Photo by Gage Skidmore

Jake Sullivan

Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, has been sanctioned by Russia.

This week, @JakeSullivan46 and @BrianDeeseNEC launched the Small and Less Populous Island Economies Initiative to strengthen our collaboration with island countries and territories in the Caribbean, North Atlantic, and Pacific regions. Read more:


  1. Maybe Putan is doing us a favor and will take care of these corrupt politicians before someone gets him? Just saying!

  2. I don’t mean to sound tone deaf, but I really don’t even understand this????
    What’s Putin sanctioning them on?
    Not like any of these idiots are ready to book a flight and go there on vacation?????

      1. Thanks @ Monrda & Bernard from your responses.
        Both valid points. I wish they would disclose to the world what they’re paying these criminals.

      2. Oh HELL they will get paid as they are with the commies. Otherwise ASSh000 SOROS will make sure they are taken care of. If this BS keeps on we will have a WAR and it will not be a nice one . Maybe almost as bad as the CIVIL WAR but not WHITE against BLACK but the true AMERICAN;S who want to bring back our country.

  3. WOW! Putin’s list of those he is sanctioning matches my list of those I believe should be hanged for treason.

    The REAL REASON Putin is sanctioning them is because he doesn’t want their utter stupidity to spread among his Russian people.

  4. I don’t believe this news story. I think it’s obvious that Biden is in fact assisting Putin’s aggression. Not just because he turned over our state of the art weapons systems again, just as Biden did in Iraq, he did in Afghanistan (85 billion is enough to arm an formidable enemy as it did the ISIS califat). Obama / Biden cancelled the defense missile bases planes for Poland which had they been built would be able thwart the Russian air assault in Ukraine. Between Biden’s personal ties to the pre-Zelenski, corrupt leaders and Russian totalitarians who Biden’s personal affairs are tied and his outright behind the scenes negotiations to again unilaterally arm Iran’s terrorists, Biden’s calls to Stop Russian war on Afghanistan ring totally hollow. The new deal with Iran will circumvent the policies he says he is enacting . They give Russian and Iranian banks unrestricted unregulated access to transact business on behalf of Russian oil companies and even allow payments to militant anti- American organizations. Of course a US President restricting oil production domestically while contracting to buy from Communist dictators should make everyone question his credentials as a patriot.
    That our President has given Russian the job of drafting to new Iran deal, one can only know that as usual this President says he is representing our interests but the reality is completely in opposition. Biden is indisputably a fraud and a traitor who’s deception cannot be allowed to continue. He and his administration are a clear and present danger to our national security. Impeach him and his VP today

    1. HEY my man you put it out as it should and all of them should be hung at HIGH NOON for TREASON. The whole bunch of the “DEMO-RATS” have and are still getting away with out being charged and if they are the BIG JUDGE let’s them off of the hook.

  5. Au contraire, our so-called leader didn’t sanction Russia. Quite the reverse. Last I heard, we buy millions of barrels of crude oil from Russia in lieu of cleaner oil from Canada. Good grief, the U.S. President is taking us directly into a hot war with the two largest military forces in history.

    I still cannot believe the democrat party chose this mental defective as their candidate and more unbelievable is the notion that he was elected by people who are supposed to be smarter.

  6. Putin was playing chess while Biden was playing checkers, in between his naps. Putin is going to conduct a purge of anti-war Russian citizens, we need to purge the Biden administration to restore America’s security.

  7. Yeah these are all that have been compromised for taking bribe money from Russians and Chineese. Biden and Clinton the biggest abusers I bet if we checked we could add Obama to this mix as well. These rotten ass poor excuse for a human beings are ten times worse than Trump ever thought of being . Where’s the bullshit media now to expose these crooks.. We have to vote these crooks out for good .. If we can control the mail in fraud votes. That’s all they have. Can run on their record.

  8. I suspect that 70% U.S. citizens are ready to let the other party volunteer to replace all of those on the Putin list.

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