Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is facing harsh scrutiny today after criticizing thousands of Orthodox Jews who attended the funeral of a prominent rabbi who succumbed to the coronavirus.

Police broke up the Brooklyn funeral of Rabbi Chaim Mertz, reportedly attended by 2,500 people, for violating Governor Andrew Cuomo’s shutdown orders.

De Blasio went so far as to go to the funeral with police before posting a controversial tweet:

Fox News further reports:

The mayor’s response drew swift condemnation. While critics did not appear to dispute whether the funeral was a violation of social distancing rules — which call for staying at least six feet apart and limit large gatherings — they questioned de Blasio’s language toward the city’s Jewish population over the incident, months after a rash of anti-Semitic attacks in the New York metropolitan area. (RELATED: These Mayors Don’t Seem to Know What Social Distancing Means)

New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger, who is Jewish, accused de Blasio of treating Jews differently from other populations.

“Mr. Mayor, your words are unacceptable,” Yeger tweeted. “To condemn our entire community over one group of people is something you would not do to any other ethnic group, and I know you long enough to know that you know this.”

Washington Examiner executive editor Seth Mandel also accused de Blasio of being harsher against Jews than he would be against others.

The Anti-Defamation League also criticized de Blasio.

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  1. Mayor De Blasio why don’t you go to Park Slope where the liberals brake every rule of cov19?
    or Prospect Park?
    You are the worst mayor in the history of N.Y
    Too bad we don’t have someone of the stature of Rudi Juliano just a pitiful stupid and corrupt little man.

    1. So how long will the Jews continue to support Democrats? deBlasio is a communist who runs as a jew. I ask one question. Did the quarantine actually get passed as a law or was it a decree from a dictator? Clay Jenkins tried that in Dallas. He has been shut down by BOTH parties.

    2. He could go to the nearest Mosque where he will find violations of the social distancing rule abounds and abounds…. AND it’s okay for him to go to a park 11 miles further than the park by his house to exercise in violation of the stay at home orders he specifically gave to the residents of his city.

    1. When they came after the Jews no one helped. When they came after the Catholics no one helped. When they came after the Irish no one helped. When they came after the Italians no one helped. When they came after me there was no one to help.

      1. THAT WAS AWESOME,,Whats the new term,,,, WOKE? , I’LL go one better WAKE THE F×@% UP AMERICA!!!! WE’RE considered NOTHING more than sheep, and I am as GUILTY as anyone for NOT standing up

    2. We really don’t know whether or not the Jews put him in office. It’s more realistic it was the Muslims who put him in office.

      Look what he has allowed the Muslims to start doing NOW, blasting NY with their cult religious call to prayer, which means kill anyone who doesn’t believe like we do – we are infidels….

      Five times per day. He has also given millions to the Muslims….

  2. This so called Mayor’s response was way over the top. No matter what your Religion or otherwise, this statement was meant for all citizens and it is totalitarian to say the least. The mayor ought to be more careful and choose his words more wisely. You don’t control the citizens of NYC. You work for them.
    We had a 1775 Revolution against the British for doing far less that what our Government is now doing to We The People. Tread lightly Big Brother. Little Brother has grown up and is wise to your Globalists Plan.

  3. The Jewish community supported and voted for him and other democrats (AOC). New York is a hell hole. Thanks democrats.

  4. How about the fact that no mosque has been shut down? The muslims have been allowed to go to the mosque this whole time, but no other religious group has been able to.

    1. Sit in your car and video tape the muslims going into the mosques. Then video tape yourself calling the cops (keep your face hidden for safety reasons) – REMEMBER what DeBlasio said? You can call and “snitch”.

      After you make the call, keep video taping . . . . see how long BEFORE the cops show up. I guarantee the cops will show up as soon as the activity inside is finished and the Muslims are leaving.

  5. I do not fill sorry for NY at all. They elected Governor who has no clue how and what kind of job is to be a governor, they elected a giant moron for mayor, they elected a waitress to be in congress that who cannot add 1 + 1 ( nothing against waitresses and barman people, they are hard working people), but this one is just an idiot, and state is broke and unprepared for any disaster after 911, booming Trade Center, and others. Same like Calimexico. And has taxes to the roof exactly like Calimexico. And other stats run by who ???? ……….. DemRats.

