Photo by Gage Skidmore

The Michelle Obama library in California is now set to receive $250,000 dollars in taxpayer dollars as part of the new ‘Community Funding Project’ earmark requests connected to the upcoming federal budget which is currently making its way through Congress, according to Fox News.

The earmark was sponsored by Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán (D-Calif.) as a way to expand the library built in honor of the female Obama.

While it is customary for Presidents to have libraries built after their presidency is far less common for first ladies to receive the same treatment. And even rarer for them to receive tax-payer funds to fund their vanity projects.

The funds for the Obama library were just a part of a larger push for new pork-barrel spending which is now shaping up to cost tax-payers well north of 6 billion dollars in the next budget.


  1. Not even worth the time and trouble for me to list the litany of issues with all of this! Typical politicians – spend our hard earned money on their pet projects and we don’t get a say in the matter! Vote out this group of rats, and another group will scurry in right behind them!

    1. This library is totally unnecessary. She did nothing for this country, and her spouse divided the US so badly that it may never be unified again.

  2. Pathetic. Why are the taxpayers paying for a library for MIchelle Obama. She has the money to build one on her own…based on the homes that she has. If she is the “do gooder” that she says she is, she should be insisting on contributing that money to children for education and food!!!!

    1. And food for the tasty and mouth-watering lunches she tried to force on school children while she was FL.

      1. I was just thinking the same thing. If she picked out the food it would be the same slop that she forced our kids to eat in OUR schools. She could care less for our kids, she is only there to indoctrinate our kids to hate our country, just like she does.

  3. Let these asses pay thing themselves not with taxpayers money, the already stole millions for us

  4. When his wife/husband was president he/she spent money on travel like there was no tomorrow. I guess because she/he is a past mrs. she/he thinks the coffers are still his/hers to keep dipping into.

  5. Speaking of ‘pork’, has anyone seen ‘Michelle’ undressed? There are rumors aplenty that ‘she’ is a ‘he’.

    1. I ha ve heard this many if times that she use to be a man…I also read that she worked for Jesse Jackson sitting on her fat behind reading romance books and getting paid for nothing but this douche bag no doubt knows the difference between a washer or dryer and her daughters are being raise to be lazy have someone else do it for you piece of crap that she is

      1. Even a world famous comedienne, Joan Rivers, revealed her knowledge that Michelle is a transgender male. We know how that turned out…

      1. Perhaps your supper was an Obama mandated School Cafeteria entree. I understand the kids were refusing to eat them

  6. Why was this gross spending by the House members reopened. It was stopped years ago and now it’s back. Everyone of these projects are another waste of government money an any member who puts one in the budget should be voted out the next election.

    1. I’m sure their library in-house bistro will serve ‘healthy’ meals that smell and taste like vomit.

  7. Haven’t the Obamas already built Presidential libraries in both Hawaii and Illinois? Why are they also building one in California as well and compelling American taxpayers to fund it? Isn’t the tradition to have one Presidential library only in the former President’s hometown, like Harry Truman and Richard Nixon, or alligned with a nearby university, like Lyndon Johnson at the University of Texas and George H.W. Bush at Texas A & M? Also, George W. Bush chose to place his Presidential library at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, which is first lady Laura Bush’s alma mater. Bill Clinton chose to place his Presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas’ capital city where he served as governor before becoming President. We should be limiting any public funding of Presidential libraries to only one so that they do not become financially burdensome to the American taxpayer. Richard Nixon insisted his Presidential library be privately funded by donations, not by the American taxpayer and, for most of the past fifty years, it has been funded by private donors. We should be actively encouraging and promoting private funding by private doors for the ongoing operations of every one of the nation’s Presidential libraries rather than allocating more public funds from American taxpayers.

    1. Good point. These egomaniacs can have their stale accolades stored at the Smithsonian, or the Library of Congress. If there was an honest accounting of their shenanigans, these ‘libraries’ should be in the form of case files for criminal indictments.

