mr. Allen Clark-
      With all due respect, the subject here is ‘Secession’, as in Pro-Conservative states physically ‘separating’ themselves geographically, culturally, politically, philosophically and Literally, away from the failed policies of the Left / Democrats, and their subsequent, erstwhile country, which in turn, will devolve into a ‘Socialist’ cesspool, versus bringing a Pro-Patria Consitution-centric Republic, down with it. ‘Succession” is representative of a monarchy where the next generation ‘succeeds’ the last and then ascends the throne of the same.

  10. We have to stop allowing democrats and ignorant adults telling us what we are GOING to do. This nonsense is getting out of hand. Never liked bullies. Especially ones that make rules for some and them ignore them. Blatantly lie. It’s getting to a point of sickening. Illegals getting stimulus checks. Getting treated better than all races of Americans young and old. Wake up. Time to debate these SJW and liberals once and for all. They out do themselves daily with their off wall ideas. It’s dangerous. Life to short. Time for us and our future generations to prosper and live way you choose. Not have NS shoved down throat daily. God bless America. Love to live in a conservative country. Where you can trust your fellow Americans. Where we watch out for each other and lend hand if needed.

  11. I don’t understand why there is no way to impeach/fire those elected officials who swore to defend the Constitution but are now trying to destroy it and the country. They are breaking the law and they need to be removed from office-by force if necessary! I would have thought it was going to happen BEFORE Biden was inaugurated.

    1. Me too….but it really looks like You and I were WRONG……They take OVER more and more and that is UN-acceptable……!!!!!

  12. I’m one of the 29 percent. I don’t want to split the country. I want to go to war. As long as the Democratic party acts like they do now and the idiotic news media I say winner take all! I’m not kidding.

  13. If the consertivies were to secede from the union there would be another civil war as the Democrats would start it just like the did in 1860 then blame it on the conservative states of America sound familiar the CSA.

  14. We are in grave danger from Iran, china, and russia1 1 It is insane to consoder secession now.Only if immediate takeover ofourgovernment by evil socialists like barack and kamala seems inevitable and imminent should we consider secession. Right now, we should passionately work for and pray for repentance and revival and redemption for huge numbers of americans ; and for unity against socialism and fanatical islam.All constitution loving people of all differinglifestyles should unite against socialism andislam.We must all pray and work passionately for forgiveness for us for thevlegal murder ofcmillions of helpless babiesand the ever incresing wicked assault and perversion of older children.We must repent and try to unite! only if there is absolutely no other hope shouldwe begin talking of secession. If, for example, Texas seceded as we can legally do, we wouldnot be able for sometime to adequately protect ourselves militarily from possiblecforeign invasion.itwould be chaotic and dangerous. Only if evil socialist leaders make ourvpresentvgovernment totally chaotic and dangerous; only then should we risk secession.Right now it would be insane to secede.There is still a faint but realbhope that we can survivec4 years until we canhavecanewandcvalidd legitimatecelection of constitutionloving leaders.

  15. The truth be told I have no problem forming a new republic and I think within ten years the liberal territories will collapse under their own wokeness and we will have to bring them back into the fold .Look at California New York New Jersey Michigan and Illinois They are already on the verge of collapse so let us just see how it all works out ,besides the nation will be better off without the socialists

    1. There plenty of people living in NJ who are conservative. I am one of them. It’s the Governors who are to blame. I honestly haven’t seen any trouble here… no riots.. everything is sort of normal except the never ending mask horror story and as for gasoline… that’s gone up everywhere. Secession sounds fantastic, but how do you work that one out? Two presidents? Both the red and the blue states will need a leader… so??? I wish… believe me I wish. I’d rather fight tooth and nail for this country then let them own any part of it. This is the USA… and many thousands of poor young men have died to keep us safe and free. Now it’s time for us to fight for the freedom they fought so hard for. …. for us!

  16. DC needs to be the one to secede from the Union they are a bunch of frauds that violate the USA constitution and all the state constitutions as well.
    TODAY EVERYBODY GO and sue Dr. Fauci for malpractice and all the blue state governors for lost of wages, pain and suffering for gross negligence handling the ccp virus.
    The pipeline workers and their union MUST sue ..joKe…for lost wages and livelihood the people is the one that governs this country no the commie dem party frauds.
    The looming chinese communist tyrannical patriarchy, as I walk thru stores and checked many objects, most are made in China, I can sense the tears of sorrow of the enslaved children and women that have lost their life, liberty and happiness making those objects and barely survive,the tyrannical chinese patriarchy has their citizens enslaved in the name of profit, the CCP needs to pay their enslaved workers $15 per hr.

