Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Cumulus Media is warning conservative talk radio hosts under its employ that they’ll be fired if they continue to push unsupported claims of systemic voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

The broadcast company sent the ultimatum following the Capitol building riot to its talk radio personalities — including Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin and Dan Bongino.

Mediaite’s Ken Meyer has more:

Washington Post reports that in the aftermath of the chaos, Cumulus Executive Vice President Brian Philips sent out a memo ordering the company’s on-air personalities to drop all claims the election was stolen. Failure to comply, Philips said, will result in termination.

“We need to help induce national calm NOW,” Philips said. “[Cumulus and its syndication branches] will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths’…If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”

The memo was reportedly sent out on Wednesday after the riots — and it remains to be seen how it will be enforced. So far it seems Levin isn’t backing down from his Trump-boosting. On his Fox News show Sunday night, he went after the media for exploiting the violence, and claimed “the president did not incite an insurrection.”


  1. How sad that ‘this’ is the ‘unity’ that the Democrats seem to want for our new socialist country . . . .

    1. The demonrats’ definition of “unity” is ALL conservatives MUST abandon their beliefs and morals and totally adopt their un-American views.
      The God told us through the Bible that everything that is happening right now would, such as right being wrong and wrong being right. Evil is all around us and we believers MUST continue to believe in what is right, even when the evil ones try to shame us into changing those beliefs.

      1. My good man…the REAL “virus threat” is the spread of an alien form of attack which renders ordinary pweople TRULY insane , like the famous sci fi film Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I’ve seen it happening for years, to friends, family and even former Navy shipmates. This is truly a terrible hour!

        1. Do you mean those suffering from terminal TDS will face extreme withdrawal side effects because DJT will be out of office in less than ten days?

          1. Especially Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel whop are gonna have dead air for the first five minutes of their shows starting Jan 21.

          2. Believe me the networks will never allow that. They will either program 5 more minutes of adds or cut the show by 5 minutes.

          3. They are mixed with black people. Take a look at almost all your commercials now. It’s a fact just sit back and watch. Most have mixed couples in them now.

          4. yeah and i just saw today that some lame “senator” is proposing a bill to replace the SSB with some lame black song… country is in the toilet!!

          5. Perhaps they’ll add ten minutes of manditory “Praises for Leader Biden” at the beginning of every show.

          6. These aforementioned clowns will probably need to find real jobs after Trump leaves office.

          7. No change… We have not had late night comedy since Jay & Johnny Retired… Late night shows are just an arm of the Democratic . Its’ like listening to the VIEW!!! A bunch of sicko’s

          1. It would have to be in Spanish now that idiot boy is gonna open the boarders back wide open for ALL with COVID to come on in. The heck with our citizens. Well in reality they (citizens)didn’t vote for him anyway.

          2. Talking about languages, I received a communication from Social Security yesterday, there were 29, yes 29 different languages printed on it. I thought we were an English speaking country????

      2. The sooner it ends
        The sooner the world can start anew….
        Just hope it takes longer for man to come about and make his/her grand entrance next time.
        The planet will be much better off if there are no humans around destroying everything.

        1. Spoken like a true Libtard…Cause God knows the dinasaurs were burning fossil fuels in their Explorers too before their demise…Get a grip. The earth doesn’t give a rats behind about us and we have NO control over it. Look at all the scientists on their death beds confessing about the fraud when putting the numbers into their computers to get government grants and others being forced by their countries to do the same. Don’t be so gullable McFly…

    2. There is no “unity” in a socialist country’s Lorraine! If there were there would be on socialist government.

    3. The tech bubble is coming soon, close tweeter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any, Twiter down 12% today, before they are worthless, stop buying from Amazon, buy direct from the seller/merchant don’t wait DO IT NOW URGENT******* this is how is done, protest from your wallet

      1. Agreed–I think 75 million of us would be a great impact. Besides, life was better before Big Tech. Businesses are pressured to sell products through Amazon. We can help them by buying direct. We are losing all of our businesses and our local stores. Nowhere to shop any more except on the Internet. Time to turn things around. There will be competitors that will come along eventually.

      1. Why is it absurd. Do you support the shuttling down of free speach? You know it’s always been the commie democrats that yell that conservatives want to stop YOU from speaking out but in reality they NEVER have. They want that speach to come out to show just how ABSURD the left really is. Remember those who accuse the other of something are usually doing it themselves. Look at the Senator in bed with the Communist Spy …Mr. Swawell ring a bell???????

  2. The bigger issue than a “Stolen” election, is that the process is un-auditable. We would not stand for this in any other reporting. The election process needs to be re\vised and made so that only legal, live, citizens can vote ONCE. No more anonomous ballots that cannot be audited.


      2. THAT’S NOT TRUE!!! Once we get the voting machines back they have no excuse anymore to rig elections!!

        1. And how do you plan to get the Dominium machines out? If Trump couldn’t get them out, then it’s not happening. Be prepared the demonkkkrats will keep all 3 branches.

          1. Luckily, we are a union of States and Republicans control 70% of the states. State Rights are our saving grace. States will protect us. Democratic States are in big trouble. Citizens and big bushiness are fleeing blue states. The East & West coast are in financial trouble. Washington, California, and New York have lost a 1/3 of the jobs in their states.

