By Belcebuesmipastor - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

A group of Satanists in Texas is now demanding the ‘right’ to perform ritual abortions in Texas in defiance of the recent Texas ‘heartbeat’ law.

As The Daily Wire reports:

The Satanic Temple (TST) is challenging a Texas law that bans most abortions after a heartbeat can be detected in the unborn child.

The Satanists argue that the law restricts their right to free religious practice, referring to abortions as a “religious abortion ritual” and “a ceremony rooted in our deeply-held beliefs” on the TST website.

“This ritual may be performed by our members as a way to fortify self-worth, instill confidence, and provide spiritual comfort,” the TST website adds. “The performance of the Satanic abortion ritual is protected by religious liberty laws. It exempts Satanists from fulfilling any medically unnecessary and unscientific requirement, such as mandatory waiting periods or unwanted sonograms, that interferes with the practice of our ritual.”

On Thursday, TST announced that it was taking “legal action” in Texas to defend its members’ “religious rights.”

The Satantic Temple also later sent out a message directed at its followers in Texas encouraging them to procure an illegal abortion in Texas, promising to pay any potential legal fees that could result.


    1. It’s no surprise that the Democrats are involved in Satanism. Everything they do is an attempt to destroy Christian values.

        1. American Values were ALWAYS Based on Christian Values, and That is Why we are Here Now as God is being removed from our Country

    2. A few years ago I was flipping through the channels and came across a discussion with several people. I took time to listen to them briefly. They were the American atheist society. It was an election year and they were pulling for the commiecrats party. The commiecrats were formed when satan took a crap and they were what came out of him

  1. Dman nad my religion says I should kill Satanists so that should not be a crime. Anybody want to join my religion? Just asking

    1. My religion says every individual who has equivalent values to satanists must be eliminated. since all democrats / liberals /progressives appear to have the same values as the satanists it sounds like open season.

      After all if it is ok for the satanists it is ok for everyone.

      1. Sally, Please be careful. The words that we write or come out of our mouths are powerful and affect the person saying them more than we think. Remember, you think it, you say it and you mean it. Then you are tempted to do it or to see it done by others. Don’t fall into that horrific temptation because you will be glorifying the very one whose worshipers you are upset with.

      1. first off Vlidilyich you must be really really bad at history. those were British citizens on British soil. V_L said “this country” Vlidilyich.

        second those were a religious group who had been oppressed for their extreme believes in england (guess why). you want to run off to a cult town far from civilization you get a cult town far from civilization. kind of like the jonestown massacre.

        third as much as i think it was a railroad trial they did get put on trial and they were found guilty by a jury. Now i believe it was a brainwashed religious nut jury much like the liberals / democrats of today, but a jury none the less.

        So Vlidilyich are you starting to see where your snippy remark was poorly chosen?

        Perhaps you should tell V_L you are sorry for being a but head.

  2. What a boatload of crap, I only hope that the sc will look at this and say what every other govt. agency says to Americans when we need them

  3. Its bad enough children in the womb are sacrificed tithe God of women’s rights but now the Satanists are pressing for sacrificial rights as well. Where does the madness end?
    We have allowed too many cans of worms to be opened, and once opened they become next impossible to put back. This is what tolerance looks. Everybody gets to practice their beliefs except God fearing people, Christians. Every form of wickedness is being celebrated as righteous, every thought of man is turned toward self pleasure. The Christian is all that stands in the way of total disregard of Godly values. Welcome to the beginning of the end times. Those of you that are on the fence of giving your life to Christ do so now, the time grows short. And God’s patients grows thin.

    1. The Holy Bible warns us that good will be called evil and evil will be called good.

      I thank God for His mercy and grace, and the person and works of His Son, Christ Jesus. None of us deserved what He did for us, and yet He did it anyway.

      So sad that there is such a beautiful eternal gift for all and yet so few seek it.