  17. I say give the lefties the left coast, that way they can have most of the illegals and legal heroin and meth. Just make it like Carpenter’s movie Escape from LA. We can just extend the wall south to north. One caveat tho: Once you go you can’t come back. I’m sure we won’t have ANY trouble manning our wall!! Not sure how long their little Utopia would last without the rest of us taxpayers footing the bill for their goofy social justice programs but I’m willing to let them have their own country The Union of Socialist no gun having,not sure what sex they are, Assteefa loving, no gun owning, only black folk allowed to have any opinion on anything, when’s my welfare check coming in, waiting on my reparations, have to turn the crackers into crackers so we don’t starve, gonna wear my scamdemic mask to my own funeral, whoever screams the loudest with the most profanity is correct used to be America.

  18. If the only way to keep this country together is for me to abandon life-long held beliefs………let it fall.

  19. This is stupid. Just think of how the ChiComs will like this. In a heartbeat, they would become the world’s hegemon, and we’ll all be under their thumb.

    We should secede, not from the USA, but from DC.

  20. While I understand where this sentiment is coming from, I am also a history and ancestry nut. My ancestors fought in the American Revolution and on both sides of the civil war. Before we go down that road, I truly believe that we need to get rid of our corrupt government. The problem is our so called representatives. they’re robbing us blind and supporting any country but ours. How about we put them under the microscope, and then cancel 90% of them. It’s time for the people to take our government back.

  21. I vote to separate before Biden and the democrats destroy our country. The man who stole the presidency is totally incompetent and harris is no better

  22. There is no longer anything common between us. The left has gone out of their minds and you cannot work with people that are nuts. If we get a divorce, there needs to be a system in place to keep the crazies in their own states or territory’s. In other words, if you chose to go with the whack job leftist, you cannot change your mind later when their territory’s are starving because of total ignorance. The left cannot survive without the conservatives to pay their way and they know it, so they would never go for the deal.

  23. The liberals in this country are racing toward the destruction of the Constitution of the United States like it is an olympic event. Supporters of the liberal idea of reforming the USA into a communist society exist primarily in areas dominated by failed big cities on both coasts. The logistics would be daunting, but the polarization within our country may be insurmountable, so citizens wishing to live in a Constitutional Republic may well have no choice but to withdraw from the liberal communist country being created by the radical left.

  24. Sorry but we can’t break up our country into smaller parcels, they tried this once and it didn’t work…we would be invaded by China or Russia..a coop might be better.. turn the government over to the real winner.

  25. In theory it would be a dream come true. But seeing as the dems control everything from the pipeline ( and look what happened to that!!); to everything we depend on.. who do we turn to for a leader and federal help when needed? It’s unfortunate but it’s not going to happen. The dems. would make damn sure we are on our own!! Hitler wanted control of everyone..a dictator is a dictator.

  26. China would love to see power mad politicians divide us into separate nations, which China could more easily control.
    Pray that God strike down the enemies of One Nation Under God.

  27. Yes, let’s see how the exclusive Liberal States of freebees and the Conservative States fair. Let the liberals have California, New York and a few other states. I truly believe that after them giving away everything to the Illegals and embracing the radical fools they seem to support, it would maybe take a year for them to self destruct, begging for assistance and protection from all the corruption and crime they so admittedly defend.
    When they surrender unconditionally, but conditionally from our perspective because they will be mandated to follow our example, we take those states back and let history record just how the Constitution and Conservatism preserves freedom, the rule of law, our traditions and promotes prosperity.
    I’d like to suggest we call our new country, The Constitutional United States of America!

  28. OBAMA is the number one democratic DOG that needs to go. He is running the show for Biden and the democrats. When he is gone things will change in America.

  29. We don’t need to split up this great country, we only need to get the liberals out of office and then fine the MSM when they fail to reports the facts/thruth!