            California has seen the light and is nearing enough petitions to recall the Tyrant Governor who has destroyed a 1/4 of ALL businesses in the state and is killing 1000’s because he failed to prepare the medical complex for the current outbreak and does not allow treatment until your hospitalized. California Socialism destroys jobs & our medical system. We now have ration Healthcare, because they have run out of room. 50% of America’s poor and homeless reside in the once great state. 30 Years of complete Democratic Policies are in full view for all to see. All we have is OK weather, tons of crime, homeless EVERYWHERE, High taxes, closed businesses and we are forced to stay at home, month after month watching our society die on the vine. Newsom’s answer lock downs. He releases criminals from prisons and orders us to stay at home month after month.

          2. So were several of the contested states but they sat back and did nothing. All we wanted was a forensic audit of the mail in ballots. Very simple but none would agree or allow it to happoen. What does that tell you? 1. Trump was re-elected, 2 It doesn’t matter what party you belong to when you are not one of them, and 3 If Trump actually lost they would have wanted to punish Trump voters by showing forensic data proving he lost but they know as we all do he won this. There is no way you win 500 or so counties 300 or more less than Obama and get 80 plus million votes. No mathmatical way. This will continue just look at the run-off in GA.

          3. If both parties were interested in an election that actually represented the will of the people.. BOTH should have been involved in determining a valid election…and it should be a priority starting now..for ensuing elections!

          4. Georgia was a strong Red state. They are now Blue. Texas is purple from all the Californians moving in and illegal aliens moving up. Liberals flee their states, destroyed by liberalism, to move to blue states (freedom, opportunity, low taxes) AND THEN VOTE FOR THE SAME LIBERAL POLICIES!! It is lunacy, and it is turning the whole country blue — major city by major city. Four cities determined the 2020 election — all densely populated Black voting blocks, who vote 95% Democrat, even when it is killing them by the thousands. So demoralizing.

          5. It is true that there are a lot of people leaving the blue states for red. My fear is that they will turn the blue states red.

        1. President Trump DID Win! That is what the Garbage Media is trying to hide. That is why they are trying to silence every one because they know Joe Biden who is a Criminal POS and the Whore Kamala Harris didn’t win this election. It was stolen from President Trump through Dominion Voting Systems. Guess who is a major share holder : Nancy Pelosi ‘s husband Paul Pelosi. Do you really think that is a coincidence. Over 75+ Million People Voted for President Trump. He won every place in this Country by a Huge Margin. That is why they shut down the Voting in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, ( there is one other place they shut down but I can’t remember it at this time). It’s because the Democrats and the Rino’s had to dump hundreds of thousands of votes for Biden and that is why they did it at 4 am in the early morning hours. Do these Stupid MF really think we will ever accept Biden and the Whore?!! I won’t!! Fuck them MF! Yeah and they have the gall to call President Trump a fascist and a dictator. YOU SCUMBAGS ARE THE FACISTS AND THE DICTATORS!! Look at how far these monsters have gone to try and silence anyone who disagrees with them. You Evil MF ( Democrats, Big Tech, MSM, and the Left ) have No idea how ENRAGED you have made the American People!! We won’t forget it either. Everyone of you Evil MF who had a part in this theft deserve to be shot for Treason. You are Traitors to this Country and you deserve the harshest punishment.

        2. Like they did with Hitlery, Remember she still hasn’t accepted his win stating it was stolen from her. Bet those videos and statements are still on social media. They just didn’t cheat good enough in 2016 to overcome his popularity. They needed mass mail in voting to accomplish their task this time.

      3. We must fight this issue in the 7 swing states, that allowed the cheating… It a weakness which the Republican Held State Legislatures can fix. 2nd replace the Democratic governors in the Republican states. If they don’t they will end up like California and the elections are lost

        1. How though? They are already shredding ballots in most of these states when they are suppose to hold on to them for 22 months by Federal law. Nothing get done to stop it. NOTHING..And we know the Supreme Court isn’t going to do a darn thing just a bunch of feckless hacks.

    1. Election Reform is Dead in the Water. There won’t even be any inquiries now.
      Democrats just proved they can manipulate an election in 7 States, and got away with it. So next cycle, they’ll roll out their cheat nationwide.
      Our Republic effectively Died on January 6th, 2021.

      1. No our country died when the Chinese and the American Communist developed the virus to kill and defeat the Conservatives at the same time. It was used to defeat the economy and Freedom. with that there was no problem running a crooked election!

        1. Although you have to have some inside help like Pelosi, Schumer, Romney, and other 2 faced backstabbing Republicans. These are the real cruds.

