A radical new “animal welfare” law may mean no more bacon for California residents.

A 2018 voter initiative requires farmers to give breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens, and veal calves legally-mandated minimum spacing before they can legally sell the product.

The rules, not backed by science, were intended by radical activists to end meat and egg consumption in California, and they may succeed.

Only four percent of pork producers can meet the new law. Unless the law is overturned or blocked by a court, most pork would become illegal to sell in California, and pork that meets the legal standard would be drastically more expensive.

“If half the pork supply was suddenly lost in California, bacon prices would jump 60%, meaning a $6 package would rise to about $9.60, according to a study by the Hatamiya Group, a consulting firm hired by opponents of the state proposition,” the Associated Press reports.

The radical law could destroy restaurants, which are already suffering under COVID-19 lockdowns.

“Our number one seller is bacon, eggs, and hash browns,” Jeannie Kim, who runs SAMS American Eatery in San Francisco, tells the AP. “It could be devastating for us.”

The California law is a threat to consumers nationwide. The state is one of America’s largest consumers of pork, accounting for 15 percent of the national market.

Pork producers nationwide can’t afford to shut out California entirely, so farmers across America may be forced to comply with the California law, driving up prices for families nationwide.

“Barry Goodwin, an economist at North Carolina State University, estimated the extra costs at 15% more per animal for a farm with 1,000 breeding pigs,” the AP reports.

So far, legal challenges have been turned back by courts, who have ruled there are no technical problems with the law and voters have the right to adopt even nonsensical legislation.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AmericanActionNews.com

Michael Brigham has written for American Action News since the summer of 2019. His areas of expertise include foreign affairs, government, and politics, but regardless of the subject matter, he has a nose and an insatiable appetite for news. In his free time, he enjoys reading nonfiction, watching a mix of comedies and true crime documentaries, and spending time away from the swamp hiking in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.


  1. Time for these nut cases to be run out of office. Violating his Oath of Office…

    Wanted for crimes against the United States, those who allowed invasion of our southern borders, against the laws of the United States, Wanted also those involved in transporting illegal aliens around the United States by plane, bus or other commercial carriers, against established State and Federal laws, Wanted those involved in the spread of the covid virus through out the United States in Lew of International laws, ignoring Home land security safety laws an National CDC prevention laws to protect against the spread of the any virus ,Wanted those who appropriated an allowed misuse of government funds not authorized by congress to help spread any virus with the infected illegal aliens, within the United States, against all established laws. Any one involved in these unlawful activities are subject to criminal charges not only now, but in the future .Pelosi an Biden two political hacks, Pelosi now thinks she runs the House and also Senate, Biden thinks he is also Governor of Texas, are they now trying to form their own government? Sorry, you two old farts, you have lost your minds, they know the house will be republican soon, ,the investigations will begin, the corruption of both will be well known to all. The Democrat party will become lost in time, just as their KKK was lost in time for democrat history. Both are in so far over their mental capabilities, IQ levels any cognitive control screens. Most Biden executive orders are illegal, most Pelosi edicts are worthless, just like most of San Francisco has become desolate to real Americans. There are so many law suits against the Biden administration he has to hire more and more layers at the tax payor’s expense ,what a way to govern, Biden follies will continue right up till he is impeached or resigns, The Biden covid border invasion continues up until Americans begin to die, criminal charges will be pending.

    1. Whatever lies they are perpetuating for the reasons, it’s their way of catering to the Muslim population!

    2. Not correct. President Trump won California. Time will show the truth, democrats only understand stealing, pedophilia, abortion and destruction. They love Cancel Culture so much, cancel them

      1. Ahhhh, no. Trump lost California. These restaurants are deliberately being squeezed out, there. It is time for all businesses to be moved out of the state. I mean right across the state line. All the businesses should put up shops, just over the NV, AZ state line. No, I mean 30 feet over the state line. Build malls there and call them “The State Line Mall” all up and down the CA state line. CA needs to be turned into a desolate wasteland. Their wine, oranges (and other fruits and veggies) aren’t all that great, anymore. Also, any and all shipments in/out of the state will be required to pay exorbitant interstate tariffs. Put the state out of business. Find the Gov, Mayors, City Council, City Mgrs, State Legislators and make them offers they can’t refuse. You know, either you straighten things out, or you’ll be put out of business.

    1. The head clown is in the WH. And Willie’s mistress reminds me of the Joker. Except, she ain’t funny.

  2. They really have some liberal idiots ruling the roost in California. Chickens,cows and pigs are staples. They are animals. They provide nourishment. I don’t have a pet rooster, pig or cow. You deserve what you get California – you elected these idiots!!

  3. Insanity is running rampant in the westerne world. Whgat has happened? IS there a virus destroying human brains? Is the virus socialism?

    1. No, Leif. It is referred to in the medical journals as “Terminal Stupidity” and there is NO cure. Hence, the word Terminal.

  4. When California adopted the Initiative (along with Referendum and Recall) on October 10, 1911, it was hailed as a progressive victory against political corruption.

    The initiative process has been corrupted. The people of California are apparently powerless against activist groups with deep pockets, who propose essentially the same nutty ideas, over and over, until the population are finally bamboozled. The initiative process should be revised so that it can only be used to impose restrictions on government, not for special interest groups to use the government to persecute people or activities they don’t like.

  5. Calinuts is the most stupid state on the face of the earth. Pretty soon nobody can breath here because some moron will say is now good what is good here. Can we still use bathroom? No wonder people running from her like from plague. Rats ,kakroches will stay here only.

  6. California is simply full of crazy ignorant people. I wish they would secede and have their own crappy country.

  7. Nothing but twisted minds by liberals can’t consume certain meats but abortion is ok. So they continue to show that they are true morons.

  8. IMO it’s another attack on America first and President Trump. This was 2018 voter initiative when President Trump was making America more independent on our own resources. CHina, yes China has the largest pork farm in the world and where we get most our pork. Funny how a small group of animal rights activist suddenly gets this through?

  9. As a farmer, we have been fighting the animal rights TRASH for many years. I have seen PROOF that the Communist party is behind BOTH the animal right TRASH and the ‘greenie’/environmental movements. This literally came from the American Communist Party literature. They have literally brainwashed idiots into thinking that farmers are cruel to animals-AN OUTRIGHT LIE-but these STUPID idiots refuse to listen to farmers. Sadly, California has far more STUPID IDIOTS that are easily brainwashed than other states.

  10. Get rid of these polluted brains AKA Communists. Thank you so much Bill gates for destroying education, health and agriculture! Leave people alone and allow them to make their own decisions and means to earn a living. Newsome must go! And so must Cuomo , Whitmer, Lightfoot and other obstructionists

  11. I smell a hint of Sharia law here. First it was veal way back in the 70’s and 80’s I remember that first hand. Now hogs, who in the world is behind this hysteria. I left Mexafornia in the 90’s just because of this type of stupidity. Tell those who think this is a good idea to go to hell.

  12. Absolutely outrageous, un-American and ignorant….such inanity in so much of the thinking these days…if all that matters could leave that state I would say come the fault storm and level that cesspool into the sea!! Its a beautiful state but most of the people are out of their minds!

  13. Ironic that the liberals want to improve living conditions for tasty pigs going to the slaughterhouse…

  14. What do these people do lay in bed at night thinking of how to ruin everything related to traditional activities. Don’t they even realize the economy effect this will have when thousands are laid off.
    Why haven’t california addressed the homelessness issue. Now that’s something I could support if they would get off their brain
    wave delusions.

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