By Rikujojieitai Boueisho - Image, CC BY-SA 3.0,

In late 2019 the Japanese government purchased Mageshima Island – three square miles of volcanic rock on the edge of the East China Sea – from a private Japanese company to use as a Japanese Self Defense Force (SDF) base and military airfield for U.S. military aircraft. The uninhabited island already has two intersecting unpaved runways that were previously abandoned.

The island was identified as a potential permanent site for American carrier landing practice under a 2011 agreement with Japan.

According to CNN: “The Japanese government said the runways will be paved and used for US Navy and Marine Corps planes to simulate aircraft carrier landings, though [at the time] it did not give a time frame in which that could be accomplished as the deal still needs to be finalized.”

However, more recently, Japan has rapidly accelerated its plan.

CNN added:

But once suitable facilities are constructed, the island could also become a permanent base for Japan’s Self Defense Forces as Tokyo looks to strengthen its position along the East China Sea, where it faces competing claims from China over the Japanese-administered Senkaku islands, known as the Diaoyu islands in Chinese.

The “purchase of Mageshima Island is extremely important and serves for strengthening deterrence by the Japan-US alliance as well as Japan’s defense capability,” Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said in announcing the deal.

The U.S. is currently focused on dispersing and hardening its military facilities, especially air bases and hangers throughout the Pacific region. Those in Japan are especially vulnerable.

CNN continues:

The majority of US combat air forces in Japan are concentrated in just six bases.

Recent studies, including one from the United States Study Center at the University of Sydney published in August, say with their current resources the US forces would be vulnerable to Chinese missile strikes early in any conflict.

Corey Wallace, an Asia security analyst at Freie University in Berlin notes that: “Over time, the diversification of Japanese and American bases (individual or joint) will be a trend. The alliance would be more resilient if bases and hardware were more dispersed.”

Wallace adds that Mageshima could also eventually see operations from U.S. Marine Corps Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, taking some of the pressure off current airfields on Japan’s main islands and Okinawa, helping soothe relations with locals.

USNI News reports that Japan’s 2022 defense budget has just allocated $2.7 billion for the development of Mageshima Island into a base for U.S. aircraft.

Adding to Japan’s capabilities in the region, the 2022 budget funds also plans to place a military garrison of 500 to 600 troops on Ishigaki Island, which is about 186 miles away from Taiwan.

The garrison will operate ground-based surface to air missiles and anti-ship missile systems, much to the chagrin of communist China.

A Defense Ministry official explained the rush behind the recent decision to go full speed ahead on building the Mageshima Island base.

“It’s a race against time when it comes to national security,” the official said. “We need to construct the SDF facility on the island as soon as possible to strengthen our country’s defense capabilities and the Japan-U.S. alliance.”

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  1. Is there come reason Japan, The Philippines, Taiwan, etc. cannot protect themselves?
    Japan should be able to build nuclear weapons in large numbers quickly, if they have not done it already. Japan certainly has space launch capability.
    We are being invaded by MILLIONS and need to protect our borders.

    1. I believe in Japan’s case, it has to do with the end of WWII. I believe there is a provision in the “no conditions surrender” that Japan could not ever have a Military defense force, and no nuclear devices. Japan is “protected” by the US military. I believe this to be the case.

        1. Japan isn’t a Communist Nation and allows freedom of worship, whereas China is full blown Communist and only allows public services if they decide they like the pastor, etc. In other words, religion isn’t free in China unless they preach their drivel.

      1. The treaty allowed a Defensive force, but strictly restricted offensive forces and infrastructure, which included the size of their Navy and Army.

        1. and that is probably a “modifiable treaty” … we need all the help we can get with the current nothing burger, Delaware dementia, having been installed in the oral office by the 1 percenters ..

    2. Agreements signed after WW-II does not allow Japan or Germany to have a powerful military. Only Defense Forces. The reason behind it was to avert another repeat of the past. Not saying it is the right thing for today but it has kept peace with those nations for close to 75 years. They are not attacking us or their neighbors. With China and Russia being the newest aggressors, this might need to be looked at differently as we will need these nations on our side should WW-III break out. Yes, we do train together and we do supply them with weapons, rockets and missiles for their defense but not for aggression.

