Englishwordy31 via Wikimedia Commons

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Warren has proposed canceling up to $50,000 of student loans for federal student loan borrowers who earn up to $125,000 annually.

Photo by Gage Skidmore


  1. You ask for a loan you pay for your loan. Your asking taxpayers and other people that had a loan and paid it off to now take care of yours. You people make me sick always wanting a free handout.

  2. If they do this then the people that have recently paid off their loans should get reimbursed for theirs. These people are so sick. If you don’t want a student loan then don’t go to a college you can’t afford. DUH, They want all these people’s votes. Pure and simple. A holes.

  3. You keep it up on getting your student loans cancelled and you’ll soon find your given profession salaries worth a big FAT ZERO—for the govt will then control everything your ass does—if you haven’t seen the evidence to that —just look at given wages to culinary fields years ago when they got “help” from the dem party—now look at them now—never, ever, ever take assistance from the government, and if you have to… pay it back ASAP as quickly as you can. The SWAMP wants dependency of you—WAKE UP

  4. Why do all the props standing around them look like the kind of students who went to an expensive college and took nothing courses because they liked the ball team or wanted to party.

  5. If anything the colleges themselves should forgive the loan and suck it up. Not pass the bill to citizens who had nothing to do with it. Pay your own bills!

  6. What kind of example would it be setting. Young adults must learn to be responsible. The purpose of this move is to try to gain votes in 2022 and 2024. If you study hard and get your degree you should be able to get a job that pays enough to repay your debt. Lesson learned.

  7. As a responsible adult who takes out a loan, one I can afford to repay. Now you people think that it is perfectly OK to complain that debt that has been to much to repay & should be forgiven . AS a responsible adult pay your student loan off your self & don’t expect the Taxpayer to foot your bill.

  8. There is NO WAY the loans can be paid off. The Federal reserve is broke. There is NO money to give to anyone. The Federal reserve is being redone and is now part of the treasury. It is not up and running yet. The IRS is boarded up. The truth behind all of this will be out by the end of January. That’s all I can legally tell you for now.

  9. If we were to that, the Universities and Colleges will go bankrupt and then won’t be able to continue in education, if you can call it education, these days.

  10. If these fools advocate forgiving student loans, the same concept should be applied to all loans including mortgages. Conversely, those who advocate this idea can contribute from their personal funds. This is a self imposed debt, not the responsibility of others.

  11. My ex-husband both paid back our student loan, starting six months after we graduated. Paid in full!! THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!!!!

  12. there is not one of them who should be in the position that there in. we don’t need people like this in our government

  13. If these goons want to cancel student debt for gender studies, aborigine medieval literature and other basket-weaving courses that are non-remunerative in the real world, let THEM pay out of their own congressional allowances.

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