Screenshot via ABC News

Besides the 2,600 uncounted ballots found in pro-Trump Floyd County, Georgia’s election audit has found an additional 3,000 uncounted ballots from the 2020 presidential election. (Fox News)

“There was an issue where we noticed there were more people on the absentee ballot filed for voting in person in Fayette County than was in the actual reporting,” Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling said, according to Fox 5 Atlanta. “It was discovered today for certain. Because of the audit, we found this.”

Sterling said the problem was the result of several individuals not following the proper procedures.

An additional 284 ballots were found in Walton County. The local Board of Elections chair, Lori Wood, told the Walton Tribune the problem was due to votes being previously uploaded from only one of the two ballot scanners in a precinct.

“We would have discovered it,” Wood said. “Maybe not this week, but we would have discovered it.”

President Trump won 61.9% of the uncovered Walton County ballots. 

The Georgia Secretary of State’s office is also investigating election management in Fulton County (Atlanta). 

Should Georgia’s audit reverse the reported statewide results, President Trump would have 248 electoral votes.

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  1. There needs to be real and serious punishment for the crimes these democrats have committed against the American citizens and the constitution of the United States!

    1. The DemocRats are now the Communist Party in America!! Become a Counterrevolutionary – Stand-up for the United States of America!!! STOP THE ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT “RESET”!!!!!

    2. Not only will they not be punished they will actually be rewarded. Know this, their reward will be short and bring them misery for a long time to come. If you are a Christian claim the scripture John 14:1. “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. If you have put your faith in Jesus Christ he will protect you. If not I implore you to accept Him as your personal savior today.

      1. I quit worrying about the election, and just handed it over to the LORD. Hook, line, and sinker. Give it to the Lord people. HE is still in control.

    3. The death penalty is too good for them. That would be letting them off too easily. I say they should get life without parole in solitary confinement. That way, all they’ll have to occupy their minds is to dwell on their sins.

  2. I have been convinced from the beginning the election is fixed, in this day and age not hard to do, big money killing this country, it will not change because our reps are pussies

  3. I believe this election is rigged to many last minute changes..we need more voting places, voter ID and vote in person….this country is loosing its moral fiber.

    1. Agreed. I think every church hall should be used &the boundary should be set for those who are within walking district of all. It does not mean you have to attend or belong to that church . But live in the boundaries Show your ID & two utilities bills for that resident that you live in

  4. I personally have seen enough! Let us set this fraud ladened election aside and defer tonthe house for our presidential decision.

  5. Numerous claims the Dems made in weeks leading to the election now make complete sence. They knew full well what was rigged to happen.
    Will you accept the results?
    Trump will look like he won at the end of the day, but wait till all mail in votes are counted.
    All votes have to be counted.
    And Bidens comment “we have the best fraud system”

  6. Regarding the absentee ballots situation. For many years being married to a USNavy Officer and living in several states in United States, we had to vote by using our ballots. Never once did we encounter a situation such as this one. I’m hoping for all persons in the Future that this type of problem is eradicated forever.

  7. This is unbelievable that GA officials at these voting places can go unpunished for this unforgivable offense. How can voters trust that their votes are not being counted? If it’s about mail in ballets, don’t allow them any longer! In this age you could use finger prints, or the face which could make voting secure. Without secure voting, we are just like Communist Countries.

    1. No mail-in ballots other than absentee ballots for those 65 and over and disabled people, and those who will be elsewhere on election day. Very limited early voting as it used to be, back when elections were over on election day.

    1. My friend in Scotland is watching the election closely because of our friendship. She thinks those who voted for Biden are “mad”. She says he looks frail and has cognitive problems that are totally obvious. I explained to her what the Dems plan and she couldn’t believe I was talking about America. The Shining City on the Hill has become tarnished and the world is watching.

  8. Now when the investigation is complete someone needs to be held responsible for the election security and not following the rules set in place for that very security, now blaming anything on one party or the other solves nothing but does cause divide because a lot will believe what a person says and never checking it out for fact in any way. The election security is by law in most States observed by both parties at every step of an election and the counting of the votes. We should wait until the full investigation has been done, which will involve both State and Federal agents being this was a Presidential Election.

  9. When this audit is finished and all these Valid Votes are counter, the 2 Republican Senatorial Candidates will have won outright and the “runoff” election should be cancelled!!!!! If your News claims that there is no proof of Voter Fraud, they are LIARS and Communist Hacks!! NEVER listen to them EVER AGAIN!!!! They have been, with malice and intent, been BRAINWASHING YOU!!!!!

  10. I feel there’s bigger pocket books that will keep the Dems in last place and Trump in charge. The Dems are always the last to know what’s really happening and will be the first ones when the socialists tell them to get lost if they don’t kiss the socialists butts and agree with their radical agenda. The Dems are going to say “I didn’t see that coming”.


  12. If they were to properly recount the votes in all the states retard joe would crawl back into his basement and stfu. That old fool hasn’t won anything. Now the cancel culture is shaming people into certifying the election by using the race card. I would tell them shove their race card up their asses. Like the late great Charlie Daniels sang “What this world needs is a few more rednecks. People not afraid to take a stand “.

  13. Stop being so personal Lemon — you are on the wrong side of history — anarchy, violence, intimidation, rioting, looting, hatefulness and condescension do not work with ordinary people. They will rebel every time at attempts to shut them down.

  14. Please tell the whole truth 🙏 MSM – DNC have tried to pull off another hoax to get rid of our President. Hillery’s agenda has been squashed several times. Nancy Pelosi & the rest of the liars, cheaters & frauds should be helping Americans instead of playing the vicious games to destroy America. If Biden is elected, forget about justice for citizens forever. Biden is a criminal.

  15. My question is, are the Democrats, that do these crimes going to be prosecuted, this time or are they going to walk away Scott Free?

  16. Cheating to win doesn’t make you a winner. cheating to win still makes you a loser.
    President Donald Trump is still the best president this country has ever had.
    These democrat cheaters belong in jail. Bill Barr, do your job.

  17. In my opinion, this has been the worse election every. How could you lose only Trump’s votes???
    Seems to be contageous too!!!! Trump should be declared the winner, you should apologize, and this should NEVER happen in history EVER AGAIN.

  18. The whole system needs to be replaced. The Dems will continue to cheat and lie until a new way is put into effect. Voter ID for starters , no more mail in ballots, Voting software that can be trusted. Also jail those for a long time who commit fraud.

  19. When President Trump signed into “executive order “Law on September 2018, that fraud and Foreign interference is a “ Federal Offense, and any and all people that were or are involved in ballot fraud or interference in the election should and will be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest and sent to FEDERAL PRISON ! Start the warrants and make ready the handcuffs…… I hear there is plenty of room at “ GITMO” !

  20. I’m not saying anything. AOC is preposing that a “Black List” be made on all the people who voted for DT or Republicans. Don’t post anything on Social Media or you may come up missing one day.

  21. Believe me. I don’t think this is the first time these machines have been used or ballot harvesting has been injected in to force a win. People say , well you guys elected the traitor. But I think the machines did not the people …

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