Lorie Shaull from Washington, United States via Wikimedia Commons

Joy Reid

MSNBC host Joy Reid took her frustrations out on the pro-life law on Twitter, sharing a GIF of the show “Handmaids Tail” in a dramatic attempt at equalizing babies’ lives to an overdramatic Netflix show. 


  1. Thank you God. Thank you God, Thank you God. More children allowed to live with this new law. Prayers of Thanksgiving on the way.

      1. Amen He is indeed. He did not want his beautiful creation in his image never to see the light of day. He is in charge not mankind.

    1. The altar boy raping priests are thanking TX for giving the priests more libby snow flake parents to make their libby snow flake male sheep become altar boys .

    1. You decided to start to charge your wife’s girlfriends to have sex with you instead to continue to allow them to have sex with you for free . . . . .

  2. what is “unhinged” about pointing out the sheer hyprocrisy of controlling women’s bodies and lives even as you scream about how a friggin’ mask violates your “freedom.” Get some perspective

    1. NObody’s “controlling” women’s bodies, Asshole! It’s to prevent them from MURDER.
      It’s against the law, schmuck! GET some perspective.

    2. globalist puppet, libby snow flake female sheep that have sex with libby snow flake male sheep that have no gonads, deserve to abort their libby snow flake babies, the world does not need any more libby snow flake sheep, they can cure their own mental illness .

    3. This law is telling women to control their own bodies, the same way people are screaming about making their own decisions on masks. So, the ignorance in your post shows that you are clueless about the arguments!

      Women need to understand that when they have sex they are creating the possibility of developing new life within their bodies, that new life also has rights!

  3. I am sorry for Texas new abortion law to allow abortions offends these holier than thou
    women. I hope they get stuck with an unwanted pregnancy and have a baby they don’t want.

    1. Yup, MURDER is Just Fine if you’re Inconvenienced, right? GET A CONSCIENCE.
      As long as you’re This F ‘ing STUPID, I spose you’re looking forward to your stay in Hell?

    2. These women are “holier than thou” because they’re against murdering a baby in the womb? Everytime you have sex, your mentality should be, this time could create a baby no matter the birth control you use if you are in childbearing age. Birth control is not 100%. If a person doesn’t want the baby in an “unwanted pregnancy”, then let someone else raise them versus murdering them in the womb. Why would you want to live the rest of your life knowing you ended a human life because of inconvenience? Abortion is not the solution. It’s definitely a complication you’ll live to regret because your conscience will haunt you until the day you die. You can’t hide from yourself.

      1. THAT is Proven! A LOT of them are Real messed up the rest of their lives
        And you Sure can’t hide from The Creator.

        1. libby snow flake altar boys have been trying to hide from the creator and his altar boy raping priests for centuries, well maybe until globalists and their media and their puppet barry soetoro and his husband big MIKE became famous . . . . .

    3. “Holier than thou”?!!! Wow, is THAT ever f______ PRICELESS!!!
      IT’S CALLED RIGHTEOUS!. you heathen come dumpster! Ya’ know___like Right and Wrong___ Good and Evil! GET A CLUE ABOUT LIFE, WHIKE you still CAN!

      1. globalist puppet libby snow flake sheep listen to globalists and their media every other time so if they obey globalists and globalist media orders; libby snow flake male sheep/libby snow flake male sheep and libby snow flake female sheep/libby snow flake female sheep they don’t need to abuse planned parenthood criminal organisation .

    4. When libby snow flake female sheep have sex with libby snow flake male sheep they should make his boyfriend watch and instead of the libby snow flake male sheep cum inside the libby snow flake female sheep, the other libby snow flake male sheep can swallow him and then no need for the libby snow flake female sheep to abuse planned parenthood criminal organisation .

    5. Your ignorance about the facts is astounding. If a woman does not know within four weeks after having sex whether or not she is pregnant she is an idiot and should never be allowed to make a decision that affects another life, that includes a life that might be developing within her.

  4. When seniors were murdered in New York nursing homes, since seniors tend to vote Republican, why are we surprised to see babies viewed as too much trouble to protect.
    In Russia and other communist countries, abortion is the preferred method of birth control.

    1. altar boy raping priests will be happy that their libby snow flake sheep will now have more altar boys to enjoy in TX .

  5. Roe v. Wade and Dred Scott v. Sanford were cut from the same cloth.

    Both are based on the proposition that it is legal and moral for one person to be the property of another. But even when slavery was legal, and Dred Scott was returned to Sanford because he was Sanford’s property, it was illegal to murder a slave. Slaves were considered to be persons entitled to at least some of the protections of the Constitution.

    The fundamental question for the abortion debate is “When does an unborn child become a person entitled to the protections of the Constitution?”

  6. Take care of your birth control in the bedroom NOT in the Abortion room !!!! You want to Murder your baby because YOU are to ignorant to not get pregnant !

    1. They don’t even CONSIDER That, Ellen. They have no scruples. They don’t even KNOW right from wrong. Hey, NOTHING has consequences.
      If it feels good, DO IT. The mentality that is bringing on our downfall. IMMORALITY REIGNS.

