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Far-left representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has now turned on President Biden over a statement he released Wednesday backing Israel’s right to defend itself in the wake of its ongoing war with Palestinian terrorists.

Cortez blasted the statement as ‘siding with the occupation.’

As Fox News reports:

Biden told reporters Israel has a right to defend itself “when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory.”

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that Biden had failed to mention the pending evictions of dozens of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem in favor of Israelis and the Israeli police raid of the Al-Aqsa mosque that left hundreds of worshippers hurt as an instigator to Hamas’ rocket attacks.

She said statements that don’t recognize Israel’s role in the violence “dehumanize Palestinians & imply the US will look the other way at human rights violations. It’s wrong.”

“By only stepping in to name Hamas’ actions – which are condemnable – & refusing to acknowledge the rights of Palestinians, Biden reinforces the false idea that Palestinians instigated this cycle of violence,” she wrote. “This is not neutral language. It takes a side – the side of occupation.”

It appears that the radical socialists in the Democrat party have already chosen a side in the latest middle east conflict, and it isn’t Israel’s.


  1. “…& refusing to acknowledge the rights of Palestinians…”

    Which rights are those? To murder Jews en masse?

      1. Not gonna happen. Do you know anything about her district and her constituents?
        That’s why she’ll be elected again and again.
        Very sad!

        1. She was never elected, but Selected and Democrats cheat Thats how they got into Office. And sift money into their own pockets

          1. all of these communists now sitting in elected positions got there 40 yrs ago when the Teachers Union SOLD OUT to the THEN Socialist, now Communist party. These sub humans have been indoctrinated from K-12 & I consider their lib colleges FINISHING SCHOOLS for their propaganda. The time is NOW to go to your local GOP Precinct & MAKE CHANGES YOURSELF! Get involved as you CAN take back the POWER OF GOVERNMENT!

          2. That source of voters (Teachers Union) is a relatively minor factor. Liberals now have millions of illegal aliens, women, homosexuals and dead people who’ll cast their votes for demagogues. These “Useful Idiots” have joined past versions of their ilk due mainly to the persuasive indoctrination of their factions you’ve described. Tyranny and oppression are the culminations of a process, and we’re pretty far along in that process.

        1. she belongs in Gitmo with all the other ANTI AMERICANS that have committed acts against our government & Freedom.

        2. Just like her counterpart, Numb Skull Nancy Pelosi, AOC always appears as if she sat on an ice pick.

    1. This sick bartender has no clue, it is amazing that she has a platform to spew her anti American crap. If rockets were raining down on any American city, what would our military do? When Israel gave the Gaza strip back to the Palestinians, they left them new schools, hospitals, farms, etc. What did Hamas do, they destroyed all of it. Where did Hamas get all these rockets? Freakin Iran, ” Death To America ” Iran. Now the moron Biden is negotiating with them, John Kerry should be hung for treason. Sure Biden got 80 million votes, how stupid do they think the American people are? God help us, its going to get 100 times worse. WE THE PEOPLE

      1. I couldn’t have said it better myself. When the Civil War starts, she should be one of the names on the list.

      2. Those people have been at each other’s throats since the earth’s crust cooled. Let them squabble with their Holy Wars and get our country out of that region. We can make America Sovereign and Energy Independent, but liberals know where their bread is buttered….

      3. and AOC & the Commies occupying the OVAL are PRO Hamas. THEY sent Hamas the $ to bomb our friend, Israel. would it not be wonderful if God sent a lightening bolt & took care of all of them in 1 fell swoop? in the meantime, We the People must GROW our NEW Party & continue what Pres Trump started, getting MAGA MINDED, AMERICA FIRST People into government. Here is how we do that so we CAN & MUST Take back the House & Senate in 2022, so we can Then IMPEACH the Swamp garbage, & we will then have CONTROL of our Gov’t until 2024 when we can get #45 or another Like Minded Patriot in office to hopefully clean up this disaster.

  2. the message in her comment distills down to this:

    If you are a Jew and you voted for AOC, you are a disgrace to your heritage and your religious beliefs. All the “SQUAD” members HATE Israel.