  4. Religious liberty I guess is a two-way street. Religious liberty is BS it’s a slippery slope to us all being run by the church. We are descending into puritanism. The witch trials won’t care about your political affiliation

  5. All these apocalyptic embellishments aside, we can surmise that liberals are campaigning to reduce the world population. This would correlate with previous ‘attempts’ made by despots such as Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other assorted tyrants, who somehow adopt the notion that they can designate who will live, and who will die. I guess they think they’re God, but such a presumption would indicate a dangerous mental illness. The bottom line here is that women are being put out of business. The very reason they exist is to produce offspring. That certain members of this group are zealously campaigning to eliminate that ‘option’ would describe a solipsism promoting self-destruction. There are now lifelike sex dolls with AI being sold to men who wish to engage in their innate roles to impregnate girls, but girls aren’t having that. Our culture is being deliberately maneuvered to reject heterosexual unions, and poison the relationships of those who have tied the knot. If women wish to ‘surrender’ their freedom in order to fulfill their destinies, they’re going to have to understand why someone wants them out of the way.

    1. Malcolm Muggeridge said, “It has become abundantly clear in the second half of the twentieth century that Western Man has decided to abolish himself. Having wearied of the struggle to be himself, he has created his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, his own vulnerability out of his own strength; himself blowing the trumpet that brings the walls of his own city tumbling down, and, in a process of auto-genocide, convincing himself that he is too numerous, and labouring accordingly with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer in order to be an easier prey for his enemies; until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keels over a weary, battered old brontosaurus and becomes extinct.”

      1. Wow! Finally a post that would call out the real nature of our stupidity…one of indignant, self righteous, self loathing that only pretends to be “Woke”. Let us truly become awake NOW, and realize if we are to survive as a human race and keep our planet and universe alive with it, we must stop trying to play ‘god’. We must walk in Balance with All Things.

  6. I demand the right to perform exorcisms on each and every one of those poor misguided souls. Every day until they are saved!

    1. You’re wrong!! The Satanists are blunt . . . . the Democrats tell you otherwise, but then act just like them.

  7. They are not hiding it anymore. Satan’s time is short and he knows it. Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Repent of your sins. All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God So this includes all but the good news is that Jesus paid the price by becoming sin for us so we don’t have to receive the punishment we deserve. Turn from sin and call out to Christ He is the only way to Heaven there is no other!

  8. Oh brother!!! And the Democrat supported wonder why we call them… DEMONRATS! This story just proves our point even more.

  9. We the prolife movement demand they be thrown under the jail for murder for life ,Ibet they will change trie tune real quick.

  10. How about applying the law of the Massachusetts Bay Colony regarding witchcraft to the satanists?

  11. TST is not a religious group. It is a satanic cult! You don’t have a right to fortify your self-worth, instill confidence, and provide spiritual comfort, at the expense of someone else’s life by killing them.

  12. Nuts grow on both sides of the tree. Let’s get back to freedom of choice. I don’t like abortion but I’m male and the choice is not mine. Religion is choice, sexuality is choice, and now even gender is choice. Leave people alone

    1. Every person should have a right to their choices just as the woman who has sex. The baby is a person-What choice do you think the baby would make? Would you steal that baby’s choice away from them because they have no voice to use?

    2. So if we notice you being murdered, we shouldn’t step in and try to save you because you think we should leave you and your murderer alone. Ok. Got it.
      But I’ll continue to defend the lives of little boys and girls in their mothers’ wombs.
      We aren’t discussing nuts. We’re talking about human life.

  13. I cannot change minds, but I know who can. This behavior is worship of an ancient religion called Baal. If you haven’t knocked the dust off of your bible for a while, do it today!! I am sure that Jesus Christ is returning soon because all this blasphemy was predicted 2k years ago and real prophecy has never failed yet. Pray that you are worthy when the King of Kong’s arrives.

  14. They can go to hell, is where they’re going anyway. Children are made in God’s image and are beautiful creations by God. St. Michael be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may God rebuke him we humbly pray do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all evil spirits roaming thru the world seeking the ruins of souls Amen.

  15. RELIGIOUS RIGHTS??? Remember that the Democrat Party all but banned religious services in many places because of the Fauxvid plannedemic. But, no doubt now they’ll rush to a Special Session in Washington to okay the ritual slaughter of unborn human beings.