    2. I knew there was a sense of desperation in 2016 when Hillary lost. The panic of the cheating being discovered and the four years of resorting to the lowest of low tricks but still couldn’t remove him from office. Of course the media, DNC the lot of them were shocked. I think they were all looking at one another and were asking “How could we have lost? We cheated, didn’t we ?” That was Dem cheating 1.0. 2.0 almost worked except that the numbers didn’t add up.
      It America so disinterested in politics that a candidate can run for president from the comfort of his basement? Did he somehow identify with the millions and millions of basement dwellers who’s parents are helping them get started? I’m no political guru but comparing the turnouts for Mr. Trump at his rallies and the nearly void of participants Biden rallies, where in the heck were these people? Bill Barr was probably correct in that any irregularities they saw had no significant impact on the outcome of the election. He failed to add up the irregularities in their entirety. It’s very possible he was bright enough to see that pursuing this question of election accuracy was a land mine and bailed out.

    3. Wasn’t the American government the ones who DEMANDED Iraq dip their finger in the ink well so people could not vote twice, or MORE?

    4. Too late. They’ve already figured out what they can…. do and our courts are just as corrupt! There’s many including myself will never trust the elections. This maybe explains why pelosi &
      Crew keep getting elected ! There’s many in Cali that don’t like this out of her mind pelosi!

    5. And that is exactly why most of us know it was STOLEN. If not all these states would have certainly allowed the forensic audit to shove the results down our throats. Not one would allow a foresic audit of the votes especially the mail in ballots. STOLEN ELECTION PERIOD.

  3. Nothing like the Leftist/Communists shutting down any and all opposition ! CHeck out Nazi Germany, Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela .

  4. I agree Lorraine, and I feel that all the”Elite Money” is forcing this “Agenda” to “Divide and Conquer”

    1. Thats called BUYING THE ELECTIONS! NEVER should anyone running for any office be able to accept money from any big corp. Should be a law and heavy fine for doing so OR accepting it! And just guess ALL the perks they will demand? THATS taking AWAY all the little citizens (real) votes! In person and ID are the only way to GO!

          1. Google it. Ask how much Pelosi tooki from the moneys for small businesses to help them recover from the effect of the virus. She gave it to her husbands multi-million real estate business in San Francisco.

        1. Gosh darn! Why don’t you go out and get a job where you can give yourself raises? Oh, sorry. I was describing running for office. My bad!

          1. Wouldn’t you like to see the grand retirement they gave to themselves if you did you would know why they keep it quiet

        2. Soros has and will continue to fund the Obamas/bidens/pelosi types and unless or until we stop him, it ain’t going to happen.

        1. No, he only “donated over $350,000,000 to election judges in select states to insure the integrity of counting all ballots”. Nothing was said about legal or illegal, just ballots.

          1. He also pushed and paid for drop boxes in only Democrat Counties. Nothing to see here, NOTHING

  5. Where were these same people when the liberal media backed the calls from the liberals that Trump stole the election for the last 4 plus years? What hypocrites!

    1. The difference was that if someone did look into it, they might find something else. So move along , nothing to see here. Hey, Trumps a Russian agent. I’ve got a paper here that says so. And so the country suffers for another three years. For those who wonder what Trump could have accomplished had he not been bogged down in “the death by a thousand cuts” campaign of the Democrats. Remember this. He managed to pull the masks off the totally corrupt DNC. The hypocritical and overtly biased media. And exposed a weaponized bureaucracy. The charade is over. We see their true colors. Our immediate problem is the censorship of our free speech. NO-ONE has the right to silence your opinions. I don’t care about this lame “they are privately owned companies”. Privately owned companies cannot drill for oil anywhere they want, like your backyard. Why? Because someone stood up and said that they cannot. So that stopped them. Censorship?
      Same deal. Someone needs to put their big boy pants on and use that nasty word on them, NO.
      Biden’s a doormat. Harris couldn’t even register on the meter at her own party’s primaries. O boy!

  6. One evening as the sun went down
    And the jungle fire was burning
    Down the track came a hobo hiking
    And he said, “Boys, I’m not turning”
    “I’m headed for a land that’s far away
    Besides the crystal fountains
    So come with me, we’ll go and see
    The Big Rock Candy Mountains”
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
    There’s a land that’s fair and bright
    Where the handouts grow on bushes
    And you sleep out every night
    Where the boxcars all are empty
    And the sun shines every day
    And the birds and the bees
    And the cigarette trees
    The lemonade springs
    Where the bluebird sings
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
    All the cops have wooden legs
    And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
    And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
    The farmers’ trees are full of fruit
    And the barns are full of hay
    Oh, I’m bound to go
    Where there ain’t no snow
    Where the rain don’t fall
    The winds don’t blow
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
    You never change your socks
    And the little streams of alcohol
    Come trickling down the rocks
    The brakemen have to tip their hats
    And the railway bulls are blind
    There’s a lake of stew
    And of whiskey too
    You can paddle all around it
    In a big canoe
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
    The jails are made of tin
    And you can walk right out again
    As soon as you are in
    There ain’t no short-handled shovels
    No axes, saws nor picks
    I’m goin’ to stay
    Where you sleep all day
    Where they hung the jerk
    That invented work
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
    I’ll see you all this coming fall
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains

  7. Censorship, whether public or private, should scare the Hell out of every American wanting to live free…bar none…

  8. Perhaps, this CEO hasn’t seen Twitter’s stock market performance today. Maybe he’ll be as stupid as that man who looks like Rasputin but calls himself Dorsey.