    1. Lots of American Jews voted for Biden and Harris, Obama etc they all hate Israel/Jewish people but will not publicly say it. It would be political suicide. Hilary Clinton have Hamas how many billions while Obama/Biden were in power. Why doesn’t anyone remember that? I do. I was appalled then and more so now. You go against Jewish people you go against G-d. Like America has.

      1. Every Jew has a “Right of Return” to Israel. That actually translates to their Israeli citizenship. Herzl was not concerned with religious factors when he cooked up his Jewish Homeland scheme, nor was he unaware that Jews would balk at the prospect of their having to populate that region. He established a Safe House for his brethren as a refuge from nations they escaped from. Madagascar was a much more feasible “Final Solution” (Yes, that phrase was ‘borrowed’ from Herzl..) than Palestine, for reasons which are now obvious.

      1. What they ‘hate’ is the notion that our government is not supposed to be reactionary, totalitarian regime that will exploit vulnerable citizens to expand their scope of authority. They also ‘Hate’ any media or government luminary who’ll address the fact that our leadership is getting waaaayyy too big for their Constitutional britches.

    2. Let’s see…uuummmm, 375 looks about right. That’s approximately how many times you’ll hear the word “Hate” in the next ten minutes. The Jewish ADL uses that term prodigiously, and our lapdog media and political luminaries also adopt those sentiments during their campaigns and legislative sessions. Personally, I think that phrase has been worn out.

    3. They may hate Israel, but they are on the right track as far as getting America out of that region. We don’t need an ‘ally’ in the Middle East if we have energy supplies available from domestic sources. Indeed, if technology continues to unearth forms of energy which don’t require fossil fuels, we would have ample means to subsist with no foreign oil at all. Yes, that nation has the right to defend itself, but we don’t have the means to furnish their weapons, funding or defensive forces. Our country is in serious trouble, and our leadership needs to focus their efforts toward our domestic issues.

    1. BUT ILLEGALS from any and all countries are A-OK? WE don’t get stuck supporting them! So they live and let live! But they DO NOT deserve to be dumped on anymore than we need to support any and all illegals! Hey and I still donot have my govt tax refund from Feds. Where is it and who is it being used for? 84 and really could use it! NOT to mention I only get 300 or 400 for stim. checks! Yeah American last?

  3. To say “the false idea that Palestinians instigated this cycle of violence” implies that a response is the instigation. Violence did not start until rockets were first fired. Only liberals would think otherwise.

      1. Ignorant can be tacked on. A liberal is fundamentally a Drama Queen. They MUST have some justification to excoriate someone for ‘violating’ their many speech or behavioral mandates. Otherwise, they would literally explode from the pressure of containing these emotions and indignities. Our government tapped that resource to formulate a sort of fifth column to justify expanding their authority, while their liberal contingent ‘enforces’ the growing body of anti-this-and-that legislation.

  4. Interesting that we had 4 years of (progress towards) peace in the middle east, and just like tat it has evaporated. What changed???

      1. Little girl, Israel is our ally. Hamas and Iran are terrorists that need to be dealt with. Either you understand what you say, or go back to being a barfly.

    1. We can thank Obama for this round of terror. Biden probably doesn’t know anything about what is happening in Israel, let alone his own country. This war between Israel and the so called Palestinians has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.


  6. This dipsh** broad should be arrested and charged with aiding and abetting terrorists and treason. Also any other members of the squad should be charged also, then sentenced to GITMO for life.

    1. I’ll at least agree with her alternative-renewable energy campaigns, but not because I’m a Climate Change alarmist.

  7. These ppl who know what’s best for the rest of the world while the DC swamp pulls America down with it…….are the problem.

  8. It disgusts me that AOC refers to Israel as the “occupation.” As if Israel is occupying Palestine lands. God “gave” that land to Israel centuries ago. They were dispersed across Europe and other continents over history. After World War II and the imposed suffering of Nazism under Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich, they returned to their homeland, only to be treated as intruders by the Palestinians who seem to hate them as equally as Germany did. The sad truth is that they are Gods chosen people through whom the lineage came the Messiah, the Promised one, Jesus Christ., the Son of God. And the world hates what it does not understand……i. e. God’s plan for mankind.

