Gage Skidmore via Flickr

J.D. Vance

Staunch Trump ally J.D. Vance caught the hearts of millions around the world this past fall when Netflix released a movie based on his memoir “HillBilly Elegy.” 

Unlike many politicians, Vance grew up in Middletown, Ohio where he took care of his drug-addicted mother, and siblings.

Vance would certainly bring a unique perspective to the table that many Ohioans deal with, poverty. 


    1. Give Biden 4 Years and where will America be ??? He has made us look stupid for just over one Month , We are in bad shape with him here for 47 more Months ,, Impeach , Treason get rid of this man , we know he never got the Vote !!!!!!!! Freedom is not Free!!!!

  1. Let’s get a decent and honest (nor more corrupt RHINO’s!!!) representing us in Washington. SAVE AMERICA. DRAIN THE SWAMP!!

    1. It wont be Washington. Washington DC is not American. It is full of evil and Freemason symbols and demonic Practices. My bet is Philadelphia or even Texas or Florida?

  2. Portman may be the biggest RINO, but he has plenty of company in Romney, Sasse, Toomey and the remaining members of the Turncoat 7 who voted with Democrats to preserve Obamacare (Capito, Alexander, Collins and Murkowski).

  3. Im not sure under NESARA if there will be 2 party’s anymore or big Government. Its going to be far more of local communities electing a Citizen of good standing to run affairs who is also a local. No more taxes or debts One day the whole World will thank Father Christmas (AKA Donald J, Trump) and the White Hats who are working so hard behind the scenes <3 <3 <3 Gods messenger

  4. I truly believe and know alot of people feel we need to drain the swamp and elect all brand new Republican and DemoRats I truly would endorse 2 brand new parties I am done we the people get to choose who our elected officials I say citizens will get Trumps Make America Great he did it so can we show support if one honest man fought and did what people yearned for decades Let us pay tribute to the Hreatest President Donald JTrump any takers we have 75 million voters to vote u in

  5. Anybody but a Dem or a Rino! And definitely someone that respects and honors God, Country, our Constitution, Law and Order, and has integrity and honesty! Don’t even let them step into office without those qualities, because what they’ve got facing them in the “New Abnormal” Congress, they’re going to need all those qualities just to survive!

  6. I hope we get a President Trump supporter and not yellow back rino and hope the communist corrupt democrats haven’t locked the Conservative Republican out of politics in their government with their draconian take over of communism. I do hope we will have more of a chose then just one candidate.

  7. We all know this election was a Phony , Where is our Supteme Court ,I fought so our children would have a better Nation , I know with My health and Age I will probably not be here in 2024 , IT IS WRONG TO HAVE Atraitor in our White House ,I know the Democrat Party are Liars , No way Biden won ! who files papers for treason ????

  8. I don’t think it is going to matter who is up for election if the equipment being used is the same as the 2020 election. The government is so corrupt that they can’t help anyone, they are just looking out for their personal pocket book nothing else. That is both Congress and the Senate. The justice system is a two tiered system, that is not for the people anymore. The Judicial system is a political wasteland, making decisions based on politics not law or the constitution. We need to take America back from these communist sympathizers. They belong in jail or at least tried for treason. I want the government of the early 50’s back again, just without the racial divide, that has been caused by the leftist media and political parties.

  9. GO and sue Dr. Fauci for malpractice and all the blue state governors for lost of wages, pain and suffering for gross negligence handling the ccp virus.

     Today the looming chinese communist tyrannical patriarchy, as I walk thru stores and checked many objects, most are made in China, I can sense the tears of sorrow of the enslaved children and women that have lost their life, liberty and happiness making those objects and barely survive,the tyrannical chinese patriarchy has their citizens enslaved in the name of profit.

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