  9. Well, if this isn’t the start of Communism then I don’t know what is! These social(ist) media and providers should be under the RICO act and at the very least be considered monopolies. What happened to the feds limiting monopolies. They also should not be able to claim 230 laws to avoid lawsuits!

  10. It seems to me like the people that can’t defend their agenda have no choice but to silence every dissenting view. This is not something one would ever expect to see in a free country that enshrines a persons’ right to free speech and expression. These are the actions you would expect from tyrannical governments and banana republics. God help us. We the people were robbed of our vote and voice in the 2020 election through every method of fraud imaginable and the fact that the election was certified is infuriating to say the least.

  11. Start a war then call for unity while censorship is off the hook. Yeah well that’s not going to happen ! We will not sit and take it anymore. We will not be silent . We will stand and fight as long as it takes to eliminate the communist progressive democrats from power. We will stand up and take our country back. We will not allow democrats to steal the election just because they want power and can’t win legally.

    1. Winning the election for the Democrats is not good enough because they want to wipe out all who do not follow their ideology. There will be no two-party system as we knew it for they will wipe it out or control it so much that people of a different view point will be obliterated. Conservatives do not need to talk about this anymore. Time is of the essence and plans need to be made immediately to protect us. Who will lead this calling? Do we have any true patriots like our forefathers who indeed took action for change? It blows my mind that so few Republicans in Congress are not standing up for our Constitutional rights and vehemently speaking out against all this censorship taking place. Where are they? Don’t they know it will affect them too? Ultimately a domino effect will follow and they will be included and not saved. They need to get off their duffs and do something positive for the people that trusted them and kept them in office! The fight should be loud and clear.

      1. They aren’t standing up and fighting because they never do. They are so afraid of being called names they would rather suck up to the worst human scum on the planet. I hate to say this but with the election laws being ignored (I call that a form of fraud but what to I know) to favor one party and neither willing to even try to stop it from happening again, the dems going nuts with power trying to impeach an outgoing president with just days left for imaginary crimes, and the use of the tech companies to strip our first amendment rights away and the upcoming elimination of our second amendment rights. I just do NOT see peace in America’s future.

  12. What happened when Hitler took all the Jews guns……they than marched them to gas chambers but not before starving and torturing them.

  13. Free speech needs to be protected on social media and we need to make our voices heard by our so-called representatives.

  14. This is just the beginning folks. It isn’t only Socialism being thrust upon us. How about Communism!! WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN TO THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS!!!!! What will happen to our children, our grandchildren?????????????

  15. We need to either do a class action suit against these media companies into the trillions of dollars hitting them where it hurts or just burn em down leave them smoldering in ashes either way works for me if we never get justice……then we can show them what permanent censorship is. The election was rigged and stolen and no one will let the evidence be shown the truth would start a Civil war and many hangings of the traitorous subversive commies. IF THERE IS NOTHING TO HIDE PROVE IT !! instead they subvert investigations , destroy evidence and lie … no investigations or hang all these treasonous commies purge our country of these enemies of the people

    1. Totally agree. However who would start the law suits and what judges will give conservatives a fair shake or even hear the cases as they did not do it for an election? Our court system has failed miserably. However, I do agree with many that we need to take action like our forefathers did to make a change.

  16. Our country has really taken a turn to communism. It cannot and will not listen to two sides. There is no room for discussion. The left leads with their megaphone and every other voice must be censored or muffled. It has taken our voices today, tomorrow it is our homes, food, clothing, autos, etc. We are no longer a Free Nation. We will be taxed so that the fat cats in DC can drink their martinis and vodka and make laws to hinder us and make slaves of us. They say we voted for this. BUT, Was it an honest election?

  17. The demo craps are throwing gas on the fire this morning with there impeachment crap so we the people will be watching in every state when the primary start say good by to your seat in the people’s so called house

  18. People need to check out the Convention of States movement. Also if you think about it this country was built of Christian values. It would not be the first Revolutionary our country has been thru. For God and Country

  19. WHAT “”unproven” are they talking about? FACTS and the proof of the fraud ballots are being destroyed as we speak. It’s a thousand sworn depositions of fraud, video’s of their fraud, proof of the Dominion rigged machines, not to mention it’s ALL in democrats governors and mayors states ONLY, as they cover and protect the fraud that they paid for.

    This is an orchestrated coup d’etat, just like the COVID-19 was unleashed on the world by the democrat party mafia and China together to take the western world down, all for the sole purpose to take down OUR USA, who used to be the most powerful country on the planet.

    It’s easy to see that the democrats are so deep into China’s pockets it’s sickening. Treason is written all over them, they reek of corruption and treason, and they stink of it. China has too much on them, and they can never be trusted to serve our citizens or our country in the highest offices of our land. China can get anything they want from them. And, President Trump knows this, and this is ONE reason why they hate him so much. Why else would they crucify him so savagely with so much hate, even after they won with their fraud?

    This is what communists do, they want complete and utter absolute power and absolute control over us and our paychecks, and they are making an …..EXAMPLE …….. of our President Trump, the most powerful man in the world, …………for others to see……….. so that no one will dare to try to stop them from their treasonous coup d’etat. And, these rabid insane traitors are foaming at the mouth at their success. They managed to brain wash and indoctrinate half of our citizens with their racism card to divide us, because they knew that to take America down they HAD to divide us so they could use us to destroy our country FOR THEM. Because UNITED we would have never been conquered.