    On the other hand, gathering to honor God will still be banned because of HEALTH concerns. Anyone but me see the HYPOCRISY that rules the Left?

    1. I also see many of the left go around maskless and not social distanced when they think no one is looking.Why are they not afraid of catching the virus? What do they know that we do not?

  16. Very doubtful they can do this as part of a “religion” anymore than they could demand to perform ritual sex with children. Illegal and disgusting and against the public good. These “people” should crawl back into the hole from which they came. And it is past time for some of our liberal judges to grow some brain cells and see where their extreme decisions have taken the country. Not to anyplace good..

  17. This country was initiated as one nation “under God”, not under Satan.. That should actually dis-acknowledge Satanism, deeming it not recognized as a legitimate religion in this country. Further, even if its proponents insist they are a valid sect, it should be noted that no religion is to be allowed to practice murder. Murder is unlawful. Contrary to the “woke” covens, politicians, et al, abortion is murder, given that murder is the termination of life already in process. Satanism therefore has no rights yet desires to deprive another of the Right to Life.

  18. look its finally out in the open. the democrats / liberals /progressives and satanists are all the same group. so being a liberals or democrat is a religion after all. It is the satanic religion.

  19. Ya know, I am actually glad to see the satanist’s who are honoring the evil entity Molech (Moloch) stated in the Bible as the god they are serving in order to sacrifice innocent children & babies to satan. It totally links Abortion to Satanism so that there is NO Excuse for ANYONE to say that the two aren’t linked. Abortion is Satanic & this Proves it! Sacrificing children & babies to Molech is Abortion & Satanic. That also makes it Plain Beyond a shadow of a Doubt that the current Democratic Platform is built upon an Evil Foundation of Satanism, Child Sacrifice and Evil to the very core since their platform is all about Financing/Paying for Abortion and Forcing the American Taxpayers to Pay for Abortion, even when it is against our Spiritual Beliefs and God’s own Word! And both evil & clueless people are confused as to why so many terrible things are happening in America & the World Today. God is done with putting up with the Blood on their hands and the Blood Running Red on our Nation and all of the rest of the Terrorism, Murder, Stolen Elections & Media Bias. Now blatantly calling Good Evil & Evil Good! Encouraging Gender Confusion, Transition, Transgenderism, Homosexuality in our very own classrooms, libraries, restrooms & locker rooms is so shocking to me! Wake up America! Wake up & Pray, Pray, Pray!!!!

  20. I would like to see the science behind all abortions. Show us Joe- show us the details of an abortion so we understand the science behind them.

  21. Whether one is pro-life OR pro-choice, this should INFURIATE people. To MURDER a life in the womb to “fortify” ones self worth is absolutely appalling. I can’t even believe what I just read. Atrocious!!!

  22. This is not going to help the Democrat Party whose members claim to be devout Catholics. But it is a good wake up call for them.

  23. We may never have seen anything like this, if the border was being controlled lawfully. As it goes many of these people have have come a crossed our borders because Biden invited them.

  24. A result of the brainwashing done by the pro-abortion movement. They have convinced some people of the false idea that what is in the uterus is not a living human being. The biological fact – once conception is complete, a new human being exists. Sometimes referred as fetus, contents of the uterus and several other terms, These are just terms used to cover up the fact that what is growing in a woman’s uterus is a living human being with the same rights as humans who have been born.


  26. It is frightening how these deviates and misfits can claim that their ‘religion’ supports abortion. This is as crazy as that Baptist church that offends and torments families grieving for their loved ones who have died while serving in the military. Our country was founded by those who respected God’s Commandments. How long can America retain its remaining freedoms when such foes exist? Pray for America and for her Bible-based churches.

  27. If satan’s followers are allowed to freely murder unborn children, then why can I not freely murder Satanists and claim that it is a  “religious antiabortion ritual” ??? Maybe I’ll just let GOD deal with them. GOD can deal out much more than I can! And HE will, too.

  28. So now murder is “a way to fortify self-worth, instill confidence, and provide spiritual comfort”. Sounds just like a lie directly from the one they worship – the father of lies.

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