U.S. Customs and Border Protection via Wikimedia Commons

Delaware Senator Tom Carper (D) has a documented anger management problem. 

For years, Carper successfully sidestepped allegations that he abused his late wife and their two children. The accusations arose during the Senator’s first campaign for Delaware’s lone House seat.

The claims paradoxically worked in Carper’s favor as public sentiment in the early 80s seemingly favored keeping domestic assault incidents out of public view, no matter how unseemly. 

Carper was never criminally charged, but after years of vigorous denials, he admitted to slapping his wife on one occasion. The couple divorced in 1983.

Carper’s anger flared again today when he unleashed a string of obscenities amid a contentious Senate hearing with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy over supposed reforms some fear could affect the 2020 elections. (Fox News)

It was a virtual hearing before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and when it was Carper’s turn to talk, the 73-year-old Democrat was caught unmuted on camera shouting “F*ck. F*ck. F*ck” in the direction of a staffer in apparent frustration over his video feed.

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The aide in his office is then seen coming to Carper’s side to help him with his computer.

Carper was apparently unaware that his expletives were livestreamed to the Senate.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., tried to move on to Sen. James Lankford as Carper dealt with his technical difficulties.

Do you think it’s fair to hold decades-old transgressions over someone’s head no matter how repugnant or is forgiveness the best policy? Or is that a foolishly naive sentiment in contemporary politics? As always, share your thoughts with us below.

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    1. Pardon Me? They are responsible for much. Murder, madness, and mayhem are only the beginning! Torture, rape, And assassination successes and attempts round out only the start of their Duplicity against the American People!!! They MUST be MADE to pay for their crimes. Hold on, I’m just getting started… Blue should be stricken from our National Colors for the COUNTLESS CRIMES THEY HAVE COMMITTED!!!

  1. I am noticing that all the Democrats have a tyrannical, abusive gene in their makeup. Needless to say, when you dont have God in your life or platform, this is what happens. Just saying, truth hurts.

    1. I think they were all wired wrong. They can’t even explain their nastiness without having to yell at everybody.

  2. Let all the dirt come out, it’s high time we see all our politicians for who and what they truly are. I’m tired of them acting like they are better than the rest of us. We can decide what’s important and what to do with them when it’s revealed.

  3. Abusers never change!!!! Anyone that can abuse their spouse and children have something wrong in their genetics that can not be fixed!!!

  4. Grossly unprofessional but nothing will happen. Regardless of party or which one is in power Congress circles the wagons and protects their own.

  5. If the transgressions were years ago and that person has improved over the years where those transgression are no longer a part of who that person is, No it is not fair to hold them over their head. However, with the expletives that Carper let loose on his open mic, I take it he has not changed.

    1. You DO REMEMBER the Kavanaugh hearings don’t you. Oh, I get it, only Republicans/Conservatives are hold to standards involving what may have happened 40 years ago.

  6. I believe transgressions from a long time ago, say over ten years, should not be rehashed over and over again but it needs to be the same for everybody, regardless of political affiliation. Memories fade, details become obscure and attitudes change. On the same token, it needs to equal for everyone which, according to the left and their media lap dogs, it is not. If it is a conservative who is a threat to their narrative, they are automatically guilty. A liberal cannot be guilty no matter how much evidence there is. Notice how the media has pretty much ignored the allegation against Biden and others on the left have said they don’t believe the accuser but continue to believe an allegation against Trump from 25 or 30 years ago. Either everyone gets to move on from their past or no one does. It’s double standards like these that have the majority of Americans not believing the media.

  7. The fact that intelligent people go before these pompous clowns to explain anything is a wonder. Term limits indeed. Or maybe just go back to prior too 1913 and have Senators appointed by the state.



  9. in Fl. you get a domestic abuse charge and conviction you lose gun rights among some other stuff but if you are a democrat who knows

  10. The character of a person rarely changes. Delaware Senator Tom Carper (D) obviously has character issues. As a Democrat that does not matter, however, so long as he can be reelected and contribute to Democrat political power. The people of Delaware should ashamed to have this criminal representing them.

  11. I don’t have a comment about his domestic problems as I know nothing about them. As for the frustration over his mike connection and then the foul language, give me a break. He’s human and we all do it once in a while. I’m tired of this petty crap making headlines when there are a lot more important things for us to be concerned with.

  12. The 2016 election was the final slice to political division. It seems the Democrats unveiled all the satanic sociopathic traits by which they demanded to be identified. Such heinous, downright hateful, synthetic, and treasonous, scolding accusations of their opponents, i have never heard from adults. To the young people, i say DO NOT consider these domestic abusers role models. Their behavior is abnormal. Carper’s possibly chargeable past cannot be forgotten because he did not correct it and it lends credence to his present outburst. The MLB sportscaster just got suspended and possibly lost his job for a hot mic statement. Carper won’t resign but, in my opinion, he should be censured for his transgressions. It won’t happen because satan protects his own.

    The Republicans’ traits are more genteel. Oh, yes, they are capable of anger but, they seem to manage it – at least in public. Nixon, Reagan,, the RINO, and even the President were all caught by the hot mic. The democrats want to blame the President for his entire life. Remember, he wasn’t hated until he was elected – they were poor losers. And, the President’s life has been an open book. He was known as The Billionaire Playboy internationally, the most eligible bachelor. Reputation, deserved or not, women really did throw themselves at him to not only be his arm candy but ideally, his wife. (Ladies, men don’t marry women who are not a challenge.) Because his personal life was so public, most people didn’t care. He is an intelligent (Wharton School of Finance) and a business wizard. There is no bigger business than government. Oh, yeah, he also has a good RE code. Quite frankly, I can’t see any transgressions needing attention.

  13. I was married to an abuser many years ago and I can tell you for a face. They never change, they just get worse. Democraps are all nuts. Vote Trump 2020

  14. There is NO excuse for a male to strike a female — restrain, yes — to hit, NEVER! Nature endowed the male with superior size and strength to provide for and support the family, NOT to abuse those smaller than himself.

  15. there is no way, i should involve myself if forgiving anyone i don’t know who has harmed somebody else i don’t know. i, can only forgive what somebody does to affect me, my family, relatives, or friends and only when or if they have repented.

    all forgiveness, must be preceded by repentance otherwise it is a false forgiveness. but first i, must verify they committed the act and not listen to gossip.

    and it is unlikely that democrats, will ever repent of the harm they have caused to us all. since pathological liars, cannot be redeemed.

  16. Yes, it’s fair to hold someone like Carper in contempt, as He apparently has or could have a vicious temper. I would not want to interact with someone like that because He seems to be seething inwardly.

  17. Yes, you only need remember the death of Mary Jo Kopeckni and Edward Kennedy. Just so you remember, this ex-wife also confirmed his violence and total lack of empathy.

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