Law and order still exists…
While many liberal jurisdictions are opting to let rioting and looting continue unabated, others are prosecuting trouble makers to the fullest extent of the law. Not every state is looking to bring justice to those that have destroyed the lives and livelihoods of their residents but those that are, are doing so quickly (RELATED: Terrorists Want Radical Socialist Government in American City [VIDEO]).
Here are the states that are dropping the hammer hardest:

Texas Governor Gregg Abbott (R) has begun the process of finding those agitators who may have come from outside the Lone Star State to start violence, riots, and looting. This comprehensive strategy should result in rounding up many organizers who came to Texas with the intention of ruining peaceful protests and causing damage.

Missouri started prosecuting protesters with the help of federal authorities. This is so they can get a hold of out-of-state criminals who came to there with malice in their hearts. This will ensure those responsible will be brought to justice.
Federal Authorities

The federal government is actively helping states pursue those who are responsible for the violent rioting going on. Federal attorneys are going to be helping find those who have committed crimes and crossed state lines. The process may sound painstaking, but it’s sure to methodically deliver results!
Support the Landmark Lawsuit Against Antifa
demo-rat party is the anti – american party, and using brainwashed children to committ there crimes . trump2020
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I hope the IRS is checking to make sure you are paying tax on your supposedly huge earnings!!!!!
bart You are 100% right. And lets make sure we re -elect Trump 2020 back into WH if we as Americans have to survive.
Wake up. The Democrats stole many elections in 2018. Now they are preparing the way WITH POLLS CLAIMING THAT BIDEN IS 10 POINTS AHEAD. Will they still the election???? Only if they can. II Chronicles 7:14.
Look no further than Dallas, where the black woman police chief first had 700 protestors ticketed for blocking a major bridge because she did not have “the room to arrest them.” Then she turned around and voided the tickets.
I get it. Floyd James is dead. Police officers were involved. But mainly he was taking TWO illegal drugs that likely would have killed him anyway. And he fought against police. Just like the black man in Atlanta, they were sure they were stronger and smarter and would prevail.
Now they are dead. And no, the officers are NOT primarily responsible.
But look. All of those BLACK DEMOCRAT officials who defend a criminal and are ready to defund the police. LET THEM. And the instant they announced their actions, gun sales went through the roof. Just make sure you have plenty of ammo.
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Soon other states will more Red Im sure alas
At first I was so happy yo see Mad Dog Mattis joining the Trump team but now that Mad Dog Mattis is turning against The President. Now He is just a F***ing Mutt Dog to me and to the American Trump supporters. The same goes to general Milly both scumbag Backstabbers.
Dummy-Crats continue to let the left get away with destroying their communities and they still won’t support their police. When will they get it in their heads that the majority rule and not the minorities. Mr. President please take the action necessary to restore order in our country.
Go to the Legislature and ask for the DEATH PENALTY for any person that enters the State with the intention of causing violence or Rioting.
INCLUDE jesse jackso and al sharpton.
That’s it?!! Texas and Missouri? Holy mackerel, the nation is further off the law and order track than I ever dreamed it could be. These aren’t peaceable, lawful black citizens looting and burning all these cities. They’re the same snot-nosed delinquents (black, white, Asian and assorted illegal aliens) we always see when the democrats stir the “R” pot.
Most good and decent blacks, more than 40 million of them, are just like every other race in the U.S. They’re working, earning, caring for their families and learning of the nonsense second hand. Just like most others, they read online news, listen to the radio and some get it on television.
Democrats would like us to believe all 41 million blacks are smashing and burning as much of America as they can. They want us to believe most blacks are outraged and rioting because all cops are bad. Fact is some are bad but most are just like the rest of us. They just have the unpleasant job of trying to maintain law and order among the cretins who are looting and burning. We have a dozen or more black neighbors and they’re just like us. In fact most aren’t as well informed as I am because they work and I’m retired.
2 states listed, Texas and Missouri. What about the other 48, what’s heard from them?
All these scumbag thugs should have their heads cracked open and left in the streets!
Now if this is done openly and equally across th board that is fine, but it seems like everything memtioned is about Antifa, when they were not the only radical group in theses protests who were doing damage. There were Militany milita persons, a few foreign actors and a Far Right Group, called BOOLAGO BOYS, that were also very active and 3 were arrested before they could do any damage.
Make it illegal’s for city or state officials to give out permits to block traffic. The tax payers of America paid to have roads built and maintained for public traffic, pleasure and business such as trucking. Protestors blocking the road denies the right to use these thorough fares for business or pleasure. Make them use side walks, and road sides to march on while showing off their stupidity. I did not pay taxes to be denied the use of these roads so a bunch of arrogant trouble makers block the roads. If they do not stop allowing these roads to be used as originally intended, then John Q Public should start suing city and state officials for giving out permits to block legal use for them rest of us. Its our roads and highways, not a handful of city officials, or a bunch of protestors. Discrimination is not allowed. We are being denied our lawful right to use these roads we paid for, so a bunch of trouble makers can block our use of them!
All of these evil Anti-American rioting scumbags need to be shot dead. They are really Terrorists and should be delt with as if they are SIS Terrorists.