Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Playing Politics

Seventy-four percent think Pelosi and the congressional Democrats pushing for impeachment that would likely happen after Biden was already sworn into office are politically motivated to strip Trump of his Secret Service protection and prevent him from running for office in the future.


  1. The best president we ever had has been impeached, not once but twice, by the worst House of Reps that we ever had.

  2. Brilliant plan. Tick off 75m voters that are already ticked off.

    This “crucify Trump” plan of yours never does anything but boost HIS ratings.

  3. Yet somehow we are to believe that Joe Biden won an election by not campaigning, not outperforming Hillary Clinton in 2016 except is 4 specific areas in 4 specific swing states that happened to all have issues counting votes, got it.

  4. How soon can Nancy, the venemous snake, be impeached for putting her evil ways personal interest in lieu of the best interest of WE THE PEOPLE?

    1. Maria: I think Nancy would be easy to impeach in an unbiased trial. Article 1, section 1 of the U.S. Constitution starts out with the words, all legislative powers herein granted … . I asked senators Feinstein and Harris if they knew anyone, in both houses of congress, who has NOT violated art.1, sect. 1.. Their responses were that all in congress have violated this. So, in the oath of office they take, including Nancy, they swear to support ( I include obey with support) and protect the Constitution, when they intend to violate their oaths, they commit perjury, a crime. When anyone submits a bill or votes in favor of a bill on a topic or subject that the Constitution grants no power to do or be involved in, that is usurpation, which is definitely a high crime. Usurpation is a crime on the same level as treason. I want the rule of law to apply to the political elite and others, and not just the rest of us.

  5. Hope you rinos and never Trumpers are happy, because you really screwed the pouch. Thanks to you the radical left has taken full control. What if the electoral college is eliminated, Maryland and Puerto Rico are granted statehood, all illegals get amnesty and voting rights ( they probably have voted already several times), the 2nd amendment is abolished and all firearms are to be confiscated ( which in itself would cause a rebellion), the wacko green climate change initiative
    would wreak the oil .natural gas, and coal sector: the economy in general. The whole country will become a giant California!

  6. Censorship was observed with Microsoft a couple of years ago. They took away the ability to post comments and replies.

    If censorship is thought to keep anti-democrat fold from uniting, then those that censor are mistaken.

    It will only push our resolve.

    As far as go, Democrats are the enemy. They have no compromise. That’s why Democrats equal Socialism.

  7. You would think that the American people have e wasted enough of our hard earned money on Pelosi witch hunts the last four years and the time Congress could have been taken care of important issues instead I think that enough is enough

  8. Don’t underestimate Nancy Pelosi, she can be very devious and is very strategic. Yes a lot of this is personal, she hates Donald Trump with a purple passion, but the main goal is to eliminate him as a future threat.

  9. The speaker organized ALL the riots around the USA.

    Twitter down 14% from last week make sure everyone keeps telling everyone else to help this is the war we are fighting..

    This is the next path forward, first Blocksite twitter and facebook from your internet provider, the state of Idaho internet provider blocked them both.

    Tech bubble is imminent, close twitter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any from your IRA, 401K check your mutual funds that have Twitter or FB included, Twitter down again, dump before they go to zero, stop buying from Amazon, NO more made in the CCP purchases, buy direct from the mom’s and pop’s stores near you, made in America only, don’t wait DO IT TODAY.

    From 1/11/2021-1/14/2021 Twitter is down 14%, twitter banned TRUMP for LIFE, Twitter needs to cease.


  11. President Trump has been a Great prrsident
    He has done a lot for thks country.With Biden in office it will beclme a communists country. Socialized MEDICINE is a big JOKE.
    TALK TO PEOPLE WHO have im those countries

  12. Congress can’t get it through their thick skulls that they work for us…we don’t work for them, and their media darlings need to get the message that they need us and what we spend on their advertisers’ products more then we need them. The media has encouraged the divide while the dummies in office are talking “unity”. We have become a circus act and I’m embarrassed to call myself an American. Congress needs to get to doing the work of the people and controlling their propaganda machine; no one cares about Trump’s impeachment other than Nancy and we don’t care what Nancy wants.

  13. Picture of Madam spitter is most appropiate, emotional basket case someone put in charge so no-one will ask hard questions. One picture is worth a thousand ya-buts. Cheers to those whose brains are in charge of leashed emotional buckets.

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