A Democratic Party nominee in Georgia used the n-word in a blog post and promoted ignorant stereotypes about black men, according to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Caroline Holko’s 2009 post entitled “Calling a spade a spade” also defended the use of the unambiguous pejorative (RELATED: Meet the Racist Democrat Presidents Biden Conveniently Ignored).

The Washington Free Beacon’s Alex Nester reports:

She also implied that she had been mugged by black men on multiple occasions while growing up in New Orleans.

“We all struggle in this world. Get over it. I can’t control anything in the world except my own actions—and I choose to judge individuals on their own merit—but the fact still remains that I have never been mugged by a white person,” the candidate said.

While Holko told the Journal-Constitution she regrets the post she still opposes censorship of ethnic slurs.

Holko won the Democratic primary for Georgia’s District 46 race with 55 percent of the vote. She’ll face Republican incumbent John Carson in November’s general election.

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  1. What gets to me is if one is black they can use any word to go after white people. To me that particular word can be used to describe any person if they are shiftless, lazy and as things are today unwilling to do for them self.

    1. You are incorrect those whom were called by that name were the hardest workers for no wages, slaves in my opinion and the name does not apply the lazy and sloth like people that call themselves by this name. I think we have made the word opposite of the folks who were called it initially. The name should refer to those who have worked terribly hard and are under compensated.

      Just my opinion, respectfully…

  2. I feel bad for people who experience, the wrong side of the law. She did this back when Obama, first became president.The Democrat party was just starting, to flex it’s muscle, against the American people. I am not talking about cheating at the voting, that has been going on since the nineteen sixties. That was when they bribed the NY Republican Party with allegations about racism. The Republicans didn’t want the information out, so they allowed it to happen. That was when the corruption first started, in politics and look where it is today. This is how the Democrats won the BY state elections that year, They were already embedded in the NYC politics, trough the unions. Now look they are stabbing the unions in the back, they no longer need them to win elections. They were and are stabbing the black people in America, the same way they did unions.They have now moved to socialism, if the Democrats are doing it, it can’t be good for the American people. They have a history of being on the wrong side of the law for years, do you really think they will change. I am only talking about the Democrats in power, not the common folks, they are being duped and don’t realize it.

  3. I realize “that word” is disgusting and demeaning to black people. They and their ancestors were subjuct to ridicule and physical violence that most of us can’t imagine having not lived through it. However, (there’s always a “however”) if the word is so bad , and it is, STOP using it in the black community. Don’t tell me it’s their word or it doesn’t mean the same. STOP using it. Bury it, burn it, give it over to God, do whatever you have to do to be sure that worrd isn’t even known by our great grand children.

    1. Our ancestors lived through it too, just different times and places; some still are now! Slavery has been practiced all through human history, BY all “races” against all others! It is not new, nor is it an American “white supremacism” phenomenon! Today, in America, there is a phenomenal, but wholly ignored, rise of black supremacism, masquerading as a quest for “social justice”, and even it is NOT new; it was alive and well 7 decades ago, when I was a little girl, and undoubtedly before that as well, but I wasn’t around to see it, so I can’t say on that. If we want to reduce racism (I seriously doubt it can ever be fully eliminated given the nature of HUMAN nature itself; there are likely to always be some few who will remain “racist” among all strata of humans from all “racial” groups), there has to be an HONEST dialogue about it, not 1 group just screaming at the other, demanding compliance with its wants and expectation, and by HONEST, I mean it must look at ALL “racism” not just 1 group! Until that happens, I see no possible resolution!

    2. Or much better still, stop worrying about who uses it and under what circumstances becuse then it will die out naturally. As a mature man of the World, I will be 83 at my next birthday, I have worked with and managed people of all races and solved may of their worries of this nature, gaining as a white man their respect. Not many of you have danced by invitation with the Zulus in South Africa, I’ll bet?

  4. 13 % of USA population is black but they continue to ask for more the use of a derogatory slang term causes uproar , you don’t see the Hispanic, the Japanese,
    the Native Indians and others having the same uproar .
    The problem is that the Blacks cause there own problems most work but those who don’t or won’t work cause an image of lazy, late to work, not wanting to go to school and get ahead .
    broken family , no father , no mother , grand parents raising kids , smart mouth know it all, create the self inflicted image. can’t feel sorry for people that don’t care .
    have several black friend and they don’t care if you are white yellow, brown , or tan
    they are working and on the same playing field.

    1. I also don’t care if you are green and just arrived by spaceship from the planet Floog. Also there are some people who are offended if you are Orange and have the name “Trump.” I’m not.

    1. That’s what I’m saying.Ignorant stereotype!!?? Black men are 7% of the population and commit 55% of the crimes Are you Kidding me? There’s Not a race of people that is so defective,I Don’t know What it is…But there is a defect with them,Not Racism..Just Fact

  5. my thoughts on that are this .There are black people whom i know several and like very much and then there are nigg*rs whom i do not think belong in the human race , a former president in my book is the latter , he and his wife .

  6. Hey, Robert Byrd, the guy who established the KKK in West Virginia, used that word frequently as did Lyndon Baines Johnson. Both were Democrat US Senators and Johnson went on to become President. It’s only Republicans who are called out for using that word even when repeating word for word something said by a Democrat.

  7. The N word is the least of what people are calling BLM, ANTIFA and their supporters,there are far worse descriptive language being used to refer to them now after their summer of lawlessness.

  8. The dummycraps, are the are the biggest racists in our government, and creepy,sleazy,s.perv,racist,corrupt,lying,china/ukrainian,plagerizing,slo,joe is the most incompetent,and stupid of them all, besides piglosi,the ripper.

  9. They call white people anything and it’s okay but you’re not allowed to use any words they don’t like. I personally don’t use any derogatory terms like this they shouldn’t either they also shouldn’t call each other that if they think it’s that bad.

  10. I am all for free speech, people who get hurt because of that need to ask their doctor if Grow-A-Cet is right for them. This screeching “He/she said the N-Word” is just pathetic and weak. Even if we want to say we would never call anyone that, we have to say “I would never call a black person the N-Word”, people better wake up and see the dark future we are building ourselves. What word will be banned next? Oh, no I don’t want anyone to make black people stop calling me white bread, cracka etc, that would be stupid too, I shrug it off and chalk it up to ignorance and hope they grow out of it.

  11. My thoughts are that you have good material bvut the green circle on the left interferes with my reading and irritates me.

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