  6. Arrest them – then get ready for the DOJ to file charges on their behalf – then get your checkbook out for the fines.

    I notice that no Mosque has been issued this same order.

  7. This is calling the kettle black. When he is serving 500 thousand meals to Muslims. But closed church’s, But not Mosque. How about feeding the homeless moron. People of NY are getting what they voted for. Someone needs to tar and feather this freak.

  8. Guess the Jews must learn – voting matters. Choose wiser next time. I could NEVER understand WHY the Jews always vote demoncrat. Guess only money matters to them. Some of us learn quicker. I am saying this because it needs to be said. I love the Lord Jesus & the Jews. They need to have their eyes opened.

    1. Yes, You would think they’d learn after 2000 years! The ones in Israel ?? have learned and they are fantastic fighters but American Jews continually give away their rights and freedoms by supporting liberal socialist gun grabbing Democrats!

  9. Democrats are Democrats, Über Alles.
    Harassment, Fraud, Felonies, Inappropriate sexual relationship, Drug usage, Deceiving, Obfuscating, Prevaricators, Racism, Lying, Ignorance, Bribery, Hypocrisy, Antisemitism, misleading, plagiarism, perjurers, Communists, all Democrat résumé enhancements.

  10. Had they been Muslims, he would have fallen all over himself to accommodate them. NY democrat politicians treat Jews Just like they treat Blacks, Promise them the world, harvest their vote, then forget about them.

    1. And if they, the politicians, do that and they, the Jewish people and the African-Americans, continue to vote for them, who are the dummies at the end of the day?

      I keep saying it. Every election season, inner city churches see all kinds of Democrats in their pulpits (what happened to separation of Church and State) making all sorts of promises. Ask those churches how many times they see those politicians AFTER the vote?

  11. The attack on Jewish Americans began in Drunken Nancy Pelosi’s controlled Democrat Congress. When all the anti-Semitism started spewing from that Congress NOT ONE of the 35 Jewish Congresspersons said a damned thing. They sat there quietly and did absolutely NOTHING! WHY? Schumer? Crickets – Nadler? Crickets – Schiff? Crickets – Feinstein? Crickets. IN NYC deBlasio had already threatened to permanently close down any and all churches and synagogues that dared to hold religious services – he did not mention Mosques however – Why?
    Now we see that deBlasio is buying 450,000 meals for Muslims for Ramadan with NYC taxpayer money. Most of those taxpayers are Christians or Jews. “The time for warnings has passed?” New Yorkers should be demanding an immediate IMPEACHMENT of the corrupt and inept deBlasio for dereliction of duty and an honest and complete investigation into that $900,000,000 of NYC taxpayer money that deBlasio and his wife cannot seem to account for. Where I come from we call that embezzlement. Lastly deBlasio released the convicts onto the streets and citizens of NYC – Now deBlasio is “disturbed” that so many of those convicts have already committed more crimes against the citizens of NYC. What the hell did this idiot think would happen? ANY and ALL of those crime victims should be suing NYC and deBlasio and collecting compensation! New York has been a disaster all thru out this COVID-19 pandemic – and all their illustrious leaders have been able to do is blame Trump. FYI preparing individual states for emergencies/disasters/pandemics etc IS THE GOVERNOR’S JOB – NOT the presidents. It is the MAYOR’S JOB to prepare their own cities. Cuomo and deBlasio have FAILED New York and NYC miserably.

    1. Mike you should run for mayor GREAT JOB! everything you said is the truth, but some just can not face the TRUTH!!

    2. Everything Marxist Democrats like NYC Mayor Bill de Blowsio touch turns to a smelly pile of donkey used oats!

  12. And you know what, they still will vote for any Democrat that runs. The anti-semites in the Democratic Party who have done everything to destroy Israel have no fear in losing their votes.

    They join the majority blacks in voting to keep them as loyal minorities. This is no different than women’s groups and Hollywood elitists keeping silent on the fully supported accusations of a sexual attack by Biden on a young staff worker. Complete silence in all his TV interviews and the most liberal #metoo movement now calling for either ignoring it or calling for his rights of innocence. All you need to do is say you are a Democrat.

  13. Do other people (not only ex-NYCers like me) not know that his real name (legally changed to “become” an Italian-American?) is Warren Wilhelm. Why change from “Wilhelm” (there was once a German Kaiser…)? For the food, the opera? Or to not alienate the Jewish vote (remarkably hugely Democratic Party?) to have a non-working career for life in the nauseating politics in NYC.

