By City of Detroit - Duggan-Whitmer-Stabenow Cobo name change to TCF-0077, PDM-owner,


Extremely moderate Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson is term-limited from running for another term. Former Trump Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is running for the seat, which used to be held by her father, former Gov. Mike Huckabee — a GOP presidential candidate. 

By Office of Public Affairs from Washington DC – Marshals Museum and Hall of Honor Dedication-121, CC BY 2.0,


  1. Unless they all get rid of the Dominion ‘selection’ machines, why would they think they can ‘elect’ someone, why would the fraud change ????

    1. I don’t need any more proof of the corruption in the past election. Voters need to trust the integrity of our elections. The Dominion servers have got to go!

    2. DemocRATComms appear not to be worried about the mids coming up on 11/22, which can lead anybody to believe that they will use the Dominion machines to steal the elections again..

  2. Time to turn the table and put a end to the democratic Lunacy and the draconian dictatorship. The state who’s governor’s are democrats are the ones that have been proven to be guilty of the destruction and there unwillingness to enforce laws allowing Racist rioters to burn, loot and in some cases even murder to go unabated. As they sat by and did nothing. Then in all the delusional wisdom what they did next along with cities Counsel the defunding of Law Enforcement SO WHEN YOU GO TO THE POLLS TO VOTE JUST THINK BACK WHO’S IS RESPONSIBLE?

  3. Fill out a Paper Ballot and deliver it in person, then check it the Day after the Election to see who you ended up Voting for! If it has been changed, have all of the Poll watchers where you Voted, Arrested!

  4. I’m not saying that all democrats are bad, but they are! When the democrat party allows the infiltration of the communist into their party, well you are what you sleep with! They all have the stench of communism on their breath!

    1. The USA is rapidly headed for a communist/socialist government. I am hoping the people wake up and vote these communists out…..

      1. Gov. Brian Kemp has been a GREAT Governor. By moderating, then refusing the draconian lockdowns he ensured that there would be something left in Georgia to return to. Also, he is very pro-Trump and does not deserve the vitriol of DJT because GA’s Constitution does not permit the Gov. to do as DJT wanted, i.e. to overturn GA’s outcome in 2020.
      2. To HELL with Gov. Prickster!
      3. To HELL with Goblin Nuisance!
      4. I cannot imagine how anyone of sound mind could vote Democrat. It is naivete bordering on foolishness or psychosis to have abject faith in the Mega-Government they propose and fight for by tooth and nail, hook and crook. Their tactics more and more resemble those of the godless Communist religion of which J. Edgar Hoover warned in Masters of Deceit.
  5. None of these democrats won . Until we the people cleanup 2020 there will be no more elections trump won and we know it!

  6. We need to fix the fraud or we will never win again . We can’t keep loosing sight to the dems plans . All the do is create a different crisis to stay the focus . We need to sick on one and get them all out including the swap Rinos

  7. LISTEN UP….It is HARD for MY SPIRIT to CAPTURE SATAN. HIS BEST SWORD FIGHTERS Protect HI M. HE will NOT SURRENDER to GOD. The BATTLE Between GOOD and EVIL Continues…. GOD is NOT on VACATION. GREAT THINGS are Going to HAPPEN. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄

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