Photo edit of John Tester. Credit: Alexander J. Williams III/Popacta.
Photo edit of John Tester. Credit: Alexander J. Williams III/Popacta.
Democratic Senator Jon Tester launched his re-election campaign by criticizing “multi-millionaires” who don’t understand hard work, despite recent financial disclosures showing that he himself is a millionaire with a net worth between $1,768,009 and $6,695,000, largely due to farmland and associated assets, and will face tough opposition from Republicans seeking to regain control of the U.S. Senate.


Democratic Montana Senator Jon Tester launched his re-election campaign last week with a speech that included criticism of “multi-millionaires” who he claimed did not understand the value of hard work. However, recent financial disclosures reveal that Tester is himself a millionaire with a net worth between $1,768,009 and $6,695,000, largely due to the value of his farmland and associated assets. Tester also disclosed thousands of dollars in stocks and investments, as well as bank deposits.

Tester appeared alongside fellow millionaire Senator Mark Kelly at the Montana Democratic Party’s fundraising dinner to kick off his campaign. In his speech, Tester took jabs at Republican Senator Steve Daines and Representative Matt Rosendale, both of whom he called “a bunch of multimillionaires” who were more focused on “empty political rhetoric” than on fighting for working families. Tester also described himself as the “only working farmer in the U.S. Senate.”

During the fundraising dinner, Tester said:

“I know the people in Washington don’t understand what a hard day’s work looks like; they often don’t understand the challenges that working families are facing,”

“But that is exactly why I’m running. I am running to keep fighting for you, to keep fighting for Montana values, the state that we all love.”

While it is unclear who will challenge Tester in the upcoming election, Rosendale and Representative Ryan Zinke are rumored to be considering runs for the Republican nomination. Tester is expected to face a tough race as Republicans seek to regain control of the U.S. Senate.

It is worth noting that Tester’s net worth and ownership of assets do not necessarily contradict his criticism of wealthy politicians who are out of touch with working families. However, the fact that he is himself a millionaire does raise questions about the consistency of his message. Nonetheless, Tester’s re-election bid is likely to focus on his record of advocating for Montana values and working families, rather than his personal wealth.


  1. A millionaire yelling about other millionaires. I guess someone should be checking out him. Trying to take the limelight away from him. He has something to hide. Saw this Obama, Hilary and Biden. Screaming for the middle class and poor but really are for the rich. Corruption every where!.

  2. Jon Tester is likely the biggest hypocrite in the US Senate, and that is a HUGE statement. He has much competition. Yet he is still an outstanding level of trash.

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