Tech Sgt. Vernon Young Jr. via Wikimedia Commons

ANALYSIS – With President Joe Biden struggling to take the reins of government amid numerous dangers and crises, former Secretary of Defense and four-star Marine Corps General, Jim Mattis warns that the U.S. is in danger of ‘destroying’ its democracy from within. At a talk presented by the OSS Society on Thursday, Mattis said there are “internal threats right now” to the basic underpinnings of our democracy.

In his remarks he mentioned the Capitol riots and the mushrooming $27 trillion national debt.

At one point in his talk, according to Task & Purpose, Mattis specifically, if not by name, mentioned President Trump whom he served: “What we saw on Jan. 6 fomented by a sitting president…” Accusing Trump of fomenting the riot at the Capitol is fairly similar to “inciting” the riots, which the Democrats in the House are impeaching Trump for.

However, Mattis was apparently careful not to refer to the riots as an “insurrection” as the impeachment articles charge. As I have noted previously, Trump was irresponsible in his actions and rhetoric prior to the January 6 riot, but calling it an “insurrection,” or claiming President Trump deliberately incited it, is far from reality.

Almost half of the Senate agrees and calls the impeachment bogus and unconstitutional.

Mattis adds that these “internal problems” are as dangerous as any threats America has faced in its history.:

These are internal problems that I would classify with every bit as much gravity as the external problems and perhaps more so if you go back through our history and look at what this does in other nations and what it’s done to our nation when we went through periods like this.

Mattis is spot on in his concerns over the current internal threats to the Republic.

However, while Mattis mentions the national debt, the Capitol riot and Trump, he apparently failed to mention many months of nationwide violent riots, looting, arson and property destruction aimed at our law enforcement community, radical calls to defund the police, and calls for revolution by the far left.

Nor does he note the growing danger of the ‘police state’ being proposed by some Democrats and ex-members of the intelligence community, using the Capitol riot as a pretext, that former Democrat presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard is warning of, and I wrote about here.

These are all equally, if not more serious domestic threats to the Republic, and need to be understood and managed equally. Had Mattis mentioned these other dangers, his warning would carry much more weight with the majority of Americans.

However, his comments noting that democracy is not a default form of government is also spot on.

“How many of us realize we have no ordained right to exist, that every generation has had to fight for freedom in this, what George Washington in his first inaugural called an experiment?” Mattis said, according to Task & Purpose.

He also repeated the famous quote attributed to Ben Franklin of what kind of government had been formed after the Constitutional Convention — “A republic if you can keep it.”

“We don’t hear that anymore,” Mattis said. “And we’ve got to get back to that and understand how precious this is.”

Indeed, we do, General. But to be valid, that warning must apply to all sides of the political spectrum in America. Not just one.


  1. The greatest threat to our Country from within was the Supreme Court’s doing when it failed in its responsibility to hear an election fraud case and either validate or correct the election results. Political Chief Justice Roberts is a disaster!!

    1. Evidence much? Besides, as SCOTUS ruled, it goes against federalism and basic concept of standing for Texas to butt in about how other states run their elections.

      1. The states suing other states was to prevent going to war against each other. Fight your issues in court. Also to prevent states from splitting off from the USA. Texas is a republic.

      2. Theu are controlled by the mafia all of them are! They wouldn’t even look at rhe evidence, but no matter, this is being exposed and all the evidence will be known as well as all their crimes against humanity!

    2. You can add every other federal and state court that refused to take the voter fraud cases presented to them even when they had credible evidence and/or sworn testimony of witnesses to the fraud.
      In addition to Roberts you can add the backstabbers Goresuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett, all three whom President Trump had their backs. I had heard none of them wanted to do their sworn duty to uphold the Constitution because they were afraid the evidence would overturn the vote count and they might have to make the decision, what they are on the Court to supposedly do, to allow the state legislatures to choose the electors, which the Constitution authorizes them to do.

      1. Zuckerberg paid the Judges $400 million to lose the cases. Texas knew they were cheating. Most honest people voted for President Trump The QVS figure was 81% of the Country. A World Wide record. By the way, Justice Roberts is very compromised, he was part of the Bush 9/11 disaster, and he was compromised with video evidence of raping and murdering a child. Thats how the CIA operate

    3. Robert’s screaming at the rest that a Constitutional Crisis due to Presidential Election was too serious for the SCOTUS and dangerous to “public health”…

    4. Agreed. But Mattis should take a long look in the mirror too. After all, his betrayal played a part in permitting all the insanity to happen, and giving mad joe biden the opportunity to steal control.