    2. I say ELIMINATE presidential libraries completely. HUGE waste of money to fund these lavish tributes to CROOKS

    3. What a wonderful post! At last someone with fortitude. We the people should not be funding anything for Michelle! Obama has a Presidential Library already and if Michelle thinks she must have one ,then she should fund it for herself. They have more money than most people so pay your own way! There is no reason that Michelle should have a Library for herself only!

  8. The O’Bama’s sure have had….and are still having….the time of their lives on our dollars….pretty good for just a former community organizer…..and whatever he/she was…..

    1. Takes a lot of training to be a community organizer doesn’t it? Many people are community organizers on a part time basis and don’t get paid for it. They’d call neighbors and say “party and ??? bring your own booze but babysitters will be provided.’

  9. If the Obama’s can live in a multi million dollar home this witch can well afford to pay out her own money for her library. But should not be surprised she has no clue what it is truly like getting up get breakfast for your children get them ready for school and come home cook clean and get homework done and dinner on the table…she is one lazy broad…disgusting raping the Americans of their tax dollars to pay for her stupid ass library stupid witch

  10. They’ve got enough money, let them fund her library. Her husband’s administration left the taxpayers broke. Isn’t it time the two of them quit spending what we have left? !!!

  11. Just because something is a good idea, or needed, does NOT mean it should be funded by the federal government! For far too long the federal government has strayed further and further from its province as delineated in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which limits federal government functions to ONLY those enumerated. We need to be more vocal in letting our elected representatives know how we feel, including replacing them at the next election if they don’t listen and respond appropriately.

    For many of these earmarks, if they are really needed or wanted and the state or local government can’t or won’t fund them, why not have an independent fund-raising campaign for them. If the project is really worthwhile, it can and will be privately funded. If not…


  12. Mike can read? Maybe all coloring books. He needs a library like a fish needs a violin. The attendees will all come in and say, “where da ex box an da chiken”.

  13. Such spending is absurd! We the people have some input!!! Will be done at the ballot box for whomever votes for this pork! The ballot box is TERM LIMITS!

  14. Tell the liberals and obama to kiss off. We the people are reaching our limit to the crooked politician liberals and will soon stand up for the rule of law in our country. They have broken it enough and believe we will turn over for them to stay in power. Not going to happen

    1. Whe should be spending this money on much
      Needed help like the homeless , low income
      families housing & food , shelters for older
      People, upgrade rural schools / education??
      If children & lower income families can’t read
      Who needs a Library??

  15. Why in the hell they need a Library for Michelle Obama it’s bad enough that we have one for her stupid husband now we have to have one for her lets make it Obama family library, instead of having two we don’t need for her to have library name after her she nothing but a ugly old hag with no sense of life.She is nothing but a racist bit-h

  16. If she wants a library name after her she needs to build it herself because I sure do believe it be a waste of money because some people might not go to it who wants to see a racist Bit-h. Not me I don’t have the time and I sure not wasting my money

  17. I for one American am not and I mean not in favorof any Taxpayer money being given to help build any library for anyone…

  18. The earmark was sponsored by Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán (D-Calif.) as a way to expand the library built in honor of the female Obama. So apparently Michael’s gone back to being male again?

  19. Why should we the taxpayers pay anything to Michele Obama’s library? There is nothing notable about her tenure in the White House as compared to any other first lady


  21. So now the tax payers have to pay for michal/michelle to have a $250,000 library? Shouldn’t the books start slowly with ” See Dick. See Jane. See Jane run. See Tom run” Maybe those are too deep for it to start out.

  22. How this “Guy” get any thing like this what has he done to accept anything,
    plus who is paying for the taxpayer

  23. That is called tax money laundering, paying to all the people that help on the election fraud.

  24. What a joke, a what for whom? I could cover her in one short comic book and that lia]ying traitorous dumb, well i can’t say couldn’t even read a comic book and understand it,

  25. Just like the obama fundation, this is just another recruiting and fund raising station for BLM, Antifa, and all radical anti American terrorism.

  26. How does that guy get a library? Ego ego ego! What did he ever do that was notable other than foment racial strife. Once on the government teat, always on the government teat! What a bunch of leeches & ego maniacs that family is.

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