U.S. Customs and Border Protection via Wikimedia Commons

CNN is offering what it believes is compelling evidence for why the United States of America is irredeemable. 

Their “evidence” is purely anecdotal, from an American who migrated to Mexico and claimed our neighbors to the south have a more civilized police force.

I mean, who doesn’t think of Mexico when they think of police integrity. Oh, wait…

Per Twitchy:

Mexico is just heaven on earth, you guys.

Right? Puerto Vallarta isn’t exactly Tijuana.

Ah, well. CNN’s got a narrative to push.


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  1. Please get more of your like thinking bull shitters to come over to mexico with you and live your utopia life style. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. I recall hearing Mexican jails arent too hot either IE very poor vs US jails & justice?
    & then add cartels “buying” cops

    1. Not to mention another little tidbit CNN neglected to mention: Mexican immigration laws are quite harsh.

  3. This is news? That CNN would deceive and lie and make statements of misinformation? This is what you get from the many stations controlled by ONE WORLD ORDER. Yes, this is what is happening. The elite of the world are working to take Ameica down. Critical to their plan is to DISARM us. Remember that. Then consider getting God involved. OBEY II CHRONICLES 7:14.

    1. It is a good thing. Let us encourage CNN bragging about the wonderful, better life in Messyco.. One way to rid our country of trash.

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