Taylor Bennett via Flickr


Stuart Seeger via Flickr

One of Silicon Valley’s oldest companies has had enough. While its 135,000 employees retain the option to work from home, at its former world headquarters, and other U.S. offices, Oracle announced days ago its headquarters officially moved to Austin, Texas over California’s tax rates, cost of living, and arduous commutes.

The world’s second-largest software maker first opened a campus in Austin two years ago, designed to attract a younger and less expensive workforce. Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison and CEO Safra Catz are longtime supporters of President Donald Trump. They’re also sharp critics of the new Silicon Valley and, in particular, tech giant Google.


      1. Add Seattle, that place is a dump now because of Democrat control. People for the love of all that is good vote Republican.

    1. You are correct, and based on results, the liberal-dems are equivalent to a “Virus”… they infiltrate and morally rot communities with hate, racism, and violent judgement (Seattle, Portland, Detroit, Chicago, Austin, ect). If you disagree with them trying to implement, or force their, CA/Liberalism ideas and political Bias on you Texans.
      They will simply infiltrate your schools and indoctrinate the educational system of Texas. One generation at a time. History has proven this manipulation is effective.
      How will Texas react?

  1. This is what liberals do….They ruin the state they were born in, then they flee to another state to ruin it. They just aren’t satisfied until they ruin everyone’s life.

  2. As long as they leave their liberal politics in California. unfortunately, many who are leaving liberal CA are taking their failed politics with them and turning red states more and more blue.

  3. Prosecute him to the max then go after the biggest crook of all his old man Joe never elected President biden. The most corrupt politician ever!!

    1. I totally agree.

      I PRAY whole heartly our BEAUTIFUL state does NOT become a Liberal state with so many californians moving to Texas, Pleas exccuse my spelling error am hurrying to finish my comment.

      I pray our government leaders do NOT fail us and fall into their traps.

      they want to come here fine more jobs for texans UT that’s it. They want their business here great KEEP YOUR LIBERAL FRAME OF MINDS OUT OF TEXAS PERIOD!!!!!


  4. Regardless of the facts, the leftists will never learn from their own lunacy.
    Communism never works, anywhere it’s tried. The only reason it still exists is because those governments have all of the guns.

  5. The golden state is now the color of Shit ! Smells like Shit too. Democrats turn everything they touch into Shit !

  6. They leave Ca. Where the taxes are to high. Go to Texas where the taxes are low Then they go right on voting Democrat. The hight of stupidity.

  7. And are all of these exCalifornia refugees bringing the same mindset that is destroying with them? Are they really moving to Texas to try to turn it blue? By the way what is with the click-bait format on this article? That is one sure way to ensure I don’t read something.

  8. I hate to say this but corporate America itself has become liberal and politically correct. They are promoting just as much Liberal BS as our colleges.

  9. Oh, man. Do you not see what is happening. Sure they move to the leftist capital of Texas — Austin. But they will bring135,000 flaming leftist employees with them. And along with them, the socialist ideology that has destroyed California.
    WE DON’T WANT THEM. They will come in and take control and destroy our state too.
    In fact, I wish they would take Austin and ship them all out to California right now In the election, the only place in Texas where the election officials actually forced the Republican observers to LEAVE THE ROOM was Austin. What did they gain? Probably some local offices. And they increased the fake popular vote for Biden by several hundred thousand.
    get GO. BE GONE.

  10. Seriously. we in Texas don’t want them. The stinking Democrat politicians might. But we don’t. The Democrats like Clay Jenkins in Dallas are determined to destroy themselves by shutting down when it DOES NOT WORK to stop the corona. All it does is bankrupt the cities and the businesses. Now they bring in the stinking Californians who will drive the cost of housing through the roof.

  11. I’m not sure this will be a blessing for Texas. Big companies are a big part of the globalist progressive movement. They may be moving in to corrupt the state government and with the number of blue Californians now living here, overturn Texas.

  12. California is going to tax home owners out of their houses with Prop 19 it seems so their will be even more migration selling your houses rather than have bureaucrats pounce on the people who haven’t left yet. Born and raised in California and the one party rule of progressive communist Democrats are killing the golden goose that use to shine on all of us has died and was eaten by Democratic lunacy.

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