By Juan Carlos Fonseca Mata - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The California Education Department has proposed a brand new curriculum which would encourage children to chant the names of ancient Aztec Gods that were frequently involved in human sacrifice before contact with European explorers.

As The New York Post reports:

The California Department of Education has proposed an ethnic studies “model curriculum” that includes, among other things, chanting the names of Aztec gods in an attempt to build unity among schoolchildren.

Included in the draft curriculum is a list of “lesson resources” with a chant based on “In Lak Ech,” which it describes as “love, unity, mutual respect,” and “Panche Be,” which it describes as “seeking the roots of truth.”


The chant starts with a declaration that “you are my other me” and “if I do harm to you, I do harm to myself.” Before chanting the name of the Aztec god Tezkatlipoka, the text reads: “Seeking the roots of the truth, seeking the truth of the roots, elders and us youth, (youth), critical thinking through.”…

A portion read, “pulsating creation huitzilopochtli cause like sunlight, the light inside of us, in will to action’s what brings… Xipe Totek, Xipe Totek, x2 transformation, liberation, education, emancipation. imagination revitalization, liberation, transformation, decolonization, liberation, education, emancipation, changin’ our situation in this human transformation.”

Is this move by California’s progressive Eduction Department merely a move toward tolerance and ‘inclusivity’ or the active promotion of the worship of pagan gods? Let us know what you think in the comments below.




  1. So, some ancient culture sacrificed humans? I don’t wish to seem antiquarian, but we’re ignoring the modern sacrifice of humans: We call these “Wars” and “Abortions”.

    1. Yes they held them down and cut their heart out while they were alive and conscious. The inventors of open heart surgery.

      1. Bet many didn’t recover. They weren’t too worried about malpractice law suites. Maybe they were using lawyers for that, or better yet, POLICITIANS which most of them are lawyers! They used Commie Joe Panty Sniffer and removed his brain to give to the tinman in “Wizard of Oz.” Now the illegals from South America are coming here wanting it back. Too Late as he threw it away, because someone said “Brains” and Joe thought “Trains” and said, NO Thanks he “would rather Fly”. With his AIR HEAD it might explode at higher altitudes if they depressurize the cabin. Hate to have some poor steward clean him off the cabin interior.

        This BS school thing sounds SANTANIC to me. What the hell is wrong with these people. You CAN NOT ERASE all world history just because your “WOKE”. They are really going to mess up kids heads for generations to come. But that seems to be the idea.

        1. What’s with dissing the Scarecrow (the Tinman got a heart)? The Scarecrow’s IQ was higher before he got Dodderinn’ Joe’s brain.

        2. It used to be seperatios of Church and state and secualr schools eliminating Christianity – now its gone to teaching any religion except Christianity.
          Obviously the othner religions have no power as far as Satan and the teachers unions are concenred

      2. It would’ve been preferable to the Bolshevik method: Collectivization, where all the food Russian farmers grew was confiscated, and those farmers and their families starved to death. They tried to pull the same crap after they annexed East Germany.

    2. Some cultures killed their children by throwing them into a pit – still alive! But I agree that currently we are still participating in human sacrifice with abortions. I would not consider war in that group though.

  2. Let’s see if the California Education Department are willing to be the first human sacrifices. After all shouldn’t educators set the example???????

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth. If you believe in human sacrifice and you are a human then you should be the one(s) to be sacrificed. Chant away…

    1. You should see the San Francisco DMV customer lounge: You’d think you were at a Star Wars Bar Scene character audition.

  3. It would be much more beneficial if the chanted the ten Commandments, starting with; “I am the Lord thy God”

  4. When are the “supposed” adults going to stop letting the children run the hen house? It’s about time to kick every one of the idiots in the Department of “Education” out and make them go back to the first grade and start their learning process over again; that way, they may actually learn something that they missed the first time and would like to pass it down to their own children.

  5. one could argue ethics and parallels ad nauseam, but it would be lost on most kids. It is part of the leftist/BLM goal to destroy Western culture. Period. Wonder what position the muslim parents will take on their kids’ participation? HMMM!

    1. Those subjects are too hard. Besides, here in California, we have teachers who are certified to teach, but are not qualified to teach. We have high-schoolers who can’t count change, don’t know the difference between “can’t” and “cant”, and teachers who don’t know the difference between “all are not” and “not all are”.

  6. How rediculous can they get? Only in la la land. Someone needs to step in and get this under control. Get a governor that has half a brain.

  7. Calipornia has been RUINED by LIBERAL IGNORANCE for far to long. But Democraps HATE life that is not totally under their control.

  8. Take away any and all Federal funding for this California Nut Job school. As for me, I am sick and tired to listening to or reading anything about these Cancel Culture freaks and their wacko beliefs.

    1. Unfortunately, California is being rewarded with our federal taxpayer dollars for their destructive economic policies. With the dems in control and peglosi head of the house, they won’t cut anything – they will probably reward them. Judgement is coming!

  9. I think these idiots in the California Dept of Education seriously need to find something else to do, besides destroying young impressionable minds. It’s just a prelude to abortion being OK, and the “you can be whatever you want to be nonsense”….

  10. Biden , Harris , Pelosi and Schumer first. After that line up all the pain in the ass Snowflakes and then the entitlement liberals. That should please these pagan bozo gods.

  11. This is typical of the mindset of California…. to lead the way into the degradation of our society so that everything is ok, no matter what you may have believed before to be right and truth. Look at the politicians coming out of that fruit farm!! That’s a good example of what to expect in the future. Next they will try to reintroduce slavery because it happened but to change it they would have the about people be the slaves to shore then what the blacks went through. I loved this country but my love for it I is wavering under the onslaught on stupidity that is spewing out more each day.

