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Maria Elvira Salazar

Former Telemundo anchor Maria Elvira Salazar (R) pulled off an upset victory over Rep. Donna Shalala in the race to represent Florida’s 27th congressional district. Shalala, a prominent Democrat, previously served in the Clinton administration as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The district includes most of the city of Miami, where President Trump’s strong performance with Latino voters doomed Joe Biden’s chances in Florida.

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    1. This article was obviously written by a Democrat. The evidence is solid, not second hand and is pervasive. Plenty of it.

      1. Thousands of dead voting in Wis, Mich, Georgia, Pennsylvania
      2. Thousands of ballot received bac in Penn, THE DAY BEFORE THEY WERE MAILED.
      3. Thousands of ballot received the day they were mailed
      4. Thousands of ballots received back the very day after they were mailed.
      5. Tens of thousands who were documented to have left THESE states and yet voted there and in other states too.
      6. 700,000 votes that suddenly appeared in Pennsylvania in the middle of the night. No documents as to where they came from and no security devises’
      7. Ballots documented to have been sent back and yet not tallied (Thousands)
      8. Instances where thousands of votes were suddenly switched from Trump to Biden but in one instance they were CAUGHT (6000)
      9. Voters in Nevada whose addresses were post offices, casinos, and in other states.

      Yes, the fraud HAS been proven and it was massive.
      Biden did not get 80,000,000 votes. More like 67,000,000 at best.
      MOre proof. Look at the rallies for Trump and the rallies for Biden.
      Then look at the PROOF of the criminal activity of Joe Biden in Ukrainian oil.

      1. My first indication of “Something FIshy” was how quickly Biden appeared onTV as “PresidentElect”
        Also, would like to know what he was up to in basement being brainwashed by whom and what for

  1. i feel sick, the very thought touchy feeling kissing sniffing of little girls on national tv for 8yrs by joe biden has been accepted as normal by the public and his corruptions accepted only children of satan voted for biden

    1. Don’t worry, he isnt the president! They are still counting! There was rampant fraud and Jay Sekolow has all the evifdence and will take this to the SC! The media had no right to make this decision and now they will pay for this! Biden is not legally the president no states will confurm him because they have to do major recounts because of fraud!

      1. They are doing fraud even in the re-counts because those balless POS republicans are too damn afraid to back us up! If those bastards dont step up to the plate, we will never vote them in again! Kiss their careers goodbye!

        1. YOU had better be the one to PRIMARY them. Otherwise we get stuck with a REAL traitor to America —– A Democrat.

      2. The seven remaining House races that the media refuses to call have been being counted for FOUR WEEKS now. So how long does it take to count. Dancing with the Stars can do that in 24 hours. I guess it takes longer when you are TRYING TO MANUFACTURE MORE VOTES FOR BIDEN. WHY are they refusing to call these elections?

    2. Keep in mind the Presidency is a 4 year term. Biden may be kissing little girls and sniffing their hair 5 years from now but he may not be President then. That could land him in prison where he belongs anyway. Plus he may not even be President in January2021.

      1. Not even the Democrats think he will live that long. That is why they put Harris in as VP. She will destroy America without the least reservation.

  2. This is not over and Joe Biden may THINK that all of his voter fraud mechanisms will cause him to win… but as the truth is revealed and the cheating and fraud on the Democrat side is revealed…the Democrats and the Fake News Media (which now includes at least half of Fox News) will be internationally shamed and Trump will not only win…Republicans will gain in the Senate and take the House. Trump will come out of this stronger than ever and the Democrats will never really ever recover under that name…They will go underground to lick their wounds and plan their next attack and will emerge again under a different name … with the same evil platform and same evil agenda somewhere down the road. This is not their time to rule. God’s man and God’s agenda for the USA will prevail. Sit back and watch. Trump WILL serve a second term as our President. Evil will be exposed and Truth will reign in our nation again.

    1. Wow, it would be nice if your dream came true but the democrats have been getting away with all of their political garbage now for decades and they have this down to perfection. Not to mention, there is no one that will take up the fight. Look at the crap Hillary pulled and is she in jail, in court, wrist slapped??? Nope!

    2. I am praying you are right….thank you for your post..it helped to restore my hope for another 4 years of our GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP. !!!

  3. What in hell do you mean theres no evidence of fraud? Do you people think we are stupid? All of a sudden in states that Trump was winning they stopped the count and then 138,000 bogus ballots were mysteriously found all for Biden of course! Trump was 700,000 up in Pa making it mathmatily impossible for Bidwn to win, but they say he did! Software that took away Trumps votes 6,000 and given to Biden in 47 Mi counties and the same software was used in all the other states! So pleaee people this is being challenged and the counting has not stopped so how in hell can the media of all people have the authority to call him the winner?! The media us in big trouble because this is a lie and this us illegal! Our bext president will be DONALD J TRUMP!

