Heather Paul via Flickr

Despite being a prominent al Qaeda member, a Manhattan judge recently freed convicted terrorist Adel Abdul Bary.

Bary had spent 21 of his last 60 years in federal prison for participating in al Qaeda’s 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa — killing hundreds, including 12 Americans. As a publicist for Osama bin Laden, he confirmed the terror group’s culpability to the world. Before 9/11, the bombings were al Qaeda’s most deadly attack against the West.

Yet U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan determined Bary’s obesity and age put him at high risk of getting severely ill from Covid-19.

And for the past several weeks, Bary has enjoyed the life of a free man in the United Kingdom.

The New York Post reports:

Bary had been set to be freed on Oct. 28, but his attorneys asked that he be let out sooner, citing their ­client’s age, girth and asthma.

“Mr. Bary’s continued incarceration now significantly increases his risk of infection, which could wreak disastrous health outcomes,” his lawyer wrote in court documents.

While prosecutors didn’t agree that Bary’s age made him more at risk to catch COVID-19, they did concede his body mass index of 36 did.

“The defendant’s obesity is an extraordinary and compelling reason that could justify a reduction of his sentence in light of the current pandemic,” they wrote.

Bary quickly reunited with his family in their $1 million-plus London flat.

The UK’s home secretary now has to deal with Bary at a time when the threat of Islamic terrorism remains as prevalent as ever for Western Europe.

Bary’s own son has openly espoused views championed by militant Islamists.

President Bill Clinton appointed Judge Kaplan to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (S.D.N.Y.) in 1994. He became the S.D.N.Y.’s senior judge in 2001.


  1. Are you frigging serious? Well all I can say is if he ends up do harm to anyone in anyway that is on that judge.
    He should be held accountable for it. Putting the citizens in grave danger is absolutely inexcusable. What a dam moron,

  2. This is just proof that the Progressives, judges included, want to destroy this Republic. They are as guilty as the terrorist themselves.

  3. So turn him loose and spread the news and we are supposed to stay indoors and wear masks. Hope he looks you up.

  4. another pro terrorist Biden / Destroy-the-US-Democrat: no surprise. What was the old fashioned treatment of traitors ?

  5. So Judge Kaplan has determined that the chances of this vile criminal who participated in the killing of hundreds of people NEEDED to be released because he had gotten fat in prison and might face the chances of getting COVID. SO WHAT. The animal was put in prison as punishment. There is NO need to protect ANY criminal from getting covid. That is part of the punishment. What a bunch of cowards. I bet Kaplan was FEARFUL for his life.

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