    3. Japan has the 4th strongest military in the world, behind the U.S., Russia and China. Other close allies are India (5th), France (6th), South Korea (7th), Italy (8th) and UK (9th).

      Of course, Turkey, Pakistan and Egypt follow with Taiwan holding 13th strongest military force. Our problem isn’t insufficient strength or too few allies to ensure self-directed freedoms. It’s the Oval Office occupant.

      Other allies (14th-20th) include Israel, Australia, Thailand, Poland, Germany, Indonesia and Canada. Not only are their forces significant but their missions have been coordinated to improve overall strength. 

      Without the will to direct maximum force at the three colossal communist dictatorships, weaker nations will be absorbed and our enemies will feed on their resources to build stronger military forces.

    4. I agree we need to stop the invasion at our southern border, But slo JO is breaking the law, he has ignored SCOTUS rulings. He is a demented old man. The only way to secure our border is to get rid of Joe. All investigations show Trump won the election. Say it outload allow him to take his rightful place in the WH. That would fix a whole lot of things SLO demented joe has done.

  2. LISTEN UP…EVERYONE Needs to PROTECT Theirself Against the WORLD BULLIES…CRIMINALS..etc Do NOT TAKE AWAY a MAN’S GUN unless YOU want HIM to Use a SWORD instead. WE are Going BACK in TIME instead of FORWARD. PEOPLE Should be Using LASER WEAPONS by NOW. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄😇😇😇

  3. Biden will refuse to use it for anything but a private vacation spot.
    You know. any leader who refuses to protect the borders of his own country, isn’t going to protect another.
    Joe will flee in the middle of the night. Again.

    1. Quite the contrary. He’s shown more interest in protecting, supporting, donating and investing in foreign protectionism than in our own.

  4. CNN NEW RATINGS ALL TRIPLE XXX, FORGOT TO MENTION, EVERYBODY IS SUING FOR HUNTER BIDEN’S TRAVEL RECORDS, ON TAX PAYER MONIES TO CUT THEIR PERSONAL FINANCIAL DEALS WITH SECRET SERVICE SECURITY PROTECTION ON AIR FORCE TWO, GATHERING THAT POT OF GOLD FOR THE BIDEN FAMILY. The biden’s pot of gold from China, what did it cost America? Inside traders must go, they are not honest,has China installed a puppet government with the Biden’s? Another staged setting for the fake biden, National Security risk? yes, the bidens are, compromised yes, they are, right down to the last 30 millions they received from China Communist ,sold us down the river to China and Russia, Wake up America there is a traitor in the White House Biden and his band of misfits are not faithful to their oath of office, ‘Stupid fxxxing laws, Stupid fxxxing reporters”, DEMOCRATS KEEP BREAKING THE USA LAWS AND JUST DON’T CARE, TIME TO VOTE THEM OUT, PELOSI CHEATS, WHERE ARE THE INSIDE TRADER INVESTIGATIONS, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, DEMOCRATS SAY FXXX YOU AMERICA. ( Patriotic post .com} Former White House doctor Ronny Jackson has called for President Joe Biden to undergo a cognitive test, citing his shocking performances with the press. Everybody is stupid except joe biden, and of course the smartest man he ever met, was hunter biden, the corrupt fantasies of joe biden’s world of criminally insane BS. The biden crime family should be forced to return all the money they have accepted from Russia and China. Pay to play is a crime against the the United States when they broke their oath trust when sworn into office. Why keep them in power? look what they still have accomplished for China and Russia and nothing for the United States or America.

    1. Charles – vote them out? This tactic is why our problems persist. NO, we need to put them on trial for their crimes and should their charges include treason, and if found guilty, they must be hanged for their treasonous behavior ESPECIALLY after taking an oath to uphold our Constitution. ONLY THEN will we have a government that fears the people instead of the other way around.

  5. Rid our country of these communist democrat, pedophile protecting, racist, cult party members and exile them in Afghanistan!

    1. Yes, but it must be a good example for all the other DC elites who believe themselves above the law.

      We must hold trials for these criminals who broken our laws and their oaths. Personally, I believe if they are found guilty of treason, human trafficking, or perpetuating pedophile parties (think Jeffrey Epstein), they must be hanged! Other crimes such as bribery in return for actions against our nation should get them 20 years in GITMO.

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