Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “New York City (New York, USA), Empire State Building -- 2012 -- 6448 (bw)” / CC BY-SA 4.0

During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the year 2020, one liberal state experienced the highest drop in life expectancy in the entire country: New York. According to the CDC, life expectancy in the empire state plunged significantly during the first year of the infection’s prevalence.

As The Daily Wire reports:

New York experienced the largest drop in life expectancy of any state in the nation in 2020, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Life expectancy for New York residents plunged from 80.7 in 2019 to 77.7 in 2020, according to the CDC’s new National Vital Statistics report released Tuesday.

Despite the drop, the Empire State ranked 15th in overall life expectancy, with Mississippi ranking the lowest nationwide at just 71.9 years of life expectancy in 2020.

At the top of the list is Hawaii, ranking at 80.7 years. With lower life expectancy across the board, the state was the only one to stand above the eight-decade mark.


  1. This is the fault of the Republican party , which is a cancer on America that must be destroyed before it destroys this country !

  2. Communist policies, all over the world, have resulted in the death of MILLIONS of people. Why should New York be any different?

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