Eunice Lee for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Lee is an assistant federal defender with the Federal Defenders of New York. She has been a frequent American Civil Liberties Union contributor. The ACLU supports defunding the police. Lee wrote multiple columns for the group making the case for illegal aliens to walk free.

What Haven’t YOU Sold Joe? We may All Have to learn to speak Chinese SOON.
biden/harris, LOSERS!!! garland is out of his mind as well. He’s saying that the greatest threat in America is White supremacists??? Doesn’t he watch msm, even they KNOW the more serious threat is blm and antifa. How many White supremacists killed someone??? That answer is zero!!! Now, blm and antifa, more than 35 deaths, over 200 serious injuries, FELONIOUS THEFT, PROPERTY DAMAGE, INCLUDING POLICE VEHICLES. NOW, WHERE’S THE REAL PROBLEM??? It’s the SPINELESS COWARD biden, and the rest of the STINKING SWAMP!!! He NEED’S TO END!!!
I like to sniff bicycle seats
I just shit on one , come and get it
I agree with you 100%. Wonder if the ones that voted for them have any regrets now? Don’t hear from them now like we did before they stole the election.
Billy Bobbett
I do think you do hear from them now when Biden’s approval rating is what Trump dreamed of but never achieved. Now in my 60 years of being a Conservative, but not a lying Conservative like so many today, I have never seen the Liberals to have a very loud voice , they follow the age old saying, “speak softly but carry a very big stick”
there are no liberal sites which spread unproven information like those here do.
Michael Bluemke
Now i know you only get news from Trump, and Trump knows exactly how to play the uneducated all the way to jail cell, and the only reason they will be in that cell is by believing the actual lie which not one ounce has been proven.
Suspect in officers’ killings tied to Boogaloo group: prosecutors – Los Angeles Times (
Now unless I am badly mistaken the Boogaloo Boys are on that list of TERRORIST organizations the governments in other countries have listed as terror organizations in the USA.
Now all that damage and fires were not by BLM in any way and Barr testified to that in Congress.
U.S. Attorney General William Barr said on Saturday “outside radicals and agitators” have hijacked protests in U.S. cities over the death of an unarmed black man in police custody in Minneapolis.
“Groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda,” Barr said in an on-camera statement.
“It is a federal crime to cross state lines or use interstate facilities to incite or participate in violent rioting and we will enforce those laws,” he added.’
Barr went on to say it was Militias, White Supremists and foreign actors wanting to start a Civil Race War in this USA.
Looks like Joe and the hoe are playing the race card here. Mostly women just so they can say if you vote against them you racist or hate women. Just like everything else.
Remove anyone that violates our Constitution and Bill of Rights!
Also, Remove all these communist, marxist, socialist, progressive, stalinists, leninists, pedophile protector democrats from office! Period.
You are right put in a Autocratic leader like Trump wants to be so no one has any rights, think I am wrong , look at those countries with Autocratic rulers who appoint the Congress and the people have no say, and those appointed persons do exactly as the Autocratic President says or the go to jail on trumped up charges or just disappear. Is it not amazing that Trump’s actual name means something fake.
Biden justice probabilities: heads I win, tails you lose. Very clear it is.
Biden only nominates the worst of the worse. And we can be sure none of them serve the beat interests of the nation.
Biden is FAKING the dementia! OBAMA is the shadow president pushing the total corruption of our government to become a socialistic totalitarian regime. No justice, FBI, SCOTUS all on board to ruin the best country ever courtesy of Beijing BIDEN OBAMA! believe it!
Pretender Biden has given Money to Terrorist countries and Hamas has proven it because they are using Rockets to fire on Israel that were sent to them from Iran! If President Trump did that
the Democrats would Start another Impeachment proceeding