  12. Calling themselves the California Education Department is a very use and definition of EDUCATION.

  13. This attack on our children begins with abortion, and ends with the “mummified” brains of innocent children being filled with the horrors of a demonic culture and forced to glorify it in the name of “inclusion”!!!!! Their brains filled with this kind of rot must be stopped. Voters in California WAKE UP!!!! Parents WAKE UP!!!! And defend your children at all costs.

  14. In my opinion, abortion is to tame a word. I call it killing. What I do not understand is what was their crime. Which of the 10 Commandments did they refuse to obey, and how did they do it while still in the womb? Are we going to see sacrificing older children now? I understand that Isreal and other countries are still having babies. America is going to alienate itself with the deaths of babies. I do not know if anyone has noticed, but when I was a child there were a lot of us on playgrounds and grocery stores, now it seems to be a novelty to see a child. Have anyone noticed that every time California passes something stupid they have a fire or some other disaster? Be careful California what you want to implement in your beautiful state.

  15. I pray that Newsom gets his due reward and is recalled by voters who love and care for our state

  16. They’re preparing the kids for the End Times foretold in the Bible. Most likely it will be Christians who are sacrificed.

  17. In Mexico they don’t teach that nonsense this people are mentally gone.
    Don’t wait today MUST sue Nancy Pelosi for gross negligence causing the wrongful dead of Ashli Babbit in the Capitol riot, she was unarmed, who gave those orders to the the Capitol police to shot an unarmed person without first giving prior notice of that they will be shooting at them , violating the law.
    No one is above the Law not even the POTUS, Nancy fired the experienced Capitol chief of police days before the riots and placed an inexperienced person to be in charge, refused the offer from the POTUS TRUMP to have 10,000 troops to stop riots in DC, there are multiple videos that show how the Capitol Police let the rioters in the Capitol and also guide them to the chambers then inside to ambush them and gun down an innocent person.
    We The People want the Law to be upheld even to everyone, no one is above the LAW.
    Now the say the Capitol police that shot Babbit is in hiding who is helping him to do so, and why they haven’t open an investigation!!!.

  18. The california Dept of Education has lost their God damn minds. My children will NOT worship any Pagan godand will not be forced to participate in such an anti Christian ideal. They want inclusivity, they need to teach that everyone is equal. I am sick of this “woke” bunch of idiots trying to completely replace our history, perpetuate nonsense that is against our personal and or religious beliefs.

  19. Those chants don’t belong in the schools. Stupid educational department in California has totally lost their credibility. They’ve become so hateful to our true God and he’s watching and anyone chanting those awful praises to Aztec Gods will be sorry. Poor kids being led like Sheep to the slaughter. Come on parents don’t let your children get caught up in the bull crap of this culture trash.

    1. True, it is forbidden to pray to God. BUT, if one is of a preferred group, with a special kind of “white privilege”, such as a Muslim or pagan, special “rights” are granted, the right to pray is one of them.

  20. This is crazy. Whose idea was this ? Our children have enough to deal with. Chanting to a false God is detrimental.

  21. What the hell is wrong with California?? Why are they allowing this crap to go on? Kick these people out and put God back in school and it will fix what’s wrong with America! 🇺🇸 🙏🏻

    1. California has structured a reactionary governmental process which enjoins pressure groups, unions, jurists, media and state representatives to forgo any semblance of constituent participation in the formation of their laws. Opposition presented to inhibit this process is defined as “Hate”, “Bigotry”, “Extremism”, “Nationalism” etc. by the media, in conjunction with a vocal and militant cadre of minorities, women and even illegal aliens. We’re trying now to unseat “Any-Twosome” Newsom, and if that effort is successful, we’ll commence the process of dismantling the liberal juggernaut that fosters such ridiculous mandates.

  22. Any bible reading Christian or Jew knows that if this really happens you can count the days to doom for this country.

  23. i was raised in thr california school system,my parents were both in education,this isnt accapetable,we need god back in our schools teach the constitutiuon all this “woke crap and correctness is ruining the american fabric of life”.

  24. So now the school system will try to force children to worship a pagan god. Where is the separation of church and state now?

    1. You should read the book “Who Started the Organized Church? It Wasn’t God!”, written by Dr. Lorraine Day. I’m a firm believer in the Constitution, and the emphasis against our government “Respecting the Establishment of Religion”. So, why do our Presidents head to Jerusalem to bang their heads on the Wailing Wall? And why is a 40 foot Menorah erected on our White House Lawn? It seems the legislative, judicial and executive branches don’t quite understand the 1st Amendment admonitions…or the 2nd Amendment admonitions, for that matter.

  25. What is it about the air, the water, the earth in California that gives rise to crazy ideas about the way people should be? Unity behind a school motto or team or mascot maybe. Unity behind the Constitution and government maybe. But espousal of any religion violates the Constitution’s separation of Church and State.

  26. The leftists want war in America and like all who plan such comes the questions ‘What do you do with the bodies?” Mexican religions of Human sacrifice rationalize the removal of those who were against the Religio-Politcol state – And violent rlegions provide social acceptance to sacrificial murder. Sometimes Aztecs would sacrifice as amy as 22,000 persons at a time.
    You can do that when no one owns anything and the High Priest says you are all happy (you better be or else)

  27. I thank God every day I don’t live in californikat the school board and supervisors just get stupider and stupidor every day this is why their state is in the tank OMG don’t you idiots get tired to being the dumb asses of the USA! No wonder people are running out on you they can’t get out fast enough, You have an idiot for a governor, your senators are garbage stealing from you constantly but you just keep voting them back into office, so please all you dumboRats stay where you are the rest of the normal (Not Run By DumboRats) country don’t want your politics!

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