Whoopi Goldberg performs stand-up comedy at a charity benefit for Rainforest Action Network, at Chris Noth's club, The Plumm, in New York City. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Candace Owens 

Owens, the Daily Wire personality, wrote on Twitter, “Poetic Justice: Whoopi Goldberg (a woman who picked a fake Jewish last name for herself) getting suspended for a rant against Jewish people during the same week that she demands Joe Rogan’s censorship and removal. God has a sense of a humor.”


  1. Whoopi is an uneducated, bigoted, racist fool. Why anybody would listen to any of her vial comments is beyond me.

    1. Better yet, who are the fools who waste an hour of their daily lives watching these know nothing kackling beeahches??? Only FOOLS.

    1. I just love it that they keep saying she’s won an oscar.
      Who gives a flying phuk???
      As if that gives her a pass. Go away already.

      1. Because she did. And an Emmy, Tony and Grammy. Kennedy Honor, Mark Twain Prize too. What have you got? She won them and you can’t take them away like her or not.

        1. Whether she received 10 Hollywood awards or 2 is not the subject here. Kevin Spacey also won awards. Should we have bowed to the award and allowed him to continue?
          Whoopi has some people in entertainment trying to defend that she is not a racist. She is a racist by her words and actions. She has also got a huge ego and platform to be heard around the world. She has become this raging tyrant that nobody can stop when she gets mad. She has been known to Yell profanities to guests that do not agree with her way of thinking. She is a hate filled racist. Most people will not watch the view because of her. I am surprised that anyone would want to be in close proximity to her because of her volutility. No excuse and now this.
          So cut the denial and get her off the air. She by her actions shows no accountability for someone that has been placed on the view. Most cannot stand her hatefulness.

  2. ABC should just tell her ,” don’t let the door hit you in the ass” . She didn’t misspeak, that is what she believes. She down plays other races problem but exaggerates racism against blacks while making millions .She is ugly inside and out.

    1. She should have been dis-missed yrs ago! She is one-sided all the time- “Her side only” no
      dis-agreeing with her or she will fire you, make you feel terrible-she is the worst example of
      getting along with ppl in America, we don’t need this or her- make changes on the show for the best!

  3. over the years ms. goldberg had many unofficial comments…
    but this is over the limit and hurtful and needs to be address.
    if you don’t know what you are talking about or have knowledge on “keep silent” … don’t misinform the public.
    this is damaging…
    thank you

  4. Goldberg is a pos and its time she suffers the consequences of her actions she she be fired along with the rest of these bitter old bags, she’s threatening to quit yeah right

  5. LISTEN UP….EVERYONE Deserves a CHANCE to FOLLOW the RIGHTEOUS PATH. GOD Forgives. GOD gave the GIFT of SALVATION to ALL PEOPLE. MAYBE WHOOPI Could MAKE it UP to the JEWISH Community in SOME WAY. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄😇😇😇

  6. “Why is it that Rosanne (a Jewish woman) gets canceled for off color remarks but Whoopi’s gets a total pass for antisemitism and downplaying the Holocaust?”

    It’s worse than that Don Jr. She also culturally appropriated a Jewish surname. Her real name is Johnson, not Goldberg. Didn’t the left say appropriating from another culture is a no-no? I believe they did.

  7. Goldberg’s of the world unite and strip this fraud of the name she stole from you!

    Caryn Elaine Johnson has stolen your identity for her own personal gain and now is proclaiming that the Jewish people are not a race!

  8. Well, her early commentary did inspire the Whooped Cushion. Give Jer credit for that. BUT she just never looked Jewish, if ya really wanna know.

    Last thing: As abysmally stunted as she was — her intellect nevertheless TOWERED over her fellow chimpanzees on The View.

  9. Whoopi (“KAREN” Johnson) Goldberg, Just fire her and be done with That, And that Blabber Mouth NAZI “KAREN” Behar as well, Neither of them are At all interesting, Or Intelligent AT ALL, In fact they could be Replaced with a Couple more Commercial minutes, and no one outside of caliphony would even Notice

  10. Sounds to me like she violated community standards with her hate speech. She should be fired, and banned from T.V. Period!!!

  11. I am DEFINITELY NOT a fan of Ms. Goldberg, with regard to her political opinions. However, I strongly oppose “Cancel Culture, regardless of who is being canceled. First, Whoopi had the RIGHT to say far more offensive things than what she said. Second, she was attempting to make a point, probably that the Jews who suffered under the Holocaust are not the only victims of hate and that Judaism is a religion, not a race. She just did not make clear her intent, enabling haters to apply the worst possible interpretation of what she said. Perhaps what she said deserved some counseling or minor reprimand, but far too much was made of what she said.

  12. she is black and pushes black much to her demise. this is not going to blow over because her voice was heard on a wide base and many are destroyed by her black mouth which as always was not educated befoe opening and speaking………the jews are different they educate their brains then they open their mouths. yes hitler wanted to eliminate all jews from the face of the earth…..nothing will ever compare to that horror and we should never forget it. too bad blacks are always saying race and white on white supremacy racists is the cause…….no that is not true….PERIOD AS SAID BY OBAMA

  13. Stop calling Whoopi uneducated on this topic. She is 66 years old, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She recorded a Grammy winning album 40 years ago featuring her memories of visiting Amsterdam and the Frank museum there. It’s as if NOBODY is interested in any facts regarding Whoopi. She’s had many a Jewish lover too. Research who her “Baby Daddy” is.

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