Gage Skidmore via Flickr

As Democrats shamelessly pursue their partisan, and likely unconstitutional, impeachment of a former U.S. president for allegedly ‘inciting an insurrection,’  President Joe Biden has appointed an avowed enemy of the police to be Deputy Spokesperson at the State Department.  In a September 2016 Facebook post, Jalina Porter said: “The largest threat to U.S. national security are U.S. cops.”

Not content with only being rhetorical, Porter added her sincere conviction that America’s cops were the largest threat to the United States, including all foreign threats. According to the The Washington Free Beacon she specified: “Not ISIS, not Russian hackers, not anyone or anything else.”

Her unhinged rant continued:

If ya’ll don’t wake up and rise up to this truth, the genocide against Blacks in America will continue until we are near extinct. That’s not the world I seek to live in or create for myself and those around me.

I am calling out the majority because this means you need to take action…in your communities, churches, classrooms, and with your Members of Congress…

Porter previously served as a congressional staff member for Rep. Jerry McNerney, D-Calif., and former Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., who is now a senior White House adviser to President Biden.

At the time she wrote the post, Porter was working for the left-leaning Truman National Security Project, a nonprofit national security and foreign policy think tank that once employed Hunter Biden. And now she is the Deputy Spokesperson for the United States Department of State.

She does, however, bring other talents to the job. According to the Free Beacon, “Porter is also a former dancer for the NFL’s Oakland Raiders and the NBA’s Washington Wizards.”

The Free Beacon concludes:

The resurfaced comments could complicate the State Department’s messaging as it seeks to challenge Iran’s nuclear buildup, continue the fight against ISIS, and shape its response to the many ongoing national security threats posed by China, Russia, and the Islamic Republic.

How anyone with these views could be appointed to any part of the U.S. foreign or national security establishment is the big question. Whether Biden will keep her now that her outrageous remarks have surfaced is the next question.


  1. If the brave men and women who built this great country are ‘Enemies of the State’. Then the ‘State’ has become an enemy of America.


  3. Does she also include all of the fine and loyal Black police officers. Your rhetoric is inflammatory and decisive. Why don’t you just go to the Super Bowl and do what you do best.

  4. Hope she needs REAL help someday and NO ONE answers her calls….I wouldn’t lift a finger to help her, nor would I give her air if she was trapped in a jug…I’d simply screw the lid on tighter….

  5. genocide against Blacks in America will continue until we are near extinct.” How can that be when they are popping out babies like rabbets or minks?

    1. Want to talk about genocide against blacks. How about planned parenthood. They are killing more black babies before they are born. Get real !

      1. Hillary said that that Sanger lady was her mentor. The Sanger lady was the one that wanted planned parenthood so that they could keep the black people from populating more. So sad. Most of us aren’t racial at all. Just go look at 9/11 when the twin towers went down and see how everyone was helping everyone else. No one cared what color they was. In combat we all helped each other too. Its all just to cause a divide. White againist blacks, men againist women and on and on. Turmoil (Trump is the man)

  6. I hope that they prove the election was stolen from Trump!!!!!! they have prof but most of the judges were dems appointments and just swept it under the rug…

  7. Dementia Joe needs to be removed . He condemns our police officers and praises terrorists . So far everything he has done over past two weeks has done nothing positive for America only weakened and degraded it . His rhetoric about unity in this country are as empty as his head .

    1. Always have to turn it around when say spew their CRAP, unity means PROVOKING the he** out of us….remember o’bama, or one can say THIS is o’bama’s rhetoric

  8. This is all a plan to destroy and take over America. Yes I am a conspiracy theorist with a crap load of evidence. I have the Sol Alinsky book Rules for Radicals. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ IT!!!! There is the CONSPIRACY spelled out for all to see! Everytime a lefty resorts to name calling or any tactic, all we need to reply is the page and paragraph from their Bible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Also the more these fools tick off the armed power of our govt the better. Now that we are truly a banana republic. we can follow their success formula. Whoever has the allegiance of the armed forced wins – Trump loves our men and women in the forces of all types. Amen

  9. We need to take charge now, really people this is what you want running our country, if so we deserve what we get. Un dam believable.

  10. If Jalina Porter is worried about black people becoming extinct then she might want to look at the abortion numbers, 36-40% of all abortions are black babies, that might be a bigger worry than the genocide by the police. Abortions account for 25% more deaths than all the rest of black deaths per year, and I hate to tell Jalina Porter but all the other deaths were not caused by the police. About 225 blacks per year are killed by the police, about 425 whites are killed by the police and about 155 Hispanics are killed by the police each year. The overwhelming majority of all these deaths are against armed people.

    Jalina Porter is a threat to civil society and yet she is allowed to spew this hatred and propaganda, how is that justified if we are so concerned about speech in this country?

  11. She speaks about the genocide of blacks, I have a question for her ,how many black babies are aborted in this country annually. And don’t these black babies have black mothers. Sounds like that’s part of the genocide. How about the number of black people in Chicago that are killed by other black people. And I thought black lives matter. Apparently only the ones That aren’t killed by other black people.

  12. The only solution is to demand the right to form a separate republic and allow the democratic communist to self destruct without us being forced to pay for it. There is no other solution they want open borders and communism we do not, we must break away. If elections are now all to be rigged no need to be slaves to assholes. Give Texas independence we will move there just give us a few nuclear weapons for protection after the communist run run out of money. If no investigation into the fraudulent election no reason to live in a communist dictatorship. Problem is we are the majority until they can get 100 million here illegally on welfare.