    1. The media posted their fake news with hopes that rino republicans would pressure Trump to concede. Ain’t gonna happen. So it seems that the fake news media and retard joe and his ho will have egg on their faces. I know something else that I would like to rub their faces in.

  4. There is a possibility that Biden won’t get the electoral votes from Wisconsin, Michigan, and a couple other Republican controlled states, that had ‘questionable’ votes mysteriously show up giving Biden the win. The state legislatures control the selection of the electoral voters. The real winners in this election seems to be the lawyers.

  5. Joe Biden is a fraud, a corrupt Washington Swamp Creature. As is Harris and the rest of them, But have no fear, President Trump the stable genius has a plan and its called Blockchain! It computes all votes, balances against actual registered voters and picks up fraud. Its a fool proof Quantum System and cannot be tampered with. Military will count the Official votes so Mark Zuckerberg wasted his $350 million bribing Democratic Judges. And all Judges who take bribes should be debarred. That includes Chief Justice John Roberts!

  6. Where in hell are those damn spineless republicans at? Why aren’t they demandingbto oversee these F ing re-counts to make sure ugly skanks like that bitch in PA who refuses to do the count! And thst other POS Hobbs who gates Trump doing the damn count in Az wonderbhow thst turns out!

  7. When we went to bed. Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania by 700,000 votes. When they went back to counting THREE HOURS LATER, they had counted over 700,000 votes and Trump was behind. This is evidence that is easy to see of the massive fraud.

  8. The very idea of that pedo even setting foot in the White House makes me want to vomit.
    America’s backwards slide into Communism will occur at a breathtaking pace.
    Get ready for millions of jobs to go straight to China and/or India.
    Get ready for the biggest tax hikes in a century.
    Get ready for door-to-door gun confiscation and mass arrests.
    Get ready for Social Security recipients to be cut off and left to die – except for able-bodied freeloaders who got it by faking mental illness.
    If it’s true that the vote fraud in PA was successful, America, as a “free” country, is no more.
    Good Bye, America. I came here to ESCAPE such as Biden and Harris.

  9. We all. Know Trump really won this but the democrats are cheaters lier and don’t do nothing to change anything I’m for Trump coz he’s made America Great and we need him in our office so our United States Military comes home from Afghanistan

  10. Do we really want a predator in office who’s name is Joe Biden he should really be is prison where he belongs. What we need is for 2021 to be Great Again like it’s been these four years we need our President Donald J Trump who is our President coz he is the only one who can make America great again coz if Joe Biden is in off he wants to give ileagal alian Social Security where they haven’t paid in its not right Trump for 2021 the only way to make America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 great again Mr. Red white and Blue let’s make America Great president Trump

  11. The Radical Deep State and Drive by lying media knows they have lost to trump but will Resist UNTILE the end. They are unaware what will happen then.It’s going to be BIBLICAL.

  12. I guess people believe what they want to believe despite reality. If you took the time to look, this election was cheated in ever possible way. Have you ever heard of fake ballots being printed up, ballots arriving before they were mailed, ballots arriving with no fold and Biden preprinted. Then there are the different color identifications for pole watchers, orange for democrats and I think it was red for republicans and only orange badge holders/democrats were allowed in polling places. Then there were the voting machines that you could witness switching votes from Trump to Biden in plain sight on the news. What kind of fool believes Biden actually won. We all saw the crowds that Trump drew, he filled stadiums. Biden could not fill a Kmart parking lot. If you think Biden won, you most likely believe in the Russian collusion hoax that Hillary invented to get eyes off of her illegal server investigation. Our election is the only thing that separates us from the corrupt governments of this world. Be responsible and keep election integrity.

  13. “So far, no one has presented any evidence of systemic voter fraud that would invalidate the results. This story is developing. Stay with American Action News for the latest updates.” Are you guys delusional? Did any of you read Powell’s filings? listen to tyhe PA hrearings? I cannot fathom why the media was so quick to jump on Trump but is so dainty to address real Democrat fraud.

  14. Why do you Americans allow these anti-American democrats, RINOS and especially their tools the medias to go on with their fraudulent means of all elections and continued corruption?, Stop with this false mindsets that any government is too big to fight or fail and your blind patriotism to their corruption, Americans the majority can go against the corrupt politicians, if you have the guts of your fore-father that went up against a Foreign tyranny {British} and do the same with Domestic tyranny from America’s enemy from within!

  15. This is why; I no longer get most of my news from AAN. Who wrote this garbage. Do they NOT know that we get other sources. And NO the sources of the reports of voter fraud are NOT second hand. They are not unfounded. So AAN, you are just one step from being blocked by me. KEEP IT UP .

  16. Maybe some of these Republicans used and paid Dominion to make sure THEY won.? Sydney DID say that this was bipartisan. The governor of Georgia sure looks like he is part of the conspiracy.

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