By terren in Virginia - flickr, CC BY 2.0,

A Virginia state delegate who mocked “thoughts and prayers” in his campaign ads lost two elections in one day, one a stunning upset.

State Delegate Mark Levine, an outspoken liberal from suburban Washington, D.C., got just 11 percent of the vote in his race to be the Democrat nominee for lieutenant governor, finishing 27 points behind the winner, fellow northern Virginia Delegate Hala Ayala.

But he also managed to lose re-nomination to his own House seat, losing by nearly 20 percent to a little-known one-term local city councilman. Elizabeth Bennet Parker is the new Democrat nominee and likely state delegate after trouncing Levine 59 percent to 41 percent for his own seat.

Levine’s blowout losses come after he heavily ran a campaign ad in which he mocked “thoughts and prayers” to victims of gun violence.

The ad begins with the claim “Every fifteen minutes, an American is shot dead with a gun.”  Two-thirds of those, however, are suicides.  Many nations with near-total gun bans have higher suicide rates than the United States.

The ad then cuts to a video of Republicans offering their prayers to victims of gun violence, which is lower in the United States than in many countries that adopted Levine’s anti-gun views.

After vowing to criminalize most private gun ownership, Levine smugly chirps “Thoughts and prayers just aren’t cutting it.”

Levine has made numerous false claims about guns, gun rights, and gun owners, such as a claim on his website that the AR-15 rifle, invented in 1956 by an American, “was originally used by the Nazis.”

A strident anti-gun activist, Levine has made opposition to most private gun ownership the centerpiece of his three terms in office.   He authored a bill that criminalized many common firearms which passed the House, but was scuttled in the Senate after Democrats realized the potential voter backlash.

While both Levine and Parker are stridently anti-gun, Parker rarely mentioned the issue, preferring to campaign on race issues.  Both candidates are white.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Michael Brigham has written for American Action News since the summer of 2019. His areas of expertise include foreign affairs, government, and politics, but regardless of the subject matter, he has a nose and an insatiable appetite for news. In his free time, he enjoys reading nonfiction, watching a mix of comedies and true crime documentaries, and spending time away from the swamp hiking in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.


  1. If more people & especially politicians would pray & turn to God our country would be a whole lot better off. These days it’s hard to trust a politician because they’d rather lie than tell the truth!

  2. Every time we think the forces of evil will have everything from the media to the universities to education to the political offices, the people stand up and tell them what they think

  3. LISTEN UP….GOD Says….PRAY Without CEASING. PRAYER is a PERSON’S Communication to GOD. WITHOUT FAITH..YOU Can NOT Please GOD. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄

    1. If you folks remember what “Revelations” describe, you may understand how our futures will be marked with such misfortune. The Bible is batting a thousand in that regard, and each day, our government seems to vindicate those passages.

  4. “Divine Justice” would have been a Fry From The Sky Lightning Bolt burning the Atheist up.

  5. Yet another Constitutional provision under threat of a liberal authoritarian hubris. Americans need to address these issues, and inhibit the efforts of liberals to dismantle our freedoms.

  6. Looks like Mark Levine is the one that’s just not cutting it. However, he is in my thoughts and prayers . . .

  7. Well, these libturd-demon©rats, mostly pray to Satan…and sometimes he throws them under the bus for laughs…😈🤣

  8. Oh how I wish the people of VA would wise up and stop electing democrats. It is such a pretty state and I would love to live there but I cannot take the liberal nonsense and idiotic policies.

  9. Poetic justice. Although it sounds like the Sheeple of that district will send the same sort of parasite to the Assembly anyhow.

  10. No. Thoughts and prayers are not cutting it. This is because there are far too many thoughts and not nearly enough PRAYERS.

  11. Prayer is so important because God listens. He answers prayers and he loves us infinitely. Look around and you’ll see God has his hand in everything. I pray all the time. We all need prayer.

  12. I hope that there is someone else in the races in Virginia that can beat the other Democrat candidate that is also a strident anti-gun candidate for Levine’s seat!

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