    God help us.

  20. I would say there is obviously a lot of truth in the accusations about fraudulent activities. Don’t they think people may calm down if they would do an “ACTUAL” audit of ballots and Dominion voting machines that aren’t supposed to accessed by internet, but did get accessed. And what about all the whistle blowers and other activities caught on tape?

    1. SAD part is they
      say no fraud! WE all saw it and many signed legal papers stating what went on! And the b hid in his cellar cuz he knew the fix was on! Aren’t we lucky and proud? A crook/criminal and hoe leading the greatest country in the world! Till they get done with it! Are we to be PROUD? NO NEVER nada zilch May all the folks who were a part of the farce rot in HELL! And all you who backed him will be NO better off than we who saw what would happen!

    1. What s the saying TRUTH HURTS? They all know its true and it would be nice to know who all were paid off and by who! c’mon man, see all the rallys? the hoe had 1 and NO ONE CAME! B had very few it was all taped! NO big ta do swearing in day? CUZ IT WOULD SHOW JUST HOW LITTLE THE BIG DAY REALLY WAS!

  21. Now we learn that all of the cheating during the election was coordinated by China communicating with other countries as well as people in this nation. We have Nancy’s laptop now, so the Truth is coming out. I have believed for a long, long time that nations have been trying to defeat this President. Now, we are finding out that this is all true.

    Even Congress could not do the electoral college problem Right, according to Article II of the “Constitution” as amended. When an electoral inconsistency is noted, the election should have been decided by the House of Representatives by State delegation.

    Seven States Legislatures obviously thought that wrong was done during the election. Where were their alternative slates in the counting, Mr. Vice-president? Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan (sent two slates, one for President Trump and one for Vice-president Biden). Wisconsin, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada State Legislatures sent provisional slates of electors for the President. Where did these slates go? They should have been included in the count, which would have given the responsibility to elect the President and the Vice-president by voting by State delegations in the House of Representatives.

    Why was not the “Constitution” followed? Why was all of the debate necessary? With the objections that were brought up by the several representatives should have been honored, because these seven State Legislatures did not agree with the official slates signed by the governors, accept one, Michigan, but the Michigan Legislature sent a slate for President Trump also.

    Where in Article II does it say that the Senate is to support the work of the House? They are there as witnesses only. The Vice-president should have announced that the House choose the President and the Vice-president with him being present to preside over the work. Where does it say that the Senate gets to say anything about the House’s business? Where does it say that a House member bringing up an objection has to have a Senator to agree with him or her?

    Our Congress cheated us again! The State counters and election manipulators and manipulators of the election from the outside cheated us first. Our Congress cheated us also by not following the “Constitution”, but, instead chose their own cockamamy way of doing things.


  23. The swamp is deep. Many conservatives are caving to the socialists because they want to maintain their place at the trough. They have no values, no dignity, no honor, no truth. The determined socialists can scare into submission again and again and again and … and …

    1. Only if your speech agrees with their speech. They Pelosi, have been trying to destroy President Trump before is was even elected. And now we get this crap from gutless spineless puppet Biden to unite and they are going to make sure this country remains split. Trump did not preach violence. People are responsible for their own actions and they are criminals for breaking into the Capitol , but BLM rioted looted defaced buildings ETC but all that was ok per the Left. This is all scary and sickening. God help us🇺🇸

  24. FREE speech is our most basic right under the constitution. If they can suppress that they can do anything to us and will!

  25. In the democrats view unity i Uncivilized Nitwits Intimidating The Youth. They wouldn’t know unity if it bit them on the ass. Biden calling all Trump supporters terrorists is an example of Nazi behavior.

  26. When I say we have Nancy’s laptop, I AM saying that the United States Army Special Forces who infiltrated Antifa during the raid on the House of Representatives during the Peaceful protest that was ongoing took her laptop. We have learned some astonishing information concerning many in our government, including the House, the Senate, and the unconstitutional administrative branch.

    We need to elect people who understand our “Constitution” also. Not many of the Conservatives on talk radio and TV: Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, and others or in our three branches of government reported the error in the choosing of the President and Vice-president.

    The President of the Senate, the Vice-president, should have directed the House of Representatives to choose the President and the Vice-president the minute and electoral problem was brought up. Then the vote by State, should have been decided by State delegation in the House of Representatives.

    By doing this correctly, President trump should have been elected President, and Vice-president Pence should have been elected Vice-president. Vice-president Pence, you blew it! Was it done willfully, or ignorantly? Only he knows, but the information on the Speaker’s laptop says something very meaningful, that he may have known what he was doing and why.

    Shame, Vice-president!

    David H. Coffey

  27. Censorship, that idea which the MSM does’t want imposed on itself, but they are willing to go the whole way, to stop the discourse by the conservatives. This is how all dictatorships start, to drown all dissent of opposing views. f
    And the Democrats have been accusing republicans of being Nazis for the last few years, but have now displayed their true colors. They don’t want anyone who expresses a different view to be able to have a platform for their ideas. Germany, Russia and China have all been guilty of censorship and murder to further their ideals.
    We must band together to stop this violent and ugly takeover of our lives. As one great American stated, “bad things can only happen if good people refuse to stand up for what’s right.”

