Steve Ricchetti

The White House counselor’s lobbying firm has a deal with Amazon to petition their healthcare arm’s issues with the White House and Congress.


  1. I think he already hired these guy’s a year ago,HIT MEN !! I was a democrat most of my 83 years but they have become the scum of the earth and makes me ashamed that I was a democrat.

      1. The Republicans are selling out patriots slowly and surely. They have no spine and are the reason this republic is doomed!!!

        1. They should have never got off the TRUMP TRAIN it was as close as we could have gotten to the original plan. LIFETIME POLITICIANS THAT MAKE LAWS THAT DON’T AFFECT THEM. great britons lifetime time lord families. It smells a lot like crap; must be turning into a midden.

    1. Worse they’ve turned communist, what they’re doing is communist, people can nice it up with socialist but it’s communist dictator stuff.

    2. Rich, no time like now to “about face” and join thr New USA Republic! It’s not bad to be a conservative Republican! I know; been o e all my 50 voting yrs.

  2. Good for Joe, with his dementia and 47 year record of corruption, he needs all the help he can get AND THEN SOME…

    1. It’s like washington has now become the mafia for the biden admin, harris will be in within 3 years

  3. Pay per play helped to cover the fraud get a seat.
    Stop the commies.
    This is the next path forward, first block twitter and facebook from your internet provider, the state of Idaho internet provider blocked them both.
    Tech bubble is imminent, close tweeter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any from your IRA, 401K check your mutual funds that have Twitter or FB included, Twitter down again, dump before they go to zero, stop buying from Amazon, buy direct from the mom’s and pop’s stores near you, don’t wait DO IT TODAY .

  4. Now why does this not surprise me… He’s an evil person surrounding himself with other evil, like-minded people.

  5. Good bye to our first amendment rights! Old Joe is showing his character. We will have no rights under the heavy fist of the biden administration.

  6. I guess it would be impossible to investigate these company’s when they are working for the new administration. It would be like hunter biden investigating himself for money laundering and drug trafficking and taking money from foreign countries as bribes.
    the communist Chinese are buying influence to change our laws to make it easier to take our country and they paid the biden crime family a-lot.

  7. Remember history in every socialist and communist country it starts with brainwashing the people stopping free speech except for what they want you to hear

  8. Biden is ushering in the epic cleanse or reset which is a global takeover of our sovereignty and constitutional republic. This is serious folks. I’m willing to fight.

  9. Looks like bogus bidets administration is keeping up the pay for play politics. I HATE DEAMONCRAPS TO THE CORE !

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