Chuck Grimmett via Flickr

The Senate is now reportedly preparing to try and legalize marijuana at the federal level, a reversal of decades of drug policy.

As MSN reports:

The Senate is preparing to wade into a controversial conversation about federal policies on marijuana after Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, a Democrat from New York, released draft legislation this month that would legalize weed at the federal level.

The draft bill, known as the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, follows a similar bill that passed the Democratic-controlled House in December and comes as recent polling from the Pew Research Center shows that about 60% of Americans support legalizing marijuana for recreational and medical use.

The bill draft is partially based on last year’s failed effort. It proposes removing federal penalties for marijuana, expunging criminal records for nonviolent offenders of federal cannabis laws, earmarking funding for restorative justice programs, establishing tax rates for cannabis products and formally allowing states to decide whether to legalize pot.

“While it wouldn’t tell Nebraska you have to legalize marijuana, it would say you have to allow marijuana that’s being transported from California to Ohio to be able to pass through on your interstate highway system,” said Justin Strekal, political director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. “That is going to trigger a tectonic shift in thinking.”

The Biden administration has now yet publically declared whether or not it will support the legislation if it manages to make its way through Congress.


  1. Let’s see now….drugs, alcohol, prostitution, gambling, extortion? Sounds like the MOB to me! Pot is not medicinal, but what it DOES do is make liberals tolerable in social settings. Without some form of chemical coursing through their veins to tame their insolent behavior, liberals are insufferable.

    1. It’s interesting that I live life to the fullest and I don’t use drugs or smoke weed. I enjoy living my life and my main vice is Copenhagen snuff. Would any of you LADIES like to kiss me? Guy need not apply.

      1. I’ve tried many potions: Booze (To excess…) Pot, Tobacco…and I’ve found that just accepting my unique social interactions without drugs works in most settings. When I played music in bars, the atmosphere reeked with cigarette smoke, alcohol and perfume. When I arrived home from those gigs, my wife immediately ordered me to disrobe, and put my shirt and pants in the hamper. The next day, that aroma was still noticeable. You soon discover that the coping skills of those patrons affect others with second hand smoke, and–as I allowed our band members to park their libations on my amplifier–booze residue. I’m now clean and sober, so my health has markedly improved along with my acceptance among party and event attendees.

          1. We have a local TV broadcast channel featuring Gospel: including sermons (Swaggart) and music. Some of their performances are very good. Are you working in the music field? It’s been a real struggle for our group with this Covid situation. Until recently, all of our bookings were cancelled due to lock downs at our usual venues. Now we’re working regularly.

          2. I’m not with any group now. Just get together with friends about twice a week and pick.

          3. That’s always fun. If you’re interested in working, the website “Bandmix” will provide a list of dedicated musicians who’ll practice and work. (Mainly because they pay for their subscriptions.) Craigslist is not always reliable. I’ve found more flakes than raisins with that website.

    2. Right: (Hardcore) Liberals are insufferable. Right on the fact that the government is the biggest organized crime ring.

      Wrong: By definition, Cannibis is not a drug. It’s a plant that has been used for medicinal and recreational purposes for centuries. It can be grown anywhere, by anyone and used to replace many of the pharmaceutical poisons you probably use on a daily basis. Read up on why it was criminalized in 1937…

      1. You’re redefining ‘medicinal’. Yes, people use pot to feel better, but that does not correlate to efficacy in curing or treating disease. Marijuana can be characterized by the old saw “The cure is worse than the disease”. Side effects of it’s use far outweigh any benefits. All we’re doing with this pot industry is poking another vein for our government to drain us of our earnings with onerous vice taxes.

      2. All opiates / including fentanyl and heroin are made from Poppies – a plant that’s been used for centuries … cocaine comes from the coca plant. dumb argument. Nice try, you Druggie idiot.

        1. SO sorry, Joe, heroin is also a derivative of morphine, where the two hydroxyl groups have been converted to methoxy. This results in much greater lipophilicity and potential to cross the blood-grain barrier. This German morphine derivative was very good…TOO good. So good that it had to be withdrawn from the market. Its addictive potential was just too frightening. You mess about with heroin, you will LOSE. It activates the center of pleasure and pain in the brain and very quickly gives you visions of paradise, till you withdraw. Then you need more and more to reactivate this center. Finally your brain forgets to tell your lungs to BREATHE.