    1. It is an ‘occupation’. Those supposed Jews are not descended from Biblical Israeli tribes, and they have no right to designate Palestine as their Religious Homeland. It may interest you to know that Palestine was among many prospective locations considered to establish their Safe House. Herzl was not onboard with that choice. I believe Madagascar was a much more sensible location, but Zionists campaigned to insinuate their brethren into a disputed region under a false pretext. (For decades, in fact. Their ‘6 million’ figure was published several times prior to WWII; even prior to Hitler’s regime.)

  9. I know so many Jewish people who support the dem party, all I can say is you are getting what you voted for. They don’t care why should we?

  10. Approval of what? These are undisputed facts. Even when I attended a liberal college I was taught in a Humanities class not just Greek history The Odyssey) but history through the Bible. Even if you do not believe The Bible is God’s word, it is viewed in humanities classes as history, poetry, etc. The Pentatech, the first five books of the Bible or books of the law speak of God‘s chosen people in the land that he had given them…… which became the nation of Israel. Those are undisputed facts. History. 👇

    1. One thing’s for sure, the Bible is batting a thousand so far. We have a guy who, almost daily, parades around a strip mall sidewalk with a “Trust Jesus” sign, shouting sermons via a bullhorn to startled motorists. I always give him a wave when I pass by.

  11. Would
    Israel attack the US -No
    Would Hamas -yes
    So shut up AOC -your striking looks won’t get my support !


  13. Why in God s name would anybody listen to this crazy unhinged lib. I wouldn’t order a drink she suggested so what gives the credibility to open her mouth. She is a narcissistic loud mouth that needs put in her place.

    1. Because her fans are being ‘trained’ to be government addicts, who are too dumb to understand that they are supposed to provide sustenance for themselves and their families, by working and contributing to our economy. People like AOC have ruined entire nations with exactly the same agendas we’re witnessing in America. (P.S., The leaders of those nations also got filthy rich in the process…)

  14. When is the people of New York going to start voting people into office that loves THEM and who loves America? AOC hates our country, that means she HATES US, folks!

    AOC hates America, and when she hates America she hates ALL of us. Israel is our friend, and because they are our friend, she hates them. All communists hate Israel, they and the Nazi’s slaughtered 6 million Jews, and this is AOC’s mindset. The entire demonRAT party are communists, and they all hate Israel…. and that is obvious as we watch them taking up for Iran, Syria and the Palestinians who are trying to take Israel away from those who founded it, and that God, our Creator, Who gave to them.

    AOC is a communist infiltrator. The communists used the demonRAT party to get a foothold inside our government to take our country down, and to take it over. The demonRATs hate our country, too, so she is basically their leader. She has so much hate in her for us and for Israel, she has no business being in OUR Congress. NONE whatsoever! She is the enemy who is ruling over people she hates. DUH!!!!!! Does that make any kind of sense, New York, …….America?

  15. She is part of the squad, leaders of the most anti-American and antiSemitic representatives in America except for Luis Farrakhan. Our tax dollars support this vile excuse for a human being who doesn’t realizes how utterly ignorant she is. Almost every idea she comes up with is just plain stupid. If the media would pay no attention to this moron, she would disappear, but most of her fame is the result of the media trying to upset people.

  16. AOC, Israel are in their homeland. Palestine never had a homeland. They were the occupiers by the Romans in 152AD. Get your facts straight before you make any more.

    1. Thanks for the history lesson. Now, let’s not concern ourselves with that data, and make America sovereign and energy independent.

  17. How do the not real intelligent people like aoc, Omar. Talib and presley keep getting elected. I guess it’s not real intelligent voters.

  18. Sometimes I think AOC is just there to rile up the crowd to give aircover to Biden, I mean she is only good for making outlandish comments so why not try and make Biden look normal by putting him next to the craziest person in the room? It has to be what they are thinking, only AOC doesn’t realize what is going on.

    1. She’s outlandish because, like Trump, she’s not a politician. Those people erected an environment few can understand, particularly those who aren’t attorneys, or veteran bureaucrats. Young women are not suited to such conditions because they still function under emotional and social drives to be mothers, wives and nurturers. Our government is not a maternity ward, or a PTA ensemble. Trying to conduct their official business with such distractions hinders the ability of seasoned politicians to do their jobs.