  28. Where was all this angst when it took three years to investigate non-existent “Russian Collusion”? How can election fraud be proven if it isn’t allowed to be investigated, litigated, or even spoken about? The socialist left has already taken over, and those that supported them will soon be known as the modern day “useful idiots” of Soviet times.

  29. So, how did Brian react to all the riots this past summer which destroyed businesses, peoples’ lives & livelihoods, and government buildings? I hope that dope understands that 10s of millions of us will NEVER believe the 11/3/20 election was free and fair.

  30. Yet one more example of Democrats denying to others what they demand for themselves…… all in the name of “equality.”

  31. There is substantial evidence of Election Fraud including affidavits of those who saw it happening. The violence that happened was wrong. However we do need to fight to save our nation. 🇱🇷🇱🇷


  33. The fascists are emboldened. Now that they have stolen this election they have the equipment and the people in place to guarantee only their “approved” candidates will be elected. That includes establishment republicans! Just to make the sheeple think they have a voice. Our friends Lindsey, Mitt & Mitch, to name a few, will still be able win, providing they promise to play their role in our new socialist society. These people have sold their souls to the New World Order.
    Our only hope now is to get on our knees and repent . We need to ask God for mercy for turning away from Him. If you think about it, we’re getting what we deserve. The church has just rolled over and allowed our society to run helter skelter to this end. God was gracious to us and gave us a country in which we would had a voice to influence society. Not control but influence. But the church has failed to do it’s part. Maybe now they will wake up. Maybe?

  34. There was obviously voter fraud. We saw them on TV counting tens of thousands of ballots after sending the watchers home. It might not be enough to change the outcome but threatening anyone that wants to correct the irregularities for future voting sounds a lot like Communism. Stalin loosely said he doesn’t care who votes but he wants to count them.

  35. Every story written about the election starts out by saying there is no proof of fraud. I beg to differ. Biden himself bragged about his massive fraud attempt on a video. Studies show that Pennsylvania had 170000 more votes than voters. Were these the votes from those residents living in New York? There are also over 100 affidavits stating that individual saw fraud. So, please do not tell me that there is no proof.

    This attempt to silence conservative voices continues.

  36. And we still have the FAKE claims of Trump/Russia collision with no evidence, BUT we have the Bidens news video, Mac Tablets, bank records, foreign leaders talking… Liberal media ignore it all, as usual.

  37. Well let’s see how the radio finances go after he say’s that. Mark is right , Trump isn’t the cause of the riot. If he is then Palosi is the cause of all the others!

  38. I’m afraid Cumulus has their head in the clouds…or do they? They tolerate and even promote the liberal points and silence the conservatives. Another slap to the Constitution.
    Free speech…..right.


  40. And so it begins…….
    To those of you who said “Don’t worry about it”
    “Big Brother is out of a work of fiction” wake up!
    Just because you and I are typing to one another at this very moment don’t think things can’t change in a heartbeat.
    What a FABULOUS distraction from Hunter Biden and the Biden crime syndicate.
    I want you to do one exercise for me. Think how you will react when you discover that you have been cut off from communicating with anyone. I mean no friends, family, anyone. Can’t happen ? Wake up America! Now my next dumb question for anyone willing to hear me. What in the heck are the “representatives of the people” doing at this moment. Holding a meeting on what to do about big tech censorship? No, Instead a legislation on linguistic gymnastics. To those in power you’ve got a problem. Your ears are deaf to the very “people” that you supposedly love. Nobody is listening to you. But they are watching. I don’t they like what they are seeing.
    If we want America to exist we need to immediately stop any censorship. I don’t want the government, unelected, unaccountable corporations or my neighbor determining what we can and cannot say or hear.
    Even hate speech has been litigated as free speech by the Supreme Court. I don’t like it, but as long as the rules are applied equally to all, I’ll have to accept that.

  41. Everyday these Democrats are Pushing Us Closer and Closer to War, and it won’t be a Civil War either! Small Cells will Organize in Every Community and will Target and Take Out the Anti-American Democrats, Socialists, and Progressives, so the People Pushing the Censorship of Conservatives will Certainly be on a List and Dealt with. If You Think this Couldn’t or Won’t Happen Here You are Gravely Mistaken!

  42. Media ceo’s didn’t silence their news or liberal talk shows when they kept falsely repeating that blacks were being targeted by police around the country. Even after violent riots tore threw the country by BLM.

  43. Obviously we lost our Republic over the last 10 months, due to Socialists and our ill informed Sound-bite citizens. The First Amendment appears to be the FIRST Freedom to go, along with freedom of religion, under the Rule of the Democrat/Liberal Media Complex! Next will be RE-regulations, raised taxes to cause long term economic decline. How terrible!

  44. How can this spineless president of cumulus be a boss? So he gets threatened by democrats and folds like a cheap lawn chair? How long till you are no longer allowed to say the truth when they are being corrupt? You would let them ruin your business like they have been destroying small businesses all year. What a putz.