  30. I am NOT for seceding from the Union, I am NOT for handing over/surrendering any part of this country to the Democratic Socialists/Communists, I am FOR returning this country back to Patriotic Americans. I would prefer voting them into extinction, but unfortunately they seem to have a lock on our election process. With that in mind, Civil War may have to be on a list of options. This country is worth preserving and fighting for.

  31. Texas is talking about leaving the Union & has been for a long time. If this happens. It would be a good Idea if . AZ. NM. CO. NV UTAH , Idaho Wy. MT. Kansas & both Dakota’s join them.
    We would then own both North & South Borders . With a Sea Port in Texas for the pipe line
    We all could leave & take our CONSTITUTION with us. Build a new capital right in the middle of the Now USA
    A beautiful dream. If the Wash. DC. swamp is not cleaned up
    The new USA would have all the Water, Oil, Wheat fields & property to grow most of the food & raise both dairy , beef, Sheep & Chicken ranches.
    Sitting right on top of the biggest Nuc.. storage in the world, Also with many Air Force Bases with all up to snuff planes . Thanks to President Trump From the Canadian to the Mexican borders
    LIKE I SAID A BEAUTIFUL DREAM . With our Constitution in tact

  32. It would take a lot of thought and debate to get through such a traumatic event and we would be very vulnerable to outside influence but I would sure like a state to go to that isn’t infested with such morally bereft and rudderless people as those currently in the White house (can you still say that or is it racist?)

  33. Definitely support dividing the country. Sick and tired of the majority of my hard earned dollars paid for federal taxes being used to fund the massive welfare and other BS social programs that provide absolutely no value to USA, when current federal funding to assist veterans, mentally and physically challenged folks and retirement income for low income seniors (65+) is severely under funded.

  34. Our founders gave us two ways to get rid of a corrupt government – ballots or bullets. I much prefer ballots, but since the 2020 election was rigged and stolen, we may only have the other option. As the democrats ignore the constitution, we are quickly heading off the cliff to become a communist country. They are trying to declare any conservative a domestic terrorist and threat to “their” US. Civil war may be the only answer if we cannot get a fair election and courts that aren’t also corrupt. Let us pray that some wisdom and common sense can penetrate our government so civil war isn’t necessary.

  35. Just clean out the swamp including Schumer Pelosi, Biden, AOC and her tribe and the country will heal itself. The Republicans need to ban together with the SC and do something to stop this attack on our freedoms first.

    1. God took care of this kind of a situation.
      I took about 40 years, but succeed!
      Now, it’s happening again!
      I’ve been around for a long time and I might not get to see the NEW promised land.
      We now have to be on God’s side and fight.
      Everything is too far gone to salvage through elections!
      The Chinese and Russians don’t want any part of this.
      I’M READY!!!!!🧨

  36. America has gone to hell in a hand basket of Republican deplorables thanks to drumpf. It will only get worse if America divides any further.

  37. We need to stand up we know the truth Biden didn’t win the election. We the people that voted deserve to have the truth and get The junk out of the White House

  38. Have to wait and see. But I don’t think it will be long no more than a Year before people will know what to do. Amen

  39. Texas is not a knee jerk reaction. A carefully thought out plan has been in play since 2005. Texas can become a strong independent nation that would literally represent the 12th largest economy in the world. Learn more at God bless the people of Texas.

  40. Hate to say it, but I see no way that conservatives and liberals are going to come together. As the dems go left, they drift further and further away from God. When you take away the tower’s foundation, the tower will fall.


  42. I imagined a nation, “Tex-Merica” including Texas, Oklahoma, and lines drawn north up toward the Great Lakes. I want a Texas Passport!

  43. Problem is you will be punishing the conservatives who live in blue states. They would have to suffer from out of control crime, corrupt politicians, infanticide, cancel culture crazies, pro Marxists and a bunch of Ivy League lawyers and Gender major who never had an tough job in their lives.

  44. Nasty plospi needs to be impeached she wants to go around and impeach everyone created lies about them because there not democrats impeach nasty Nancy and send her back to San Francisco that’s where she belongs actually she needs to clean up California first all the promises she made to the homeless out there for homes money but where are they still on the side of side walk in downtown Los Angeles nothing changes she’s only helping her self not them so impeach Nasty Nancy Pelosi

  45. Everyone should make a list of the names and addresses of all those people who promote communism, socialism, anarchy, and the democrat party in their area. This way if the shooting does start – these potential traitors can be imprisoned before they can do any serious harm. Start making your list people!!