  14. Well, I think, let’s say the Black community lost a prominent citizen, I guarantee you he would not have messaged such a like gathering as “my message to the Black community and all communities” etc. I don’t know if he is anti-Semite or not but use of language gives pause to those who understand that phrasing often reveals underlying feelings. Democrats count on both the Black and Jewish communities (especially in NY) to keep them in office so he probably doesn’t think of himself as anti-Semite or racists or anti-gay (his wife is black and once an avowed lesbian) or anything other than anti-conservative and hence anti-Trump. Politicians by in large have a “I know better than my constituents” attitude that follows them right after being elected. It’s obvious that he and the Governor have mishandled much what has happened in NY before (their readiness) and after the outbreak.

  15. Mayor DeLusional is one CLUELESS ARROGANT BRAIN-DEAD Son of a Bitch. This clown couldn’t run a News Stand let alone a City. He couldn’t count his balls twice & come up with the same answer… ALBEIT.. he LOVES his CRIMINALS & ILLEGALS .. what a POS.

  16. That’s interesting seeing how NYC and Mayor De Blasio has yet to shut down the Muslim Mosques whom violate the distancing order every single day. There have been pictures posted that show this and NOW they are going to be helping to feed the Muslims during their ‘Ramadan’ for 30 days… I bet there will be even more violations of the ‘Social Distancing’ orders…… Hey Mayor De Blasio, Hypocrite much?????

  17. I have nothing against the Jewish community and do not like DeBlasio, but these people were WRONG, and selfish. They put themselves, New Yorkers, and healthcare workers needlessly at risk.

    1. How did they do that…they all wore face masks..they were very organized until the gestapo started pushing…they were observing all the illegal rules youre idiot set how were they risking others sheeple

  18. I have wondered for some time why we never see a photo of De Blasio with his foot in his mouth. That is where it usually is. I suppose the media stages his photo shoots.

  19. Good for the Jewish folk telling that KGB mayor DiBlasio to stay off the beach with his wife – who does he think he is anyway, he’s supposed to be in lockdown ! – he made a big mistake targeting a funeral, it’s horrid the way families are left without their relatives and friends to comfort them, they have to bury their loved ones alone while we watch all those people in the White House Oval Office sitting right next to each other and Pelosi and Schumer standing right next to each other and noone’s sitting four or six feet away from one another in the House and Senate!!!
    AG Barr said that Justice would overrule those KGB govs and we’ve seen one instance of that out of the hundreds of KGB orders being given to subdue the population which is all those actions are b/c none of it is for our ‘health.’
    The Democrats will do anything to keep trying to get our duly elected legitimate President out of office and the AG is supposed to stop all that – Americans have shown vast tolerance of patience, but the more the patience waits on Justice the tattered it gets.

  20. The libs just want to keep you home by offering you more money ($2000 a month)so that the economy could go down a very deep shit hole! And create a great depression the likes you never seen. Don’t be fooled! You can’t trust these evil liberal Commie Demoncrats!

    Bella Pelosi, better known as Dracula. Sneaked in a 1 billion Dollar funding for Plan Parenthood (The abortion factory) and other things that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus bill. Evil and Devious indeed! Never let a crisis go to waste is one of the Demoncrat 10 Satanic Commandments.

    Wuhan Virus Bioweapon AKA: China Virus, Coronavirus weaponized by China and their Globalist treasonous Godless demoncratic Commie party and cohorts Soros the MSM fake media, academia, Hollywood, crash the greatest US economy ever! And to take down the greatest president ever, President Trump!! Keep up the great work President Trump! 2020 and beyond! From the Patriots of a Commie free America!

  21. It is not about safety with the “left”. The “Left” Agenda 21 is to lower the population and trash the economy and make money by calling any one who dies the Corona virus. Numbers maybe fake to try to get more virus money. He is just one of the “left” enjoying their power to hurt others. The virus may be spreading mostly by the test kits which are contaminated with the virus and give false positives. People can learn to keep themselves safe without the governors help. They also wanted to push vaccines on these people which would hurt. God bless them!

  22. Perhaps it’s time for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to be investigated for the possibility that he’s receiving funds from Hezbollah or it’s spin doctor, Iran. Just curious.

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