Third Way Think Tank via Flickr

Stephen L. Miller

The conservative commentator shared a video of Jon Karl announcing the deal is dead, writing, “Haha this rules.” 


  1. I heard about and I’ve made such great money. It’s really user friendly and I’m just so happy that I found out about it. The potential with this is endless. 
    Here’s what I do… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

  2. God Bless you Joe you did the right thing by voting it down. Your constituents will be and are pleased with you representing them. Again you did the right thing. God is pleased with you too

  3. Joe should come over to the Republican Party and serve as a conservative. He’s not liberal and he will never fit in with that Marxist commie party

  4. Much focus has been placed on Manchin and Sinema , but who knows how the rino crowd will vote? It seems Romney, Murkowski, Collins, Cassidy, Portman, Blunt and a few others can never be counted on to not support the dems.

  5. In America old people called politicians strap young people with debt that can never be repaid, even if they took your whole check, instead they’ve decided to tax you into the poor house for the rest of your life.

  6. Right now he is the only Democrat that is using his brain, he knows the bill will destroy the country when is it is implemented

    1. I agree. Thanks to Manchin we need him to stand up for our country.Please don’t sign that bill.
      You are so well thought off regardless what your party thinks. .Sir you know Biden is destroying america. I am not party I am for country and future for our children and grandchildren.

  7. GOD BLESS YOU MR. MANCHIN all America owes you a vote of gratitude for at least a temporary if not permanent relief from the monstrous debt that will be inflicted on the Citizens of the United States forever. THANK YOU

  8. All the rich liberal loons come out with their stupid rhetoric. Bernie, the senile socialist, is a millionaire. How much of his millions is he going to share? Going to house illegals in one or two of your luxurious houses? In case you haven’t noticed, everyone of these liberal loons is very rich and lives in the lap of luxury. They made plenty from capitalism and now want your money to fund their socialist agenda.

  9. Joe Manchin has helped to save this country & fight back against the idiots.
    Don’t take any abuse from the Democratic party Joe, especially from the far-out members. Just switch over & cross the isle to the Republican party. Your constituents will love you for it & the majority will vote you back in on the next election.

  10. Whatever Bernie likes is probably bad for America because he is an anti-American,pro Communist and a strong antisemitic turncoat. He has no ethics of any kind and has lived off of the kindness of this country’s social programs for most of his life. He represents everything that is and has always been wrong. The only reason he is not outwardly part of the squad, is that they hate Jews even more then they hate America. He is a JINO, when it benefits him.

  11. Let’sUS respect and thanks to US Manchin for standing firm on the 1.9 trillion plan that our economy cannot ansorb.

  12. I don’t think he did it Single handedly…..I figure there were at least a few democrats with common sense that also didn’t want to go for the BBB bill, but Joe Manchin is just standing at the front and taking all the blows. I’m glad that bill is dead ….for now.

    1. Dead? What are you smoking! Joe is taking so much heat from his own people in West Virginia as 93% of the families are about to lose the child care credit that is a part of the bill. Joe has already said that he os open to discussions after the first of the year and once modified, this bill will pass.

  13. Only time will tell if Manchin will represent the wishes of the people of West Virginia or cave at the last minute as he has done in the past.

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