    2. Why do so many libby snow flake female sheep need to abuse planned parenthood criminal organisation when globalists and their media order them; libby snow flake female sheep/libby snow flake female sheep and libby snow flake male sheep/libby snow flake male sheep . . . . .

  7. How about using birth control? You use abortion as birth control. You have about 6 weeks after screwing around to have a abortion. Your thinking does make sense. You say your body your right but at the same time you demand everyone get the vaccine. It’s my body my right not to get the vaccine. Done my research. You women killed more babies than people who have died in war. But this virus has a 99 % survival rate without the shot. So if you want a abortion it’s still there but only have six weeks to decide.. Too hard for you to control your body. Abortion is not birth control.

    1. SURE IT IS, HC! MURDER is VERY Effective birth control!

    2. globalist puppets, libby snow flake female sheep should realize that after their libby snow flake male sheep have sex with them that those libby snow flake male sheep are going to return home to their libby snow flake husband just like globalists and their media order them to and don’t want to have children .

    1. globalists and their puppets; demonrat and rino and cdc and media demand that all AMERICANS get the mandatory coronavirus scam vaccine while none of their illegal criminal invader voters and taliban terrorist voters don’t need any coronavirus scam vaccine . . . . .

  8. Catholics do not care about any stinking Constitution. They have already made the bi-babble supreme to the Constitution. They have instituted the taking of the oath of office on the bi-babble. This makes the bi-babble supreme to the Constitution so they can ignore it.
    The bi-babble is just that. A bunch of fairy tales mingled together in a giant heap. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor that does not like the Constitution of the USA.

  9. Pelosi is CATHOLIC. Biden is CATHOLIC. Marxist is CATHOLIC…… Know who the enemy really is. A third of all politicians are “C” traitors. Half call themselves r, half d. CATHOLICS that call themselves ‘r’ do not like Roe v Wade. CATHOLICS that call themselves d’ do not like guns…….. CATHOLICS are NOT Americans, they are CATHOLICS…….Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor and failure forever. ….. They are ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS, and are being ‘invited’ by the traitors within.

  10. Waiting to have sex until you are married or old enough and mature enough to accept all the responsibilities that go with that very adult relationship is being proactive. And if you are not old enough and mature enough then always remember that Adoption is the loving option.

  11. Now planned parenthood in Texas can focus on all those other women’s issues they claim to be so good at. If they close down it proves killing babies was their only focus

  12. Finally sleeping their way to the top women will be stopped. Either cross your legs or depend on your own work to get you to a higher paying job.

  13. So, the Supreme Court has decided it’s ok for Texas to make murder illegal. And now those making millions off the never ending string of dead bodies are crying about it. Amazing world we live in today folks.

    1. globalists aren’t happy making trillions off making every citizen on the planet get their coronavirus scam vaccine and they want to continue making trillions off libby snow flake female sheep collecting welfare all their life and their never ending string of dead bodies .

  14. It’s so sad to see just how many vile women there are, hysterically supporting widespread abortion with something akin to a lust for the blood of innocent, unborn babies, and a fervour that suggests the pill, condoms, and numerous other accessible birth control methods are not widely available, or highly effective.

  15. Great to see Liberal whine and overreact to something entirely Constitutional. All these whiners that are in Texas can move to California!

  16. Since has the Constitution permitted the murder of unborn children. It is no more a privacy issue than killing a baby one hour old. The mother is the carrier but the baby is distinct my unique as a separate individual with its own DNA pattern. Only in the case of rape, incest, our medical harm of the mother is abortion warranted since impregnation was not by legal consent or a life health issue of the mother.

  17. Imagine how many parents wish they would have used planned parenthood criminal organisation and aborted their children so that their children wouldn’t have grown up to be libby snow flake sheep, moderators .

  18. Abortion needs to stop now everywhere, not just a few states. STOP KILLING INNOCENT CHILDREN YOU DEPRAVED CRIMINALS. HELL IS WAITING FOR YOUR SICK SOUL FOR WHICH I pray one day you’ll see the errors of your ways and ask God for forgiveness and get Baptised and receive the HOLY SPIRIT SO YOU CAN JOIN GOD AND JESUS IN HEAVEN.

  19. They are outraged because they cannot legally murder their born babies! How sad for our country. Thank God there is still some sanity in at least some of our leaders. Let us not give in to satan’s wiles, but keep the commandments we were given to live well and prosperously.

  20. Except that the “right” established by Roe v. Wade was based on falsified data and zero science. And BTW, why do these folks never mention all the women who have died from abortions since Roe v. Wade? Where’s their “right to life”? Where’s their “health” care?

  21. We will already be living in The Handmaid’s Tale as a result of all the infertility resulting from the Covid jabs, which Dems are enthusiastically mandating. What happened to “my body, my choice”?

  22. Well I must say a headline that is correct for once ! ” ALL THE UNHINGED REACTIONS “, PERSONALLY I BELIEVE AN ABORTION FOR RAPE, INCEST, MEDICAL NECESSITY Should be allowed, And Abortion “On Demand” for birth control should NOT,…. and In NO Circumstance Other than Rape or Incest should the Taxpayer be on the hook for the bill,…. But Then Again I am a TEXAN,

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