  13. This person is an absolute idiot. It took me about two minutes to research homicide statistics. In 2019 about 2800 black people were killed by other blacks in the US. Compare that to 238 blacks killed by cops. By simple statistics, blacks are 10x the threat to other blacks than cops are. This doesn’t even consider how many of the victims of black on black crime were innocent vs the number of blacks being killed by cops were criminals attempting to evade capture. It probably makes to problem more like 100X to 1000X. And BTW the numbers of whites killed are roughly 2X for both statistics. It is scary to think this person in in position to influence governmental policy.

    1. And just think Chicago, black on black KILLINGS go through the roof – their OWN fault by letting this go on……

  14. time to put a stop to all the democrat / socialist/communist ideas and beliefs .they have ruined the USA with their BS>>they are teaching the kids nothing except crap..

  15. Biden and his choices are setting up for an assassination. He doesn’t consider honest, law abiden citizens worthy of recognition.

  16. First let US set the record STRAIGHT. Pedo Joe does not now nor will he ever be entitled to to title President. That applies doubly to the Ho. Now as for the Police being a danger to America well if you are speaking about the small majority in Democrap RUINED cities and States then you would be right. Look at where the Police Brutality complaints are and what happens to those found guilty of such Brutality. Chauvin had 17 brutality complaints against him and yet he was still working on the streets. WHY?? Simple Democraps want them Union dollars.

  17. They say and do things to PROVOKE us all, so maybe we should RISE -UP like piglosi suggested, even though at the time she said that she meant her base…..I don’t think this will ever get better unless we show them what we are really made of – start another civil war to get them OUT of Washington…..!!!!!

  18. Biden is lacking common sense. Third graders have more brains than Biden has ever shown. Biden’s actions against our great nation are many times worse than anything Trump did. It’s
    time for impeachment of Biden and his crooked team mates.

  19. Wait, wait, do you really think Biden knows half of the people he’s “appointing” or the garbage he’s signing? Someone puts a piece of paper in front of him and tells him to sign it and he probably thinks it’s the lunch order.

  20. Just read, antifa/blm “protesting” in DC, chanting if they don’t get it, they’ll burn it all down – finally they are at the RIGHT place and maybe at the RIGT time too, these so-called politicians are getting waaaaayyyyyyy TOO COCKY…..

  21. Law enforcement, local or in a geographic state, is the enemy of central government only if central government wants to impose its will through a “National Police Force” answerable only to the central government. Think Gestapo or any brand of Communist police states where law enforcement controls the enforcement. All Sheriffs, City, County and geographic states would lose authority to a Law Czar in a centralized bureaucracy.

  22. “Whether Biden will keep her now that her outrageous remarks have surfaced is the next question.”
    He’ll give her a promotion.

  23. A senile President sleepy Joe Biden State Dept. appointee, deputy spokeswoman Jalina Porter is another hate America Democrap!

  24. Biden and the democratic party is the biggest danger to America we need to remove the crazy from having a decision in this country we don’t want this way of thinking here I beg the military to step up and do what they were appointed to this country for a that is to remove this danger from our white house. Biden is unfit and unqualified to run this country. Do your job military don’t force the people to do your job because I for one am sick of this guy and would love to see him in prison or whatever!

  25. The biggest threat to America sits in the white house as a presidential impersonator….if that’s possible. And he’s a flop at that!! Every loyal American citizen can see what this guy is doing to our nation. Someone in the congress of the United States who truly loves America has got to stand up and be our real leader. We had one in Donald Trump who should be sitting in the White House doing a second term. And we need to get back to that legendary statement: In God we Trust…..He gave us this country now it’s time to take care of it.

  26. You have to be kidding! Antifa the true Fascists and the Marxist BLM groups are the enemies of the American People!

  27. I think biden & gang are out to GET EVEN with Americans bc they know they are hated by real Americans. He is in process of starting his OWN (vetted) army, police & citizens of foreigners that are dem voters, criminal thugs, diseased, druggie, zombie slaves that they think they can control easier. What other POSSIBLE reason would all the anti-American executive orders mean? Dems are very DELIBERATELY destroying the lives & even thought patterns of ANY remote opposition. What does that sound like?

  28. They need to remove Biden he is a idiot. Many of my family members protected this country and our freedom what a blow in face to our men and women it’s time as Americans stand up against Biden take back our country real idiot.

  29. she can dance around the truth and her racism these are the kind of people biden or is it harris putting in place

  30. This nothing-wit and the likes of her are working their way to more than genocide. Americans, White, Black, Brown, Red along with Yellow will be coming down on your poor discriminated asses like thunder. Just keep up with the Left and Obama’s cry of racism and divide mainly in order to control the poor Black communities with even more of empty everything Democrat.

  31. Biden and his entire administration are radical elitists and the worst enemies of the American people. So hypocritical to denounce cops and yet when the democrats want protection they call in so many! Democrats have Washington DC so barricaded and with heavy police/security presence. Wonder why they are living in fear? Hmm…


  33. Jawline Porter, the newest member of Biden team, hates the Police, their all racist even the black officers who serve and protect us! To you men and women who put that uniform on every day to protect and serve us Thank You!

  34. Proof we need one day voting, counted by hand before 10 pm on site and published by City and Counties no by SOS.

  35. If President Biden thinks people like Jalina Porter are the best he can find…..that pretty much sums up his ability to be a leader of the free world. He is third string from sure…..Just as Barack….

  36. Biden, Harris and all of those idiot Democrats in DC should be Impeached and sent to the Florida swamps to feed the snakes.

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