  45. We as a country are in trouble. How did we get here and how does this get fixed before it goes to far? So sad.

  46. If this is the Democrats plan to unify us, I don’t want any part of it! Everything happening now is exactly how Communist Parties take over. What’s really sad, is that the people who supported these Democrats don’t realize they will trample their rights too unless they go along with everything the Democrats want… they think they’ll be getting more freedom, but they’ll actually be getting more enslavement!

  47. 23 states have 100% more registered voters than RESIDENTS. Stop and let that sink in a few minutes. Now do you understand that the vote is IILEGAL?

  48. Voter fraud is easy to see…..when precincts have over 100 % voter turnout, this is fraud. You don’t have to prove it, it’s right there being reported by the precincts.

  49. I think the citizen knows that the reason the media can say no evidence is because the judges will not have a hearing so evidence can be presented. very shameful that media has an opportunity to educate the public and not keep them ignorant.

  50. Don’t believe everything you read. Brian Phillips probably never investigated a criminal case in his life and it shows in his comments and actions. There is simply too much circumstantial evidence that needs to be further investigated to affirm the allegations. Some physical evidence and expert testimonial evidence has been collected which points at a real violation of election laws. So if he wants to make a federal case out of it, I would encourage him to go ahead. The rebound for damages should shorten his career abruptly. But if he has investigated criminal cases before, then I question the quality of training he received.

  51. Termination for failure to ‘walk-the-walk’ and ‘talk-the-talk’ of the totally disgraced, bereft of integrity lame-stream media. Now, that’s an honor worth having on one’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).

  52. Any chance these morons had of unity or national calm went out the window many months ago! I am not surprised by the phony, pathological liars and boot-lickers throughout Congress nor does their rhetoric mean anything to me. I will not comply with their demands and their orders to set aside and apologize for ANY views I may have on ANY subject…..I’ll see them in Hell first!

  53. American flag upside down AMERICA IN DISTRESS just like we did in vietnam so help could find us and see we were getting run over.SEMPER FI I am locked and loaded to defend this great REPUBLIC. All patriots should be ready on a minutes notice to STAND TALL AND DEFEND OUR GREAT REPUBLIC no more BS defend the USA and our FREEDOMS at all costs.We as a country are broke.To many takers and to few makers .The people who want everything free should go to socialistic and communistic countries and then tell me how they like it when the government puts you in jail or better yet shoots you.Snowflakes a bitter warning to all of you, i do not know how many of these liberals have ever been in the military much less seen combat,but this will be real and not some game you play on the phone or your monitor from your computer,this time when you eliminated,IT IS FOR REAL YOU ARE DEAD you cannot push a control knob and restart this reality .Think hard of what you ask for and make sure that you are willing to die for what you believe in, MAY GOD BLESS THE USA AND HER PATRIOTS,I am totally a patriot and for the freedom of my children and grand and great grand children I am willing to sacrafice my life to protect their freedoms. ARE YOU???

  54. We do not watch or listen to any news outlets anymore. Since Operation Mockingbird CIA dictates via Press what the can or cannot report… why would anyone with a brain listen to the same propaganda on every outlet?

  55. YOU CAN’T FIRE SOMEBODY FOR TELLING THE TRUTH!!!! We all know the election was rigged by the sleazy democrats. And we will continue to tell this truth.

  56. These companies are OOC! I find it incredible that they get away with it! From a financial perspective it seams they are going to cut off their nose to spite their face!

  57. Somehow I cannot imagine any conservative talk show host worth his/her salt signing a contract with a media company that did not specifically leave all editorial control over their shows in their own hands. Hopefully this Brian Philips character will be inundated with more breach-of-contract lawsuits than he can hire lawyers to defend.

  58. This is just one example why radio , tv, or newspaper conglomerates should not be allowed. Further, the Democrats yelled for all four years that President Trump’s election was stolen due to phony Russian collusion which turned out to really be democratic criminal activity. What the Democrats are doing right in front of your eyes is stopping opponents free speech. Is this really the kinder party? Do not continue to be deceived. You may be next.

  59. America was exposed to four years of a fake impeachment attempt which caused a far bigger exploitation of the nation under falsehoods. Now there is a verifiable and legitimate concern over the voting system. Voters were denied the opportunity to have an honest audit of the election ballots in questionable states. There was no reason why it wasn’t possible to perform. This is the real reason Americans are displeased and down right angry with congress and the Supreme Court. Sure they can say it was unproven but an audit would have proven it that was true. To deny anyone of their free speech is not what honesty is all about. Lock and load doesn’t really mean the use of a firearm it just means get ready to defend you freedoms.

  60. These idiots don’t understand that the election was stolen in more ways than just fraud! We’ll see what they say about the rioting and burning that ensues when the far left doesn’t get their wish list fulfilled!

  61. Cumulus has this ass-backwards. We dictate what we listen to, not them. And if enough of us boycott all their advertisers, they are out of business.

