Pride Flag Shared by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See Twitter account

The Holy See

The Holy See, also known as the Vatican is the papal state of the Roman Catholic Church, which believes in traditional marriage and rejects the sin of pride as the first of the seven deadly sins. 

Despite the Catholic Church’s rejection of such concepts, that didn’t stop Joe Biden’s embassy from flying a rainbow “Pride” flag outside of the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See, a sign of grave disrespect to the Catholic Church and its faithful followers. 


    1. Wait until they start ‘normalizing’ and ‘celebrating’ child molesters and bestiality. Sodom and Gomorrah will look like a Mormon Pre-School faculty refuge.

  1. Joe Biden is a perverted moron. All you FOOLS who voted for him should be embarrassed but I have enough experience to know that it is almost impossible for a liberal Democrat to be embarrassed about ANYTHING. They live in a world of “stupidity” and fantasy. The Democrat Political Party is nothing but a bunch of Snollygosters and perverts.

  2. Mr. President, what is happening in America was founded on freedom to worship their Region however bending over to knee to the “Pride is not a good practice” the majority of Americans are Christians, and regardless of what the law is, Marriage is between a man and women. Are you allowing all of Our Americal Standards to go to the trash; so all of the Radical Groups can be happy. America is heading in the Wrong direction.

    1. Apart from any Biblical reference, gays are simply engaging in sexual deviancy. Stepping back from the ‘controversy’ that has been stirred up (Mostly by shyster lawyers and political demagogues..) about their ‘freedom’ to conduct their sexual behavior, the simple fact remains that the human anus excretes solid waste from the body. It’s not biologically designed to accept a penis or other objects. (Some weirdos are even rumored to be stuffing gerbils up their poop shoots. How come PETA isn’t screaming in agony about those activities?) I really don’t give a crap about what they do, but that sentiment should also extend to our leadership, who have no business sanctioning such behavior.

  3. Biden should be beat a inch from his life for being so stupid! Shows how weak and worthless he is! Listens to the pos Obama to much! Another worthless pos and ways will be! There nothing but chaos creates and make America look weak to other nations! Yeah fly those gay flags you odiot! You know what forign countries do to them! Maybe we should send them over there! So stupid to fly a flag like that on our embassies. Not our president!

  4. So now we are forced to celebrate devious, perverted behavior by a twisted minority all the while condemning the vast majority of normal people as bigots and subversives. This is disgusting beyond description.
    Does anyone think our enemies aren’t laughing themselves silly?

  5. Joe is destroying America and every value the country was built on.
    I think the next time that Americans decide it’s time to visit Washington, all the democrats that thought we were upset on our last visit are in for a rude awakening.
    If we wait until the midterms, there won’t be a country left to save.

  6. The red, white, and blue should be the flag flown at the embassies regardless. Shouldn’t cram their beliefs down the throats of the vast majority of Americans that love people but believe that lifestyle is wrong.

  7. What a piece of trash making the rainbow flag a standard and we know what it represents and it doesn’t represent anything pure. That rainbow flag is a crime to support. Biden is pure out a pervert and a scum bag. He belongs behind bars.

    1. well he is queer hisself..if his daughter’s diary has anything in it that is true. taking a shower over and over with your dad is not a heathy thing to do in my opinion..i had 6 brothers and i never saw a one with out his clothes on.ever.. and would not even think of taking a shower with them or my dad…sick sick sick..where in the hell was jill??????????she is sick too.

      1. Really? I would say he is bisexual, with manifest pedophile tendencies. I understand he walks around naked at his house, and that off-script campaign story about his hairy legs would definitely have index fingers circling the ears of most listeners.

  8. US Embassies flying the rainbow flag loud and proud? Oh… I guess Joe’s original idea of kidnapping and sex changing the first born male from every house hold failed!

  9. 3% of our population. Even the Democrats don’t care what they think or do but the Democrats have to iE to them where as the Republicans tell them e truth: What you do is your choice but N-E-V-E-R force what you think on someone else.

  10. The circus called the biden/harris communist regime makes DAILY ERRORS, MORE THAN JUST ERRORS, SOME CRIMINALITY THROWN IN!!!

    1. Harris dated a married California politician prior to her political rise. If that criteria is necessary, Bubba Clinton’s ‘Bimbos’ should all be in Washington.