    SOON it will lie with those who love freedom to face the same choices under TYRANNY….WHEN TYRANNY BECOMES LAW….”III”…1776….THEN REBELLION BECOMES DUTY!!!!

  3. What does GEN Mattis think of the 60-day witch hunt within the military, imposed by SECDEF Austin, to root out the new boogyman “[white] extremism?” Is he going to be alright with it when the miltary is told to raise its’ right hand and swear allegiance to a progressive head of state, maybe #StolenPOTUS biden, but more likely #StolenVPOYUS harris?

    1. The already are worshiping the new Church of State…

      …”public health” overrules ALL Constitutional Rights

      SCOTUS actions prove it…

    2. That is my biggest worry, and everyone’s telling me the military takes an oath to protect “We the people”. Yeah right. They follow the leaders baby. Just like the gestapos followed Hitler. Do they have a choice? I’m not an informed army person. I’m a 64 yr. old grandmother who feels the army will eventually do the bidding of the disgusting powers that be. God help us.

      1. If the officer corps can be convinced that the conservative American is a terrorist (or a terrorist waiting to be unleashed), then the military will indeed turn on its own countrymen and do the bidding of the leftist elites.

  4. It does not take a General to see the shape of this Country is in and who brought it a head with the BS that has been pushed the last 4 years. A President who pushed a total lie about the upcoming 2020 election and after the election furthering the lie, when the fact is if there is wrong doing you do not go to a court you go to law enforcement to investigate it and Trump knew there was nothing to find, but thought that the Conservative packed courts would decide in his favor, but the law says a court can not take a case, which has not been investigated by law enforcement.

    1. If you truly want to see proof watch this video. Absolute Proof ( The FBI was notified long before this election that this could happen and Comey did nothing.

    2. Yea. Trump had 75 percent of the vote at least. Stolen fraudulent election. Mattis is a NWO Satanic stooge. Hope he enjoys all the shekels. Eternity is a long time.

    3. Hope you enjoy being told what eat, think, drive, buy, mandated vaccine that’s not been around long enough for us to know what the later side effects will be. 3 eyed babies with 4 arms. Good luck buddy!! Thalidomide babies anyone? The U.K.. decades ago. All were born deformed because of a vaccine given to pregnant women. Wake the **** up!!!!

  5. The greatest threat to our country is the demonrat party and those that believe only they have the right to hold power in this country.

  6. The greatest threat to this democratic republic is the ignorance of the people in how our government functions and law makers taking advantage of that ignorance. The federal government routinely oversteps the enumerated authority granted by the Constitution; elected officials are complicit in allowing that to happen. The supreme court was never intended to make law; they are supposed interpret the Constitution and remain neutral court . The comments made by “Mad Dog” prove he has become an active swamp dweller. There was a time when members of the military could be held accountable for dabbling in politics; especially when insulting the commander in chief

  7. YOU MATTIS are one of the ones who worked to destroy America from within so you have no room to talk; in fact, you are ill-respected these days.

  8. The SCOTUS and other judges who refused to hear anything about finding on election fraud/problems were all at fault and a travesty of justice! All republicans and democrats should view this video documentary. ABSOLUTE PROOF. It proves without a shadow of a doubt the unscrupulous dealings that went on before Nov. 3rd and afterwards. It is very long, but well worth viewing for it outlines much, especially the ending with the graphs on voting machines from all over the world. Truly an eye opener for everyone -regardless of political denomination.


  10.  “As I have noted previously, Trump was irresponsible in his actions and rhetoric prior to the January 6 riot, “
    I disagree with you and essentially you are putting yourself in the same group as Mattis and the Deep State. Anti Trump. What on earth do you think Pres Trump said that was wrong or inciting?

  11. It has been destroyed lapdog and you were one of the traitors that has destroyed it! You sir should be sitting in GITMO at this very moment awaiting execution for your treason!

  12. I could care less about what Mattis thinks. He was, and still is, a proponent of the corrupt Military Industrial complex. And he most likely is still working for them. He disliked President Trump because he wanted us out of military action that was not a threat to us. Most officers over the E6 rank want war and conflict. War and military conflict advances promotions.