          1. Those drugs were wonder potions until people found out their addictive properties. For instance, cocaine was..and is…a means for folks whose property is situated on high mountain plateaus to stay energetic and tolerate thin air. These new pain medications are addictive, and patients are warned not to abuse them. Drugs are bad news, and this current effort to legalize them does not bode well for our population. The more we can live without drugs, the better we can function.

          2. The legislation of drugs in the USA is just one of the communists goals in their agenda to destroy our country from within by corrupting our society. They have made great progress in their agenda on multiple fronts. I suggest reading the book “The Naked Communist” which outlines their goals

        2. I am sorry but I know many pot users that don’t use anything else. In fact I know people , because of injury, were on opiates and got off pf them when they started using pot a much less harmful drug. Actually fentanyl is synthetic… see: fentanyl “Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent.” Also even Herion has productive people on it. there is an interesting book written in the 80’s as I recall called “The Heroin Trail”. Interesting. Me, I don’t like any drugs for me but I do know that pot can and is used for medical purposes sucessfully. I also know many drugs produced by pharm companies have so many bad side effects, just listen to any commercial. I have been in cancer research for 10 years and some of those drugs that have been approved, well…. pot deos help with chemo therapy and other things… just sayin


    1. Trial lawyers are going to celebrate the legalization of marijuana, along with liberal government officials, who’ll now have another industry to closely regulate, and garner large tax/fee/fine/foible/fund amounts from the sheep who use this drug. Don’t be surprised to see one more class-action lowah…uh…lawsuit commercial aired between television offerings condemning pot distributors for contributing to auto accidents and health problems arising from its use. (You might also view a deformed baby, whose mother will be suing that industry for causing birth defects….)

  3. It is time to undue the damage done by FDR in making herbal medicine illegal. No one is forced to use this highly effective herbal medicine, but the government must defend their past abuses and cover them with fabricated lies, like their propaganda film “Reefer Madness”.
    Alcohol continues to be the most damaging drug, but people must rule their own lives and not depend on Big Brother. Notice how Hunter Biden uses cocaine and prospers, selling access to his corrupt father, but people of color rot in Federal prison on cocaine related drug charges.
    The President has unlimited power to reduce or overturn unjust convictions and cruelly long sentences, but the evil criminal simply seeks more wealth and power for him and his corrupt family.
    As in the case of Stalin, the bureaucracy protects him.

    1. Pot is not medicinal. It’s just a potion for altering people’s moods to make them more sociable. Some people need this stuff, like liberals, who’ll complain at parties about transgender restroom signage not containing 8 languages to convey instructions. They’re always whining about something, and that trait is a bug in the punch bowl during social gatherings.

  4. I do not agree with federal legalization of marijuana or even State . That’s a lot of what is wrong with this Country.

  5. Are they going to take into account that if people get high they’re going to drive and be as bad as if they’re drunk? Munchies time, let’s hop in the car while we’re high af. I’d sue the government for injury. I don’t care if you want to get high, just don’t get in your car.

  6. I see no problem with it, but I think it has its time and place just like alcohol. Do it after work and at home and not to excess and don’t harm your children because you cannot do it within reason. And, don’t spend your money on it if you can’t afford to feed your kids healthy meals because of it. It is called common sense, which is something that liberals seem to not have for some reason.

  7. Marijuana and canibus are not the same. It is the TCP in Mj that makes it hypnotic and harmful to the brain…canibus is an herb that helps inflammation and pain… legalize Marijuana is to give free reign to even more insanity than there already is…one more foot into hell this nation is headed and already is in! Stupidity reigns here and it is not being fought!

  8. Marijuana is a drug that is just as bad as opiates or any other drug. I have witnessed total family destruction from its use. That being said, I believe the constitution gives people the right to self-destruct, as long as others are not harmed by their actions…so, legalize ALL drugs and force anyone who uses them to take responsibility for their actions, AND DO NOT ALLOW ANY GOVERNMENT FUNDS TO BE USED ON THEM OR THEIR FAMILIES…make them pay for any and all damages they inflict on others-dealing with them EXTREMELY harshly…

    1. The problem is CMWRF when people self-destruct they do not accept the responsibility for their own destructive behavior. They expect the government via the taxpayer to bail them out through disability payments for life. I have seen this over and over.

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