  11. The government is not supposed to recognize–much less ‘celebrate’–sexual orientation, race, gender or citizenship status. These people are demagogues, and they’re deliberately fomenting cultural conflicts and engendering entitlement among these deviants and whiners.

  12. I hope the communities of pedophiles, zoophiles, of those engaged in incestuous relationships, will not be discriminated. All human beings should be treated with respect and digity and should be able to live without fear no matter who they are or what they do. JUST sayin’.

    1. You’re barking up the wrong tree, because such sentiments open the door to invoke government authority to regiment speech to sanction sexual perversion and cultural dystopia. I understand your concern, but the people you aim to protect are being used as fodder for the imposition of tyranny.

  13. Way to go democrats. Pattern our country according to a few mentally ill people instead of telling them that they are mentally ill and getting them some help, or telling them to live how they want, but don’t tell us about it because we do not want to know or see it.

    1. Some people are just prone to trends and fashions. Look at all these people getting tattoos? They just want attention, and, in the case of liberals, a justification to project indignity and opprobrium toward others as a means to feign their ‘authority’. They’re so blatantly stupid, they don’t know they’re following a script.

  14. What a disgrace and pander job! I suppose they burned the American Flag at these embassies!
    Nothing but pure communism from the communist democrats!
    Waving the flag of child molesting!

  15. I am creating an honest wage from home 1900 Dollars/week , that is wonderful, below a year gone i used to be unemployed during an atrocious economy. I convey God on a daily basis. I used to be endowed with these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody,
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  16. I am creating an honest wage from home 1900 Dollars/week , that is wonderful, below a year gone i used to be unemployed during an atrocious economy. I convey God on a daily basis. I used to be endowed with these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody,
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  17. And it’s still an abomination in the sight of Almighty, Everlasting God.
    Stand strong in Truth. Believe His Word. He IS, He was and forever shall be God. Don’t let today’s pleasures, temporary they be, keep you from the everlasting life for which Christ gave His Life for you. Try Him, and His Way, and you’ll reap the righteous blessings far beyond our human comprehensions.

  18. We have a bunch of low IQ idiots destroying our country and we can’t do anything to stop them. We are doomed, I never thought I would live to see this insanity.

    1. I wouldn’t throw in the towel. Even stalwart liberals will ponder the fact that Numb Nuts is jacking up their costs of living, while he devotes more attention to one faction than another, depending upon which month it is. These people you describe actually believe their goals are altruistic. That sentiment alone would validate your observation.

  19. Joe, just make sure the embassies are flying the American flag on June 14th, Donald J. Trump Day, traditionally known as Flag Day.

  20. if you cared about humanity- respected THE creator-positive future planet- living existence- within this solar system & a disgrace to us all “quanza hut hut” elite deep south supremecy worldwide … haven’t added the picture of skullnbone that manipulates it done. wichcraft voodoo gang flashmob out of control-criminal also for those not in the system of life itself-oops being rearranged&disarranged, whoos paying who/gaining seemingly? assange, murdock, soros, clintons, obamas, foreign kings or sum’in, an unknown to public with access availability…came with uncontrolled unchecked non oversight of tech industry (spread like lightening) as far as most know…. machines do not give a damn, they too breakdown need repair. old and easy way to worldwide destitute or aparthied health situation. seems like some old regime. no one headed millions of warnings against this-I mailed & mailed. some say 2000 years too soon for this laborous ending. overpopulation for a 100yrs of some detrimental situation or negative personalities. not the first attempt to take out the world, most saw it coming not all could stop it. tired tired tired slashing tire not ok- riddlen&hime forbidden back in ’02 by professionals, cat&hat never o.k.’d. somebody had too much and did not appreciate it (not myself assure in us-the scrimp&save that happens here in modest tan workers).

  21. Since when should a minority group such as the sickos LGBTQ have their ugly flag flown at US Embassies? At this point – Biden might as well have the embassies fly the CCP flag. That would fit him perfect.

  22. Perhaps, in demonstration of solidarity with the United Queeps of America, Pres. Biden should tour these nations in drag? Hey, I’m just sayin’…. put your money and your candy where your mouth is, Joe…

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