  46. A “grain of salt” for sure. It’s a terrible idea with a huge number of negative consequences and not many good ones. First of all, the Left States of America would soon be bankrupt and attack the Conservative States of America to feed their starving masses of illegal immigrants, radicals, college professors and other riff raff. If we did break up into separate countries, I see three of them: East Coast, West Coast and everything inbetween. St. Louis or KC would probably we our capitol. It’s all fantasy because nothing like this will happen.

  47. It’s too confusing for me to be a liberal. Everything is OK and nothing is wrong except what their short sited minds determines based on their ever changing random decision making. One thing I noticed is how the liberal left weaponized the media against Trump and his administration. There was nothing good the man could do in their eyes and they made every effort to attack him personally. The liberals say they want to unite us but their actions tell a different tale. The liberals have attacked our freedoms and they will continue to do so as long as they remain in office. If they are successful in affecting the 2nd amendment all the other freedoms will follow. How can we let this happen to America and Americans? The government is supposed to be protecting our freedoms and not burdening the American citizen. We’ve allowed big enterprise to steal our leadership by allowing their pockets to be filled with cash for their own purpose rather than serving the people. The left has really gotten things backwards here.

  48. I believe we should fight to remain one union. If this should happens, inflation will sky rocket, higher taxes and immigration problems will get worse. We will be fighting amongst ourselves and this is not how this country was founded. Let’s stick together and work it out. We did it before, we can do it again.

  49. I do live in one of those states that want(or is thinking) of leaving the union. I just wished those moving here from Calif. would remember why they moved here and change their thinking before they ruin this state by their voting habits.

  50. How about Blue States Unite as do Red States.
    Reform cities by Red & Blue
    Simplier way to do

  51. Yes, and I would move if necessary to join a true conservative state. The federal goverment should only provide national security, all other things should be treated separately within the conservative or liberal “block”.

  52. How do you live next to someone who hates you, wants to cancel you and truly believes you’re evil as the Left feels about us?

  53. We need to To fight the Joe Biden- Commiela Hariss administatration , not split up. If we split
    the left handers win

  54. It is time for Succession. There was way to much voter fraud this past election and it will continue. The left will continue to take our freedoms away and turn us into a socialist country. Even North part of. California feels this way.

  55. Our Constitution provides this nation’s citizens remedies ranging from an outright civil uprising as well as a Convention of States when dealing with a government who has chosen to disregard our laws and values, our individual rights, and total disregard for the sanctity of this nation. The majority of states have Republican governors, and I cannot understand why a Convention of States has not been seated. It must be that the leftist propaganda and criticism of everything right and righteous has put fear into them. It is time for some people to stand up and declare “enough is enough” and resolve to stop the insanity and stupidity pouring forth from our nation’s capitol. They are completely out of control and intend to destroy our American way of life, which is the path of the Biden administration from day one.

    1. Just Sayin has the answer! It is the only way to move power over your daily lives from unelected D.C. bureaucrats to you state house.

  56. What we need to more is a complete house cleaning, president on down. Everyone needs to bite their lip and vote all existing members in both houses of congress, OUT. No exceptions. Bring in a whole new set of fresh faces. Most People don’t trust the representatives in there now. They have their own agenda and serve only their special interest groups and people that put them into office. They have forgotten that they are there to represent us. We need to have confidence in our elections. Democratic house bill HR1 doesn’t provide that. We need term limits on all senate & house members. Lots of changes need to be made that can’t be discussed here. But secession should be the last action.

  57. I don’t mind a difference of opinion. But the very nature of the Dem’s is to have the right to choose to be or not to be. What they are doing is HORRIFIC! They are shoving everything they believe in our faces without choice. They have taken away our freedoms and are making laws for their own freakish benefits. They are openly taking money and payoffs and spending to no end. And none of the money winds up where it was intended anyway! WHY are they stopping this great country of AMERICA from being great? Being PC is awesome, nobody wants to offend anybody. So WHY are they pounding their agenda down our throat? And the use of media coverups, big tech censorship, needs to stop. This isn’t AMERICA anymore! SAD.

