Riverside, CA

Daniel Orth via Flickr

Cases of coronavirus have surged in the city with over 2,000 Covid-19 related deaths, despite draconian lockdown measures that have largely left residents at home since Dec. 6. Recently these measures were expanded indefinitely. Such decrees, among other things, helped ensure 61% of moves in Riverside were out of the city in 2020.


  1. Let’s hope/pry that the soon-to-be transplants do NOT bring their prior liberal wishes and voting patterns with them, or they will just turn more states into what they are fleeing.

    1. Transplants have been wrecking states for years. Virginia did not have a sales tax until 1966. A lib governor and move-ins from NY and other states into northern Virginia brought the sales tax with them. Now, the state has an abortionist whigger governor and cities like Richmond are a mess.

      1. There is a longer story attached to the VA problems. VA in todays world is two states, with the largest population in Fairfax County and surrounding area. It borders of all things Washington, DC, The residents virtually all work in DC, with many Government UNION employees. They owe their soul to the Democrat party. So no, NY residents did not move in to Northern VA and bring all that with them, Union employees did. But, you could say a NY resident is responsible. FDR allowed that to happen, even though he knew it was wrong..

    2. Instead of a C19 test. A test should be developed to test for the Liberal virus. If they test + then they go back to where they came from.

    3. Agreed. They already have the scalps of Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, and Virginia on their meat pole. Arizona and Georgia are in danger of joining these.

      1. My sister and her family moved to Denver 35 years ago and now are all seriously moving because liberals have ruined the state

  2. I surely hope they do not bring there liberal ways to Texas they will not be welcomed only a few communities have liberal ways and they have turned into shit holes

    1. Look what just happened in Georgia. A black wife beater and a snowflake just got elected to the US Senate. Remember the movie “Animal House” toward the end, where the troublemakers wound up being elected to Congress????

    2. New Mexico is a Democrap state as lots of illegal and gangs want FREE STUFF and run wild without law enforcement. BACK THE BLUE.

      1. And now have lost 😡 over 100! Thousand oil related jobs due to Biden shutting down the pipeline—- so now the snake has bite them — Sad 😢

      2. They are the ” Biggest Gang in America ” you call them to help you and they end up breaking down your door and shooting you or 1 of your Children .

    1. Burial insurance would be better! Dead animal pit at each city dump would be a nice fit for many of them. I hate to disrespect the animals in it by throwing the democraps in. Or leave them out for the vultures, wild pigs and coyotes as they need to eat too. Hope they don’t make the animals sick?

  3. They (Californian’s) are all fleeing to Texas and want to turn that state into California by voting Dem’s into office. I feel sorry for Texas.

  4. All those disallousioined Dem cities are welkcome in Tennessee, with no state income tax and reasonable city nd county taxes, a wonderful sunny South climate. JUST COME WITHOUT THE VOTING RECORDS THAT CAUSED YOUR CITIES TO BE LIKE THEY ARE ALL WELL RUN CITIES ARE REP. RUN CITIES

  5. It’s not the number who leave ,it’s the demographics of those leaving.
    Average age is 34 to 55 , they are the entrepreneurs, community leaders , lost board leadership to non profits.
    Job creator , capital creators all gone.
    Many years ago 40,000 middle class Blacks left DC . The demographic vacuum never refilled, schools suffered because the voices of advocates for children left

    1. Prescott Az. is horrible! High taxes, no water, crime every where…please don’t move here! Ready to sell and move to S. Dakota.

  6. They need to stay the he out of Florida and take there left wing politics to another Democratic state.

  7. I just can’t believe the dishonest Republicans that betrayed our President and started backing the Democrats and the house speaker who has lost her mind because someone broke into her room . What is she hiding , she is insane. The president has two weeks left for Gods sake.

  8. Riverside county is not Riverside city so far I’m not in the corrupt city and hope to remain as such. Commiefornia wants to recall that idiot son-in-law of The corrupt Nancy. Don’t know if we can shake these communists in Commiefornia but a recall is on. If we get another RINO like Arnold it won’t make any difference. Red China Joe is a agent of communist China so as it stands now the US is finished.

  9. Yesterday, they were fleeing because of taxation and abuse of office by their governors. Today, they are fleeing because they are AFRAID of the “new rule”. They likely would leave the country if they could!

  10. While no one can really blame them, the problem is they then proceed to vote the same ie democrat in their new, adopted homes. Then down the road they’ll wonder why these locales turned into the same cesspools as the ones they left.

  11. I wonder when the Hitler party “democrats ” are going to wake up and see the people that pay taxes and follow the laws don’t want to live under their terroristic ran cities, what we need to do is send all democrats to live in democrat ran locations and the rest of us can live where the world still makes sense. Of course not all places are perfect take utah we have the Mormon church and they have their hands deep in the state politics and they shouldn’t, they don’t pay taxes and they aren’t the law so why do they have a say in the laws here? So we can only choose from what the less of two evils is just like the presidency we can only pick from what is in front of us and I pray all you biden supporters and election cheaters are disappointed in yourselves because I am disappointed in you

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