Nudists at Toronto Pride in areas where children are present. Credit: The Post Millennial.
Nudists at Toronto Pride in areas where children are present. Credit: The Post Millennial.

Increasingly, more videos are surfacing that shed light on concerning incidents during pride parades, where adults are seen engaging in inappropriate behavior in the presence of children. Although confronted with such information, those on the left often deny the occurrence, and when confronted with undeniable evidence of adults exposing themselves to children, they tend to downplay the seriousness of the situation.

In a rational society, it would be expected that there would be a consensus regarding the impropriety of adults exposing themselves to children. However, a significant portion of the population sees no issue with these adult behaviors.

Unfortunately, the news media has largely avoided addressing these incidents, possibly to avoid casting a negative light on the LGBT community. Nonetheless, when such occurrences take place in the streets of major American cities, it is important for adults to be informed about the situation, and the police should take action since many perceive these individuals as engaging in indecent and sexually harassing behavior towards crowds of children.

The Twitter account “Libs of TikTok” recently shared further evidence in the form of the following TikTok posts, which were sourced from left-leaning accounts.

“Fully naked men expose their genitalia in front of children at Seattle pride parade”

The video has been subsequently censored due to its graphic content, but it serves as evidence that the situation was indeed as serious as Libs of TikTok portrayed it. Numerous children were present, witnessing a large group of fully nude adults on bicycles, with pride flags covering the scene.

“A man twerks for children at a “family-friendly” pride event in Minnesota”

“Nudists at Toronto Pride in areas where children are present.”

“NYC Drag Marchers chant “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children””

However, a controversy arose when Brian Krassenstein, a self-proclaimed left-wing journalist who had devoted his Twitter account to incessantly replying to former President Donald Trump’s tweets, shared his response to the videos:

“#1 Seeing a man naked on a bike isn’t going to have much of an impact on any kid. They have likely see their father or bother naked before.

#2 Sharing an uncensored video of a naked man on a bike to an audience of possibly 30 million kids on Twitter is arguably worse that riding a bike naked in front of a kid or two in a planned event that the kid’s parent took them to.

#3 There are much much worse things the average kid will see or hear online and offline in a typical week.”

His attempts to downplay the severity of the situation and his assertion that evidence and documentation should not be shared on Twitter sparked widespread outrage. This tactic was viewed as a convoluted effort to shame Libs of TikTok for exposing the evidence of the events, which served to bring attention to an issue that parents should be informed about.

It is crucial to address and take action against various instances where explicit sexual behavior is being exposed to children. These instances include drag queens reading to preschoolers, LGBT pride events featuring nudity or openly sexual acts, or events falsely labeled as “family friendly” but involving inappropriate content that children should not be exposed to. The promotion of such acts of sexuality and sexual behavior around children is concerning, and it is imperative that adults are prohibited from discussing, involving, or demonstrating their sexuality to children in any way.


  1. Why would anyone go to a parade of naked old farts anyway. Maybe Rachel Levine would be turned on but the kids shouldn’t have to see that. All the government encouragement shouldn’t make these participants or spectators proud.

  2. Forgetting about the children a moment, why do these men feel the need to be without clothes on? This entire PRIDE behavior should be outlawed!

  3. That millstone about the neck and being drowned in the depths of the sea was the better option you satanic sodomite dogs.

  4. Back in the 70’s and 80’s punk rock and heavy metal as the theme behind the “fall of western civilization”…now I see clearly it will come about by LGBTQ+ idealogy…

  5. Indecent Exposure isn’t a crime anymore? Nothing but deviants! It’s really sad what our Nation has become! No moral compass!!!!!!!

  6. We all no ur here and u R queer, no big deal,,,,, BUT U come any where near my kids and u will not like the RECEPTION……. My kids are going to have the chance to grow up and make up their own minds about who THEY want to be. U had ur chance, NOW ITS THEIR CHANCE…

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