  58. No there are a lot of comments that are taking this out of context. We do not need a true armed fact Civil War, we need the one main thing that this Nation is based on: WE THE PEOPLE. It is time that all of us, who are TRUE American Citizens, whether by birth or by true Naturalization, begin to stand as One People, who gives a damn about the “Color” of skin, what Religious domination you wish to abide by, what Nation you came from, we have to stand shoulder to shoulder and state to the politicians of both parties and state: I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN. The best way to start that is ALL OF US, have to inform that our SUPREME COURT, must utilize its full authority and review the 2020 Presidential Election, vote by vote, state by state and totally PROVE to “WE THE PEOPLE” who was the actual true, free vote based victor of the 2020 Presidential Election. If those 9 Judges who were ultimately selected to protect and preserve the Constitution of these United States of America, fail to preserve our National Heritage. Then one of two things will happen, one which we do not wish in any pretext is an armed conflict between citizens of this Nation, or that they have resigned their current positions and someone that has taken their place to fully preserve this Nation by their enforcing the Laws of this Nation as written.

  59. When the love dies and the parties no longer have anything in common except a constant intractable mutual animus, divorce is often the only option, the only way to achieve a state of relative peace. Perhaps, it might be time to consider a divorce. Many countries have successfully done this, conducted a voluntary citizen exchange, and avoided the prospect of mass violence.

  60. As the age old saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for because you may get it.” Some are so narrow minded and do not realize that this USA is a very diversified place, where all cultures are allowed to live. Exactly why the Constitution was written to exclude religion from this Government and allowing changes that the majority agree to called Amendments, which takes 37 states to adopt to become the law of this land. Some twist that Constitution to say what they want it to say. Now the important part of this Constitution is that every thing is by majority in this USA.
    Now the Amish have the correct idea of how Americans should live, their motto in life is, the same as what Thomas Jefferson said, “what someone else does is of no concern of mine.”
    “Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth.”

    Source: Thomas Jefferson, “Religion” in Notes on the State of Virginia (1782), p. 286.

    “The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts as are only injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”

  61. A civil war will not end well for the American People. If it happens no one wins but our enemies.

    A civil war will grind our factories (or what is left of them) to a halt so we will not be able to replace our supplies. It will be come as you are. What is on hand at the start is all there will be. It will not be restricted to mobs and gangs fighting each other in the streets and back alleys of the inner cities. The fighting will quickly move out to the suburbs and the rural areas. They will not knock on doors and ask. They will kick down doors and take.

    The bulk of our Armed Forces are serving overseas and will most likely be stranded. Don’t count on help from our so called allies. They will have enough problems of their own. North Korea could invade the south and the Arab Countries could attack Israel and we would be powerless to do anything about it.

    You can be sure the UN will get involved at the invitation of The President and Congress. If that happens, it will be the first time since The War of 1812, that we will be fighting foreign troops on our soil. I can think of several countries that would be eager to send troops. It will be a bloodbath.

    We need to stop and think instead of blindly jumping into it with both feet. All this is right out of the play books of Cloward-Pivin and Saul Alinsky. This is what Khrushchev was talking about when he said that we will be defeated from within. Wake up America. If Joseph McCarthy was still alive he would be saying “I TOLD YOU SO!”

  62. Split it right up the middle so the west coast gets the liberals states, California, Washington State, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming and half of the Gulf. We will have to do something about Texas though. No way the liberals can have Texas. No way Texas would agree.

  63. I’m a New Yorker who voted for Norman Mailer for mayor and for his program for New York City to secede from the Union. As for every one else, the more (secessionists) the merry. By the way, I have never voted for a Republican and never will, and I don’t always vote for a Democrat.

  64. How many have buyers remorse yet????
    How’s crazy/slow joe working out for all the turds who voted for this????? HR1 just passed. Does anyone even know how we’re ALL going to be affected by this disgrace of a bill???? I bet NOT! All they see is free money from the government.
    People of West Virginia, how’s Joe Manchin working out for you??? He got squeezed into voting for this.
    He’s a traitor to this country and to his constituents.

  65. I’ve been voting for TEXIT for more than ten years….Gotta keep plugging away. Not to say it will be easy, just saying it NEEDS to happen.

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