Photo edit of George Santos. Credit: Alexander J. Williams III


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy


As majority leader in the House, the responsibility of dealing with the Santos situation has fallen on McCarthy. He recently told CNN that Santos is under an ethics probe, saying, “Ethics is moving through, and if ethics finds something, we’ll take action. Right now, we’re not allowing him to be on committees from the standpoint of the questions that have arisen.” Santos has repeatedly said that he wouldn’t resign and that he is “not concerned” about a House investigation.

BREAKING: George Santos To “Recuse Himself”



  1. Well, as for Mitt Romney, he is a senator from the state of Utah. I am from the state of Utah, and I quite frankly as well as many others in the state of Utah believe him to be a rhino so let’s get that out-of-the-way first. Secondly are any of these people hammering, Joe Biden Because let’s face it if he was Pinocchio, his nose would be at least two or 300 miles long and that is just as a senator when he was representing his state as a senator. The things that he said that he did the things that he said he accomplished the place as he went all of that kind of stuff with Joe Biden, let’s face it was every bit heinous as the representative from New York

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