  62. Now Philips want to cancel their first Ammendment? I”m glad Mark Levin didn’t back down! What these judgemental people don’t seem to see beyond themselves! In 2 years there will be another ELECTION, and even Democrats will be begging to see Trump again, as they will be broke, used and abused as well, and these fools who made up their narrow minds before ALL the FACTS are out, are going to be shocked when they too will be a thing of the past & long forgotten. Yes, YOU, Philips!

  63. Mark Levin on his radio broadcast this very evening Monday January 11,2021 addressed the “firing” topic. In fact he stated he was aware the NY Times was promulgating this narrative of his “warning” to cease and desist advancing a notion of election irregularities. He vehemently denied having ever been threatened with termination for any such issue. SOMEONE IS LYING.

  64. Big Brother is Big Satan. Lockjaw: Chronic spasm of the muscles of the jaw; in other words, Big
    Tech clamps down freedom of speech.

  65. The tech bubble is coming soon, close tweeter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any, Twiter down 12% today, before they are worthless, stop buying from Amazon, buy direct from the seller/merchant don’t wait DO IT NOW URGENT^^^^^^ this is how is done, protest from your wallet

  66. I tweeted to CumulusMedia “So you’re censoring the speech of your radio hosts? For 74M Americans election has NOT satisfactorily been decided. Swept under the rug like all Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Biden crimes. No accountability. Demshitz commit crimes with impunity. Don’t CENSOR.”

  67. Is it suppression by these liberal white elitists…
    Are they merely reverting back to THEIR own “whiteness” by not being willing to stand up for themselves??

  68. the Globalist, Luciferans, Communist Traitors of America are in full panic mode. Doesnt this all remind you of Cinderella and her 2 ugly sisters? They tried everything in their power to stop her going to the ball! It didn’t work . and she got her Prince. President Trump is simply the best President America ever had ! And God ahs not finished with him yet, so dont lose hope, good things are in the pipeline. Continue Praying and have faith and hope <3

  69. If these big shots want to repair the harm rendered on the country by the fraudulent election, they should help the American people do two things. First, kick the United Nations out of our land and Second send Soros with them.

  70. Well cumulus if you fire the talk shows we will seperate from you. Just because you think that will quiet conservati es down from resisting (without starting violence) you are not very smart the giant has been disturbed and awakened!

  71. This whole banning and firing of personalities based on their personal opinions is totally wrong. It is the same thing the Aaron Rogers did to Drew Brees when Brees commented against the NFL’s BLM support and other NFL Socialistic issues.

  72. We be the MONOPLY. We be Goliath, you be our slaves. You want food you shut up. You want to talk. Ask permission. You want to live, best conform. We are the Masters and you are the slaves. Long ago a certain fellow wrote Slaves Without Chains, but you ignored the warning. Now you are slaves to big Tech Monopolies. Unless these Monopolies are broken up you will remain their slaves. We did David, we need Trump, but they are trying to destroy him for they fear him. Why hasn’t the Military arrested those who threatened his life and threatened his family? Why haven’t the Military arrested Piglosi and Schumer and all those who said they would like to blow up the White House. Unleash the Military to protect us from Big Tech and usurpations of power. All who attacked Trump, Obama, Hilary, Biden, Comey, and Schumer, and many others are guilty of insurrection. Turn the Military loose and arrest Biden and Harris. They can not be sworn in while in prison for treason!

  73. STOP THE STEAL! There is more than enough proof of election fraud for the Supreme Court [RINOS] to investigate!!!

  74. Philips is a WIMP or may be a secret member of the swamp. A real newsman would want to dig up the facts and present the truth. We don’t have many in the business today with the starch in their pants to do what’s right.

  75. Does anybody know if any of the states will be seceding from the U. S. so that I can move there. Maybe Texas or Florida.

  76. More censorship to please the democrats. Everything I post on Breitbart is being moderated. New policy at BB. As a test, I posted a bunch of letters and BB is waiting to approve my comments. It appears anything I post will be moderated by BB.

  77. The president DID NOT INCITE ANYONE to charge the Capitol. You dems. planned this just like you planned the election. You democrats are the enemy of the people. Especially Pelosi and Schummer.

  78. This a Communist-democrat plot that outlaws the first Amendment right to free speech. And it is a provable lie about a highly troubling election!

  79. The evidence of election fraud needs to be investigated so it does not ever happen again.

    Without free and fair elections we will not have a free country of the people by the people and for the people. Election integrity is crucial to the survival of our country. Anybody who tries to censor investigating fraud in elections is not a friend of the United States.i

  80. Sorry they don’t like the 1st Amendment but the only cure for Cumulus is to divest and get the h*ll out of the country.

  81. Define “Pushing”.
    Now define “Reporting”

    If anyone is “pushing” a narrative its the Socialists.
    Dictators can’t be “censored”.
    Its the Censors that are dictating

  82. The most incriminating proof that the election is fraudulent is the immediate and persistent screeching of main stream media that the election isn’t fraudulent. Now, as doubts grow that Biden is the rightful president, the media is upping the ante for anyone still desiring to pursue and broadcast the truth. To Ben, Mark, and Dan, what you choose to do in this defining moment will mark the course of the rest of your life.

  83. What is this country coming to when people can’t have there own opinion on a subject?? So very sad and scary 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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