  19. Just as God has seminaries, where good men learn Biblical truths, we have bars, where some people focus on the passions of this world.
    AOC needs our prayers, as she is truly doing the Devil’s work and on the path to Hell.

  20. aoc is a DISGRACE, how people voted for this POS, I’LL NEVER KNOW!!! The politics going on in our country is deplorable, it’s truly out of the COMMUNIST manual. biden has no concern for AMERICANS, ZERO!!! HIS china first policies are obviously BAD FOR AMERICA AND AMERICANS!!! This ENTIRE REGIME IS NOT HEALTHY FOR US PATRIOTIC AMERICANS!!! THEY HAVE TO GO. WILL IT REALLY TAKE A SECOND CIVIL WAR??? Whatever we need to do, it needs to be done NOW!!! I’m a disabled veteran, but I will join any group that believes that we need to change the current communist regime in power now!!! I chose to fight for AMERICA ONCE, I’LL HAPPILY DO IT AGAIN!!!!

  21. Both AOC and Biden are IDIOTS. I don’t mean that they are occasionally wrong. I MEAN THEY ARE FLAT OUT IDIOTS.

    I have reached the conclusion that the American public education system has now succeeded in dumbing down the millennials to the point where they are completely idiotic.

    America has never had a generation so completely incompetent and useless UNTIL NOW.

  22. This B——is playing with fire. Don’t step on Israel. The repercussions will be irreparable. This good for nothin needs to go back in her hole and play with the other liberal vermin in her world. God help her!

  23. AOC and these other demorats need to be3 censored for supporting Palestine. They have no business even representing the US. Need to be removed from office

  24. Gee, I miss Trump’s peace in the middle east. I wonder if Biden send tons of our money to I ran and the Palestinians had anything to do with this and why do democrats love war so much?

  25. When AOC was running for U.S. Congress in New York, she wasn’t even aware that Israel was a nation, not a person. She is that ignorant. How does someone grow up in New York for the past 30 years, but still not know about Israel? We celebrate the founding of Israel, which took place May 15, 1948. American President Harry Truman recognized the State of Israel five minutes after its founding. A fine, God-fearing man Truman was. President Donald Trump brokered peace in the Middle East and greater stability in the region by standing firm with Israel during his four years in office but, in just four months in office, President Joseph Biden has reversed course and is unraveling all the gains that had been achieved by the Trump Administration to ensure the greater safety and security of the America’s stalwart ally, Israel. America must once again stand steadfastly with Israel the way Harry Truman and so many U.S. Presidents have after him. The buck stops here.

    1. We won’t need a “stalwart ally” in any region when our country is self sufficient, and capable of producing our staple goods and obtaining energy supplies from domestic sources. As far as Israel is concerned, I’ll describe them in this fashion: The best friend I ever had was trying to sell me a car.

  26. The heading of this article makes me smile? Top Democrat? I wouldn’t describe big mouth AOC as a top Democrat?

  27. She has no idea what she is talking about…such an ignorant, self-important, imbecilic little twit she is. Hamas is a jihadist, militant group that seeks the total annihilation of Israel. It cares nothing about the 5 Million Palestinian civilians that reside in Gaza. They use the Palestinian people as pawns and shields for sympathy and financial support from other countries to purchase missiles, etc.

    Hamas hides among innocent Palestinian women and children while launching well over 100 missiles at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. This is akin to, say, Mexican drug cartels firing rockets at Houston, Texas – or maybe Canada launching missiles at AOC’s neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY. Would the United States then have a right to defend our borders? Absolutely! I would like to see someone ask her and the rest of her ridiculous ‘squad’ how they would react if foreign missiles were launched over their homes.

    Thing is, Israel has the capability of destroying Gaza, but it shows incredible restraint for the sake of the said 5 Million Palestinians. Israel would have suffered untold casualties if not for the Iron Dome. Yet, it did not retaliate against all of the Palestinian people. It located the Hamas terrorists hiding out in a building, and removed them from the face of the earth. I support Israel, God’s chosen people. I pray for Israel and the Palestinian people who have become victims of Hamas and its little sister, the Palestinian Authority.

  28. I don’t wish to wax conspiratorially, but it looks like America is due for another 9/11-ish event, which magically will steel our resolve to join our ‘ally’ to thwart terrorism.

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