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Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) went after Biden Administration transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg for his new claim that Americans could avoid skyrocketing gas prices by simply switching to an electric vehicle.

As the Daily Wire reports:

While gas prices soar around the nation, on Monday at a press conference at which he spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg lauded the nationwide electric vehicle charging network the Biden administration is pushing, saying that Americans from “rural to urban to suburban communities can all benefit from the gas savings of driving an EV.”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) fired back, “Tell me you’re a liberal elite without telling me you’re a liberal elite.”

Essentially arguing that Americans should purchase electric vehicles, he said, “Clean transportation can bring significant cost savings for the American people as well. Last month we announced a $5 billion investment to build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so that people from rural to urban to suburban communities can all benefit from the gas savings of driving an EV.”

As prices are expected by many to potentially rise above $5/gallon nationally as sanctions related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine continue reduce global supply.


    1. Mayor Butthead is going to convince braindead Brandon to reopen and/or build new coal fired electric generating plants to feed the expensive electric vehicles!!!!

    2. S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e! G­r­e­a­t w­o­r­k f­o­r-E­v­er, HVUN65410 ­S­t­a­y a­t H­o­m­e M­o­m­s O­R a­n­y­o­n­e n­e­e­d­s­ a­n e­x­t­r­a i­n­c­o­m­e. G­e­t s­t­a­r­t­e­d. Y­o­u o­n­l­y n­e­e­d­ a computer a­n­d a reliable c­o­m­p­u­t­e­r c­o­n­n­e­c­t­i­o­n­ s­o d­o­n’t g­e­t l­a­t­e t­r­y…

      Read all about it here… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐬𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

  1. Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) went after Biden Administration transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg for his new claim that Americans could avoid skyrocketing gas prices by simply switching to an electric vehicle.

  2. Again it is all about control and money. Take away the gas, oil, coal etc and force everyone into their new green deal that has absolutely no truth or accuracy.

  3. If you don’t like Americans or America: leave. I would challenge any of these “woke” individuals to live anywhere else and then complain about the US!
    Been there, lived there, I know what I’m talking about.

  4. Let’s not ask what will your old gas burner be worth when you can’t buy gas at any price. And where does electricity, grease for bearings and axles, and rubber come from? That numb nuts couldn’t fix the damn chuckholes in South Bend.

  5. And I just got a record electric bill for February! I wonder how much it would be if I had an electric car ? Hmmmm FJB Lets go Brandon! Led by mental midgets !

  6. Yes. Buy electric cars. They cost a fortune more. Then when they need batteries they cost another fortune. An with what this president had done to the American. Just coming out of a pandemic. How can they afford a battery powered car. Come on. This is stupid. America has the cleanest energy than any other country in the world. So stop your Stupud Green Deal. It is nonsense. Produce our oil an gas an jeep America strong again

  7. What they don’t tell you is how much you will pay to replace the battery when it goes bad. Think about 20k savings up the yazooooooo! I would bet most of the liberal a, holes have stock in battery companies.

  8. Where is the revolution? we just keep taking this crap! Time for these Mussolini types to meet their end!

  9. We have plenty of oil that can save the whole thing and help get out economy back too. The dumb remark about buying a electric car is just that, dumb! That’s what liberals are.

  10. How can anyone with even a partial brain remaining, take the Ex-Mayor seriously…. Let him gloat about purchasing an Electric car, where is he going to charge it when fuel becomes too costly to operate power plants that use FOSSIL FUEL…. Gas, Oil, Coal and Diesel all come from the ground by either digging or pumping it out and process it…. Power plants are not efficient yet to create power from sun or wind, Texas and California proved it…. building Nuclear Power plants take time and a lot of RED tape to even propose it….. So all the electricity you need to charge your GREEN MOBILE need fossil fuel to create electricity, better get busy and DRILL, DRILL, DRILL…..

  11. Someone want to show me where a department of energy, a department of transportation and several other questionable departments of the federal level of government are authorized by the Constitution?

  12. It is amazing we have people like Pete in any government position. Even if we everything in place for EVs where is the power to charge them coming from after all the normal today power produced from coal/oil fired equipment is gone? Do we solar panels on the EVs?

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