  13. I always look forward to Mr. Crespo’s analysis. In this article, he points out the need to make clear that Gen. Mattis’ “… warning must apply to all sides of the political spectrum in America. Not just one.”

  14. SCOTUS’ decision to ignore Evidence of Election Fraud much like driving past a woman with a couple of small children and a disabled car with a flat tire on a Cold Day in Winter, kind of a “Not my Problem” attitude however much more serious for the Country, Allowing the Present Shadow Government to install a puppet they could Heap the “Blame” upon if the situation called for such an Action, A “Scapegoat” of sorts. Following the Money in this Instance might prove “Fruitful” if there’s a Trail and there should be with Democrat Congresswomen paying Voters to steal their “Vote”

  15. Do NOT believe that he should have said what he did of the capitol, since it is ALL but clear NOW that our President at the time “had NOHING to do with that part of it”…I still believe that it was staged by a few to make sure that President Trump could be charged and not come back to haunt them at a later date…..
    Mattis is NOT fond of Trump, we all know that, but for him to say that he believed it happened like he did, is WAY out of ORDER………

  16. President Trump thought they would release the documents after he declassified, he thought that he would be found innocent because it was a “Russian Hoax”…

    …he thought the Mueller report cleared him and the Durham report would present evidence of non-predicated spying on political opponents

    He probably thought there were more than just a few honest Republicans…

    1. Yes…I think if Trump had a weakness….it was his miscalculation of how wide and deep the swamp was…and treacherous….I think he just thought that he just needed to keep his head down and keeping working to “Make America Great Again” ….and everything would work out okay…we were prewarned….Piglosi did say ” Trump will see never see a second term”…..but once again..we miscalculated their treachery….when will we ever learn….

  17. Mattis, take also from a real General McCarthur.
    “Old soldiers never die. They just float away” .
    You are a disgrace to your uniform.if you didn’t support the Commander in Chief, you should have resigned.

  18. All of the journalists today are one of the biggest threats to our Country. Lies of omission are still lies. There are no more great journalists, just compromised journalists (whether they take brides, are being blackmailed or just plain stupid). They have lied about Trump, The Wuhan Virus, Sex/human trafficking, child pornography, and the election to just name a few. Too bad for our Country that we have such crappy democrats in this world.

  19. So far, Democrat + Rino & Supreme court support voter fraud president Biden to destroy America & harm American

  20. Gen. Mattis is clearly part of the swamp, unfortunately. The swamp has a way of snagging even the least suspect of succumbing to the globalist agenda…and Gen Mattis is a clear example. Very sad. He simply doesn’t know what he doesn’t know; OR he is one of the blind who refuses to wake up and see who and where the domestic marxists really are in the US political establishment. OR, God forbid, he is really one of them.

  21. easy solution to problems facing our nation, FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION, don’t over ride the law of the land.

  22. Biden led by Obama is the one that is dangerous! He is running in a third term! That incompetent fool is doing what that lowdown snake Obama is telling him! This will be exposed and stopped they will not get away with this!

  23. Pedo Joe and the Ho will do everything thing they can to DESTROY America before the 2022 Election. Once Demcraps enthrone the Ho America is DOOMED. They will steal the Rights of Americans starting v with the Second then the First rapidly followed by the rest before she would have to run in 2024.

  24. Having served under mad dog I can and will vouch for his love of America and his dedication to keep America safe. That being said, people NEED to stop all the political party bull***t and do some actual research into who’s running things now and step back and look at where America is going to be in 4 years… Do you support the socialist Republic of America???

  25. It doesn’t take a genius to tell us that. I’m seeing it slowly happen more day by day since Biden took office. Whoever voted for Biden sold this country down the drain. Hope they know that. The only thing they can try to do to save us is vote all RED in 2022. Otherwise, we are doomed.

  26. Hey, Mattis you little screwball since when do you get excited about our country now that the communist are in control. I have NO respect for you.

  27. No sorry General Mattis, you forgot to mention how the Cabal are handing China Americas security and soul. If it wasnt for President Trump, you would all be in a horrible mess because China had infiltrated America across the board. You dont mention the Biden /DemonicRATS pedophilia (and some republicans) or the riots that occurred across the Country wiht approval from Politicians or the years of pilfering by Democrats . We cabn all thank President trump for exposing corruption

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